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This is the 2nd installment of Matt’s Spanish Civil War Series, following up on episode #784 from November. Check that one out to begin and/or refresh yourself on the series:


Crisis strikes SPAIN’S 2ND REPUBLIC! As the various anarchist and socialist groups attempt to prevent fascism taking root in Spain, a tenuous POPULAR FRONT government is created. The forces of reaction - the Carlists, Catholic nationalists, disgruntled bourgeois, and the newly formed CEDA party - gather power, so do the COMMUNISTS, guided by the only workers party anywhere in the world to achieve state power - the mighty SOVIET UNION. Soon, the two forces will clash in a prelude to the greater conflict during the ‘34 ASTURIAN UPRISING. All the while, a cadre of REACTIONARY OFFICERS waits in the wings, waiting for their time to strike…

Special thanks to Travis from the (great) band Activity for the Spanish Bombs cover that anchors this ep. Check out their latest release here: https://activity.bandcamp.com/album/spirit-in-the-room

The first 3 episodes of this series were recorded before Matt's incident in September. So while these are new episodes, Matt is still recovering and working towards being able to complete recording the series.



Robert Sayre

hoping he's doing well. "Estat" isn't too tough, it's just "estate" in English, but it means what we would think of as "state". So "United States" is "Estats Units" in Catalan, "Estados Unidos" in Spanish, or "États-Unis" in French. Once you notice they're all pretty similar, it's easy.


where’s thursdays episode of chapo? or is this it


It’s nice that the boys feel so untethered to responsibility. Good for them.

Reece Coren

our king!!!! hope ambers taking good care of him ❤️

gormless scum

id pay to hear him shout “hooting swine”



Sure, he's done some bad stuff, but I don't think you can blame him for anything that happened during the Spanish Civil War


The hogs are bristling with unsated slop-want


I read "The Spanish Labyrinth" recently and this has done more to clarify the timeline than that entire tome.