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Cleveland - Harrison - Cleveland - McKinley

Let's link and gild, fam.



Mark Schneider

I used to teach high school history professionally. I had to cover this period rather quickly as the curriculum started in the Gilded Age. This ep taught me how good the 2nd Harrison was, which I somehow glossed over at the time. I did know that Cleveland was a suck-up to oligarchs so at least covered that. Oh, yeah, if Mitt Romney listened to this ep & heard about the start of Corporate Personhood, I bet he'd get a sympathetic stiffy.

Scot Forsythe

It’s the friendly otter!❤️


To be fair to McKinley/Roosevelt, I think this was still sorta the “Breakfast, Dinner, Supper” era of American English, so maybe a ‘dinner pail’ makes sense, idk

Christopher Price

have you read Ragtime? it was the breakfast, elevenses, lunch, tea, dinner, supper era of the bougie American diet. then Taft was elected and that shamed the American upper class to go on a diet.