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Kath sits in today as we celebrate Sen. Fetterman’s son’s birthday, figure out if the Malaysian government has compromised a certain poster to a permanent end, and use state-of-the-art AI humanoids to test determine if we’re fit enough for jobs at Olive Garden. Then, the financial advice columnist who got scammed for $50k, and Will & Kath debate the merits of various “Girlfriend Tests”.




First and foremost


I know what I’m listening to on my commute in the morning ❤️ love ya bois


Time for nachos


Fourth and foremost


I hear tell it's Morbin Time again


Goood mornin'!


Damn I’m so depressed 😢. The doctor prescribed Eretz Israel… you wouldn’t stand in the way of my mental health journey would you? 🥺🥺


I’ve been loving Will on Hasanabi’s stream! I found the boys because of him and would’ve been a Pod John listener for longer than I’d like to admit if I hadn’t so thanks for the crossover and keep em coming!!


This will be top billed for the road trip tomorrow!


I work in retail. Half the training videos are some offshore sweatshop animation slop


I did the Darden personality test

Jonathan Nathan

Very nasty hater and loser Felix Biederman slanders Borderlands! Pathetic!

Declan Kennedy

Dr William Hackenbush mocking someone for sister love, I guess the Call of Cthulhu episodes weren't canon after all


lsome much needed levity from this episode, loved it. I ended the trillbillies podcast laughing whilst abject dread consumed me, so thx for this


About 20 years ago I applied for a seasonal job at Toys R' Us and I had to fill out a 150-question True or False personality test ('True or False: I Get Angry With People'). The question that ultimately stumped me: True or False: I Like Little Boys.


I don't have to ask my bf what he's thinking about because it's invariably the newest installment in the ryu ga gotoku game series


Why do they all hang out with Adam? I can’t even listen to that creep fr more than a few minutes

Steven Hedley

Kathrine is the best semi-frequent guest host

Tristan Clark

Listening to the scam story just has me wondering how Jason Statham and the other Beekeepers can let this injustice stand.

Alexander Patterson

Malaysian authorities carrying out an Ong Bak punishment by dumping Ian into a crocodile pit. Very cool.

Scot Forsythe

Cool hand Chris on the edit—follow the leader!;)


i can't find this milei valentines pic, anyone got a link?


I passed the ultimate girlfriend test recently by remembering about 20 minutes worth of Dark Souls lore! If you want your man to peel an orange ladies you have to remember guys with names like The Slathering Bishop or the Fruitful Cretin.

Adam Foster

good news Will: Malaysia still has the death penalty the woke ideology hasn’t won then over just yet 🥳

Bryan Jennings

Even with all the depressing, heart rending horrors the show has talked about in the past few months, Will reading about the peeled orange test and saying "a cutie for my cutie" was the moment my soul came closest to touching the void.


If I had to guess it's probably because he's funny and he's their friend.

Eric Murphy

I'm sure the ai would never use these results to weed out any potential union sympathizers or other "trouble makers"


Satanic blasphemy? Could be. But the specific name for Marky Mark’s mortal sin (the app-related one anyway) is simony.


I remember it was over the Witcher 3 having no black people that turn him into an anti sjw


I too met an annoying Malaysian on an early 2000s gaming forum. He ended up getting tricked into cybering the Singaporean narcissist, then became the CFO of a well known silicon valley company who never shuts up about YIMBY shit.

Marc Silverstein

Steve Spitz was not interested in that "israeli" lady


Gonna be real Katrine is a great 3rd mic while Matt is recovering. Also be kinda sad not to see her much once he’s back. Can we have a Kathrine and Amber revolving mic ?


Malaysia still has death penalty but it's up to the courts discretion. So we can dream


Please God give Kath the fourth mic she’s a natural talent!!

Doug Cartel

IMC was in zoolander


This one is not showing up in my RSS feed in podcast app. Anyone else having this issue?


Horror jinn franchise?? Bruh never heard of the Wishmaster movies im guessing they already exist and they kick ass

Doug Cartel



I had a call from scammers claiming that a stolen credit card under my name was being used to do some crimes, and I had to hand over my savings to avoid being arrested. It was very convincing until they told me to convert everything in my bank to Bitcoin.


Halo app was created by a guy named Alex Jones, but not that Alex Jones


Loved when the producers set up Steve with the IDF vet and he was not into it


Omfg! I also missed a call from my doctor for that exact reason! Leave a clear voicemail you fuckin freaks. Also, I assume any scam caller has a 50% chance of reaching Will while he's extremely high/disassociating making him a very soft target.


Since I assume the Chapo elite have not applied for a job in many years. None of that is ai related(except to generate the images). It is just a standard personality test but with animation. I assume the use of pictures is to remove the need to translate questions between languages. Ok yea. Big 5 personality test. Complete scam. It is astrology for management. In fact I'd prefer astrology.


My mic: guest My vocals: fried My kruegers: kathetered


It won't. Because it is not ai, just ai generated images from the personality test prompt. I would welcome ai interview since it would help people understand that you can't lie to a corporation any more than you can lie to a computer or water wheel or other machine.


someone help please if i cant find this rockabilly lion pic im going to end it all

Joseph Siko

How DARE Felix call borderlands a forgettable game... One of the most beloved modern shooters for some of us


Anyone know why Matt’s Spanish civil war podcast stopped after one episode?

Nathan Explosion

shit i failed that test by phone at Borders in 2005

Smooth Shrek

I like Katherine and Amber eps a lot. Keep ‘em coming


I think that was recorded before the medical crisis and it's as far as they got

Kenny Hedges

Tobe Hooper's last film was Djinn-centric. And there's Wishmaster.

Chris Dobson

"If you meet Buddha on the road, peel him an orange..."


Yes, what a treat! Its a Felix saying “alien” episode.


Adam Friedland: Babe will you peel thus urange? Felix: Yes m'lady(as he unleashes the tanto in a flurry).


Katherine episodes are great. Midwestern excellence

will michel

fetterman saying karl with a k makes it sound like he has two sons named carl and karl


where is this rockabilly lion and why can’t i find it


As a Saudi myself, I find y’all hilarious. I love it when you talk about Saudi Arabia, and so do my friends.

will michel

also i got a bunch of calls from different guys in india claiming to be at&t needing more information for an internet install that i had actually put in a request for, but they spoke basically no english and wanted my social security number over the phone (at which point i obviously told them to fuck off) but i guess they were actually from at&t cause i still have a $280 bill that went to collections that to this day i refuse to pay

Colin S

Was at Bonnaroo in 2006 and a Hasidic guy came into our camp and of my 4 cousins asked the guy with the largest nose if he wanted to come to the Matisyahu after party.


Banger slop thank u chris


As a Karl with a K I can assure you we're not all aspiring SS members. Karl Marx had real tankie vibes back in the day

Jordan Velasco

Valentines day is a perfect example of why this country shouldn't have a female president.


“When I was in the third grade, I thought that I was gay”


Naming your kid Karl in 2009 is undoubtedly cool. A million times better than Brayden or Tanner or whatever.

Leonardo Restrepo

At least with astrology you have some interest in the movement of Astral bodies through the cosmos. The big 5 is less reliable than making decisions using paper fortunes.

Reece Coren

love this podcast slowly being taken over by your girlfriends make them permanent hosts 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


At 5:45 “Argentine” is correct, nothing more annoying than someone who corrects others incorrectly


He’s definitely not funny. He’s riding coattails and genuinely still says gross shit.


Felix has been breaking those boxes down for a while huh

Meadow Green

All woman Chapo when


OH my god katherine’s point about SH training reminds me that i once had to do training that had videos with david schwimmer in them

Brendan Kneeland

“Kylie Cockring” was brilliant, Chris

Gay Adam

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!


Kath should consider starting a pod. Love the Kath eps.


long time listener first time caller Is there a compendium of Felix’s rifts/advice on elden ring

Ryan Johnson

To this day, people confuse Ian Miles Cheong with Arthur Chu. Which is funny in its own way


The blue alien dehumanization also comes from the instinct to lie to get a good score on the personality test. You can't actually answer honestly, everyone knows that. Instead you have to construct a fake personality to be represented by the alien. Dehumanization AND depersonalization!


Bowls came first


@chris episodes need to come with a PowerPoint of visuals. Such as: Milei's valentine Post, humanoid blue guys


Healthcare workers often do not leave messages because disclosure of info, sensitive or not, could violate privacy and HIPAA.


Lmao, of course Bowman was a principal, a “Hip Hop Task Force” is exactly the idea your principal that “really gets these kids” would do.


The real point of the blue alien test is measuring your willingness to endure an absurd and demeaning ordeal for little to no reward, which is actually a crucial skill for working at Darden restaurants.


Not good enough, I want the world's first scratch and sniff podcast

Gordon Schmidt

Honestly MBS might be asexual. It adds up


Really weird to go behind the music on Will and Katherine’s home life


Didn't you guys have the author of that Aziz Ansari article on as a guest not that long ago lol

um yikes

Felix said flossing is awesome... it's never been a better time to get into ironic flossing

Christopher Price

they had an "April fools" EP that was Kath, Molly and Amber Rollo in 2022 that was one of the best of the year.


The sexual tension between will and felix was almost to much this episode


Felix's can Crack is the podcast equivalent of lil Wayne sparking a lighter at the start of a song

Fat Cobra

I finally understand why I'm single, the fucking ketchup bottle.... fuck me


Why i left the left was Felix's Borderlands take


Shame this came out before it was announced YSLs defense attorney got arrested. Hope they bring it up next time


No way, the art style, game loop, unique humor. Game is S Tier in impact on the industry

calvin kilby

I ordered the Taliban shoes. Can confirm they hit you up multiple times a week if you leave an item in the cart. They're good shoes tho.

Michael Polacheck

A cool use of AI here: https://youtu.be/GtZg-LY-5Uo?si=G-P6YtRTK6ddpWDc


799 - Swag on Loan From God feat. Chris Robbins & Katie Way (1/18/24) Katie Way is the author of the babe.net article about aziz. Unless it was a different Katie way


How tf did they talk the scam story and bring up that she’s a “freelancer” with a lot of savings but not mention that the author is part of the Cowles branch of the Roosevelt family!!!

Mark Patsy

The ketchup test is actually a test of which women are narcissists and which women are emotionally mature enough for an adult relationship


Steve's moment when he correctly guessed the boat was a Volvo from how it drives is gold. Connor from season 2 is our all time fave !


love when chris talks about his job. happiest sounding man in the industry


BF test is “do you want to watch JFK?”


Whos this broad yapping on the ep? She needs to shush


Im done. Matt needs to grow a new heart on a rat or something. This is garbage


Just to be clear, Malaysia does still have the death penalty, it's just not mandatory anymore and can only be used as a sentence at the judges discretion


So MBS is gonna remake The Wishmaster.


In the newest season of love on the spectrum there is an episode where they set sweet, sweet Steve up on a date with an extremely horny and aggressive former IDF solider. So look forward to that

I am become reply guy

Katherine’s striking insight into the nature of those employment tests reminded me so much of Matt. I miss getting those moments of clarity.


As a gay man I can confirm mom's pull the same shit with the "what are you hungry for or want for dinner?" Also for a second got excited that Felix was swearing off women and then he finished the thought. 💔 😥 😔 😟


Hunts is for cunts


Felix’s boyfriend test is basically Phantom Thread

Kevin Spicer

Besides bezelzebub, Satan I think could be described as a demon, although he was an angel too, he does not argue rationally, but through the manipulation of empty images. Moloch is the eater of children, made fierce by despair. Then there is belial, a sensualist incapable of reason, timorous and slothful yet he pleases the ear and then there is mammmon the God of riches, who can not find any good outside of itself, pure vanity.

Kevin Spicer

Paradise lost has an awesome seen where the demons are all in counsel about how to wage war against heaven, it slaps.

Kevin Spicer

I'm def a belial kind of guy


I can't even understand what the fuck y'all saying half the time and I checked the box saying it's fine to talk about my pretzel balls in a message anyway. Thanks for all you do.


This? Uhh no I'm just reeeaaally into healthy gums and teeth. Pfft.


Yall aint washin yo nozzles properly


Culturally a desire for a "clean" ketchup bottle stems from chauvanism and an affinity for both misogyny, anti Blackness, and pedophilia.


Back shots at the tried and true food cart.

Mark Patsy

I meant the squirting it on the counter and telling the man to clean it up, but yeah

bruce moment

I bought the Taliban shoes Felix they are complete pieces of shit that are impossibly uncomfortable to wear. Also my cat threw up on them. 0/10


A comment that was left on The Cut scam piece: “The whole lead-in about how she's not like the poor, stupid, lonely people she imagines to be easily scammed had a certain je ne sais quoi that I instantly clocked as the mutterings of an effete, inbred child of rich people - and my ability to clock that sort of thing from the get is one of the few things I like about myself. Her husband works for a non-profit, she's 39, but they live in a $4 million dollar house in Prospect Heights? She's related to the Roosevelts? Ivy league is a given, but she feels the need to highlight it on her personal site? A child named Ripley?This whole thing is just another rearranging deck chairs on the titanic of increasingly hubristic, insulated failsons and faildaughters are discovering the otherwise object permanence level of obvious lessons the rest of us understand. You think Amazon will white glove you over to the CIA in a few minutes? Tell me you don't do your taxes without telling me you don't do your taxes. This person is so uncalibrated in their ability to navigate the world that their ability to generalize any intellectual output for anyone other than her similarly 0.1% situated friends is completely shot. Let her go be on the board of a do-nothing charity, this game is up.”


My favorite bit from the most recent harassment training I had to do was that 72% of people surveyed were not satisfied with HR’s treatment of their complaints. It’s like they’re rubbing our learned helplessness in our faces!

Joe Peterson

Here for the Griselda shout out


Re: telecoms, I’ve gotten *four* emails from Friends of the Earth in the last 24 hours about orcas and how I can somehow help them by donating $27 (??). They sent two an hour apart. All the useful emails like “here are your blood test results” are getting buried


Yes the garbage you pretend to be on instagram while taking antibiotics for a cough

Agent Grange

"Christians don't have as good mythology or as many characters as djinn and Islam." Ughh, okay??? Felix has clearly never watched Hasben Hotel or Helluva Boss. Embarrassing.

Ryan Gullage

I was worried you’d died when Jonathan Saffron Phoer wrote that MFA study of your work. Good to know you’re alive and well.


The girlfriend test is opening their car passenger side door for them, and seeing if they just sit there or then reach over to unlock/open yours. From the 1993 movie “A Bronx Tale”


cochran dicker

Rohmer Simpson

Pretty funny variation on the Girlfriend (or Boyfriend etc) Test on SUCCESSION - the episode where various GOP presidential aspirants are courting Logan's endorsement, and at one point he phones one of them in the middle of the night and goes "Bring me a Coke, will you?" and when the guy, half-asleep, goes "Whaa?" he immediately responds "Ah nevermind. Go back to sleep." The one prospect who brings him a Coke is the Justin Kirk character - the avowed and also lean & hungry fascist who eventually clinches the nomination and wins in the General. I had my reservations about the final season - Kendall's fate seemed a little neat imo - but reflecting on it, it's a nasty piece of work. The patriarch succumbs to the stress of trying to broker a deal with basically Elon Musk; Tom and Shiv's loveless marriage is kept on life support as Tom agrees to a figurehead CEO position; the one really bracing moment of grieving (Roman's, at the memorial service) is turned into a viral meme within minutes.



Boaz Corey

Archaeologist here. Just wanted to let Kath know that in fact, prehistoric conservatives used plates and progressives ate from bowls.

natfos 💌

Chris is always the voice of reason lol


The couple named by Preston Sturges, apparently, at the end...


A Griselda shoutout. Nice! May I interest you in some Mach-Hommy?


any mustard that isnt French's is disgusting

Sela Lewis

TBF to Jamaal Bowman, he’s been pretty consistent about protecting hip hop as a place for free speech. He came out against the prosecution of YSL in Atlanta. It seems silly, but he sounds like a hip-hop head who got it right and is now trying to bring people in.


Are those police boats?


the best place to get taliban shoes is from this guy @servischeetah on twitter. i’ve bought rugs from him & they got here from pakistan in less than 2 weeks