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We're joined by Civil War historian Matt Karp to take a closer look at the, uh, Civil War. We discuss its causes, the course of the war, how it shaped the Republic, and, of course, do a "who are your guys" for Civil War generals.




I'd love monthly book recommendations from Matt! I started reading Voltaire's Bastards because Matt mentioned it and I am thoroughly enjoying it.

Jason Matthews

I know this carries zero weight, coming from a stranger, and not a beloved history influencer, but I recommend New Dark Age by James Bridle, for the month of our Lord 1/2024.

Boaz Corey

Matt Karpman

Burlack Sapp

Matt at 53:42 🥰🥰🥰🥰

The Children of Jack Acid

As of this moment, 1/16/2024, the exact same number of people hearted Bonus 1 as hearted Bonus 2 (94 people). I guess that makes a lot of sense, since they were released on the same day and have the same fanbase. But it's still kind of weirding me out. It'd be like if the percentage of men who say they only have sex with men and the percentage of men who consider themselves gay were both exactly 1.67%.

Luke Metzler

Incredible episode! Great insight and great rapport. Please keep getting better, Matt!