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We’re joined by Christopher Robbins and Katie Way of Hell Gate NYC to discuss their site’s massive new feature on New York Mayor Eric Adams. “The Table of Success” interactive introduces us to and shows the connections between the wide away of shady professional and business associations, family members, and other goons in the orbit of the A #1 King of New York. We discuss these various figures, as well as Mr. Mayor’s ongoing corruption scandals and his messianic vision for his reshaping of NYC.

Check out the Table of Success here: https://tableofsuccess.hellgatenyc.com/

Hell Gate’s main site: hellgatenyc.com

Hell Gate’s subscription page: hellgatenyc.com/products



Bob Johnson

Uncle Phil, you’ve got to kick that man’s BUTT Eric Adams: Philip Banks, you should kick my butt Philip Banks, kick the man’s butt-butt-butt


As someone who does not live in NYC, i could not care less about eric adams.

James Roche

Vocal fry like this takes me back to the days when the Red Scare hosts would pop up on pods. I do not miss those days.


will never forget when i walked into the brooklyn central library without knowing they were doing the jay-z exhibit and was shocked that there were just grammys in the fiction section

Brett Anders

Hell Gate + Chapo should be monthly

The Children of Jack Acid

They should have put an image of a younger Jay-Z in front of the Shakespeare aisle looking all serious, but with a little bit of a wry smile too, with a caption beneath it saying "Have a BARD Knock Life."

Ryan Gullage

This Eric Adams is lord of a lost civilization. Nobody cares. Move out of the sticks, Matt.

Mark Schneider

Impressed that Rod knows who Canneti is-- disappointed that he remains stupid & frightened & weak.


Are there any good people from New York?