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Radio War Nerd’s Mark Ames joins us to discuss his takes on propaganda efforts around the war in Gaza and generational changes in opinions on Israel and Zionism. Then, Mark relays his personal experiences with, and work reporting on, an astounding story of domestic spying and espionage by the ADL in support of such entities as apartheid South Africa. Finally, we look at the IDF’s effort to publicize their special post-mortem semen retrieval unit.

Find all things Radio War Nerd at: https://www.patreon.com/radiowarnerd

Read Mark's account of the ADL spy ring here: https://psmag.com/news/kings-garbage-76228







George Mitri

Yaaaaas! Mark Ames rules.






real mf zionists like this message 👇👇👇👇


Double penis


Glad to live in a world where I can say "hey have you guys seen that israeli cum extraction video?"


whenever Amber's not on the podcast, all the other characters should be asking, "where's Amber?"


Nerd of war 🤓🪖👷‍♂️

Cade Glenn

If we don’t extract their cum, then who will?

Mike Loudin




Harry P. Ness

IDF Astartes must recover gene seed for the survival of their Chapter

Erik Bourre

HOT SLOP COMIN THROUGH. (no but seriously thanks for the in depth reporting u guyz.)

Tristan Clark

Just in time to do the dishes. Cheers!


Just finished John Dolan's Iliad. I'd never read it before his version and it was so good.

Andrew Cross

‘Extraction 3’ but the plot is about getting a dead IDF guy’s nut within 6 hours


Thinking about the Israeli version of M.A.S.H. where Hawkeye and Trapper John switch between pathos and jokes while jerking off their patients.

Lesley Anne Noelle

It’s a genocide, I lived there, briefly, but I am gonna die because nobody will give me my pain medication, ugh, it’s my horrifying family, but I recommend, in excruciating pain, after a seizure, please see : Messiah Mode, by David Sheen, and Tony Greenstein or ie, who wrote a book called The Zionists During the Holocaust. Both are fascinating, even after you know the history, about just how criminals and gangsters actually created Israel. #FreePalestine ❤️🇵🇸❤️

Lesley Anne Noelle

Israel refused the Jews from Argentina, btw, during the Falklands attack era, that regime killed three thousand jews, and yes, South Africa was a great buddy!


J. R. Brandon is... The Super Duper

Lesley Anne Noelle

—they didn’t BOMB the indigenous African people of South Africa. Israel was worse—-!!!

Lesley Anne Noelle

I’m trying to drink, but I actually juuuust need my brain safe pain medication.

Lesley Anne Noelle

I was slow, too…not THAT slow, but, just teasing him…


Bang fucking bang the Mighty Fall

Lesley Anne Noelle

Tom Clueseau (🤣.,,,i should have been evil they’re HAPPIER people, vs being sincere, smart, but disabled!)

Lesley Anne Noelle

Treason is an elastic word, like, say, genocide…


Mark Ames is so good and so funny

Matt Crossin

Unsure why anyone buys the idea that bad propaganda is done on purpose to make you feel powerless. Pretty stupid explanation.

Lesley Anne Noelle

Jewish sperm, my new business if I were smart …!!

Franklin Shepard Inc.

"In the criminal apartheid system, genetically/ethnically based offenses are considered especially heinous. In Tel-Aviv, the dedicated corpse-jerkers who investigate these vicious felonies (to completion) are members of an elite squad known as the Sperm Retrieval Unit. These are their stories."

Jonathan lees

Another old guy who gets his news you guys are fucking lucky

4 Skins

I ❤️ corpse cum

calvin kilby

This is like how they retrieve Geneseed from dead space marines in Warhammer 40K

Kenneth Smith

Love mark good move having him on

Gordon Schmidt

Mark's story of becoming disillusioned with Israel by actually visiting the country is interesting. You know who else was turned away from Zionism by their experiences visiting Israel? Adam Friedland


getting head from a girl with braces call that the Iron Dome - Adam Friedland

Pasta va Zull

Israel has a sperm jacking unit? I can't wait until Law and Order SVU has a crossover episode with the SJU


good ep but it's got me wondering, where's Amber


In Austria the zionists got it locked down tight. The head representative of the Jewish community in Austria laid it out on October 11. if you put the massacre of 7. in context you are an antisemite. That’s a quote! He is in talks to have“from the river to the sea“ charged as a criminal offense.(probably won’t succeed) In the universities you have professors denouncing students and the Jewish college students union report people for showing any signs of solidarity. I have many friends who are artists or actors. Some got their gigs canceled. One got her yearlong exhibition canceled for posting a guardian article about Palestine. Yet I get the sense that the only people who are still Israel is right, are „intellectual“ liberals, a few conservatives over 60.

Sarah Giles

I love that one ADL informant' s origin story [freeze frame] " I always wanted to be a rat-snitch" [rags to riches horn sting]

Equality State Of Mind

Postmortem semen retrieval unit? THIS IS THE STUPIDEST TIMELINE! That better be a joke, fellas.....


"Smile" by the Fall has the most evil riff ever

C. Ries

Saving the gonads of fallen soldiers so that their “virile” (you died, loser!) gametes can be passed on is exactly like something you’d read about in a Wikipedia article detailing a short-lived Nazi program that was too crazy even for Hitler so it got shut down after a few months


Wow ward nerd and Chapo! Lfg


Bring back Amber! (If she wants to oc)


You can’t stop visualizing Mike Johnson gooning to IDF semen retrieval clips

Marcos Rubios

Why is Chapo interviewing this rapist?


War Nerd Legion represent


What’s that song at 49:00

Torgeir Tannenwald

Chapo Trap House has 3 dads: John Dolan, Mark Ames and Brian Quimby.

Blue Myself

Can’t wait for the Hurt Locker treatment of the sperm jacking unit with a guy in an EOD bomb disposal suit sweating bullets trying to figure the right stroke tempo to get the dead guy to bust.

Britz Man

IDF? More like IDgaF


Book or podcast? I know he’s mentioned translating it but i forgot the details. Thanks


Peter Bienart was a major Zionist until he visited & saw the hellish reality

Taylor Leibel

I have evidence that Joe Biden gets fucked up the ass by the Dover Air Force Base commander under the Rehoboth Beach boardwalk. No, I will not be showing it to you.

Matthew Krueger

The scene where Hotlips overhears Hawkeye and Trapper talking about how Frank Burns can never get anyone to finish and she says "You don't have to tell me."

Rohmer Simpson

They just keep showing Biden Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning every night


Trump was the living god emperor arc. Joe is the corpse on the Golden Throne arc.


Grand Inquisitor BiBi contemplates exterminatus as the elite shock troops of the Imperium are revealed to be both fake and gay.


We all see the connection between the hospital attack and Pizzagate right? Except if I remember right the guy looking for reptilian child freezers got embarrassed and left. The arc of ethnostates bends towards Q. Also, Hamas is completely morally justified and ethically correct. It is basically immoral to be in Israel and not join Hamas, because if you're Palestinian they are killing your family anyway. If they are lucky enough to survive, they will inherit a way of life even less worth living and more debased should Hamas lose. If news outlets interviewed Hamas instead of only IDF they would seem markedly less absurd and unhinged.


the true anon style historical eps just drag your soul down into a pit of doom the more you listen

J. A.

Chapo is digital mids

Tyler Berglund

Almost always missed on the question of ‘Why has public opinion shifted on Israel?’ is the reality of Arab immigration to the West. In the US there have been many waves of Arab immigration, however recently those Arabs are now mostly Muslim as opposed to the past when most of them were Christian. More and more westerners are now Muslim Arabs and/or know Muslim Arabs. This demographic shift has changed youth perception of Israel, because more young people have Arab or Muslim friends.

Doug Cartel

pretend this is a label meme where a space marine apothecary is labeled IDF SPERMJACKER and the tyranid ripping him him in half is labeled HAMAS KIDDO

J Vladcliff

We are so fucked

Dee Rubes

“Israeli Vasdeferens Force” made me start crying at the breakfast table 🤣

George P

Mainstream opinion on the ADL is finally shifting towards where it should be. I saw a Guardian article recently, a straight news recap of the controversy over Bard teaching a class calling Israel an apartheid state, that referred to the ADL as a "pro-Israel pressure group". A massive change in a short period of time, and well deserved for those swine.


I'd love to see the challenge coin for sperm retrieval


RWN is the only good podcast out there

James Blackmon

50,000 Chapo fans can't be wrong


League of Professional Defamers

Zack Burke

We must not allow... a Tik Tok gap!!!


Seal team semen The cream berets Special cummandos Tug 3 operators Wet works Minute men Premature deployment force


I can't fucking believe Isreal treats their soldier's sperm like a fucking space marines geneseed. Insanity

Evan Scott

yeah i think this is a big thing. also just a more diverse population in general i think

Adam Sullivan

Ames is in top three for my favorite guests


I don’t know if this already been mentioned here but the EPIC fantasy book series “Malazan Book of the fallen” features the “children of the dead seed” , an elite group of terror mongers. Erick Ericson, HIGHLY reccomended !

Shawn Hayes

never leave a man's behind


Can someone tell me the real story about Leo Frank? Everything I can find online seems either astroturfed by the ADL or written by Nazis. I don't get how there can be "consensus among historians" that he was innocent.


Band of Goons Bust Battalion Ghost Load War Last Discharge of the Nut Brigade


really had the opportunity to end the ep with the outtro to Rolling Stones' Start Me Up. Ah well, say la vee

Chuck Skooch

IDF is literally taking pointers from the Imperium. Support Bibi for God Emperor or you are calling for the total extermination of the world's jewry.

C. Ries

In Europe maybe, but in America, the population is still miniscule. Only around 2 million Americans are Arab, and even the larger Muslim population is only 3.75 million, 1% of the country. Even Jews are double that.

the lord commander

Nothing says you aren't a reactionary ethnostate with weird hang ups about genetic purity like having a cum retrieval unit in your military.

MC Prescott

This is the second episode where Felix has used the Hugo Chavez DSA line

Matthew Krueger

The US majority has been moving towards a more secular version of "christian" - even if lots of folks still sort of self identify as such - for what? A couple generations now? How long has church attendance been falling? I mean, if you're not indoctrinated to see these things as an evil/good binary with a sort of implicit "crusades" framing, it seems like that might also help it along. It couldn't have hurt.

Matthew Krueger

Real soldiers don't wanna see it - they wanna earn it. *Felix Voice* I DON'T THINK YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES, PRIVATE

Oliver Elliott

I tend to think the answer to many of these generational political opinion divides is whether you were exposed to the Cold War or lot. Cohorts shaped by the Cold War (say born 1935-1975) have basically terrible politics. Also were taught on a steady diet of propaganda and believed most of it. After the Cold War the stakes were so much lower that the brainwashing couldn’t continue at the same pace.

Sophie Hamilton

just lost my (restaurant!!??) job for supporting Palestine but my colleagues still refuse to be intimidated by zionist bosses- we WILL win and Palestine will be free <3

Mark Schneider

This is a great episode!! I really appreciate the point about how once you are a strict Ethnonationalist state, the culture becomes insane. Ukraine is the same deal, as was the little mustache guy in the 30s & 40s. Give Biden some credit though, he's always hated the n----s, he wrote the Lock 'Em All Up if they're not white but get high bill, he palled around with segregationists in Congress & was anti-busing, etc. He's been an openly racist piece of shit his entire career, so even in deep senility he's the same scumbag he always was.


spare a thought for noah and brendan blowback who have by now 3 or 4 incredibly long standing and in depth historical narratives to connect back to a front page news event in their next season

Will Elliot

Obama was never Muslim, they lied again. Should have just said that’s they’re Hawaiian friend.

Stephen Schwartz

Why doesn’t the IDF just issue little vials and viagra to all their soldiers so as they’re dying they can just pump one out and save the cum retrieval unit a lot of hassle

Gordon Schmidt

Yeah, Beinart's a lib but I do have some respect for him because he bothered to engage with the other side and learned the truth.


All that talk about retrieving IDF sperm and not a word about "Iron Dome?" Disappointing.


It's amazing how much good even having a single point of contact from the Middle East can be for changing your perspective. In much the same way as the Israeli love to dehumanize Palestinian Arabs, humanizing these people enables you to be sympathetic to them. And then when the Israeli are doing weird shit like Operation Cum Capture, it makes them more difficult to identify with. Uncensored social media enabling us to see the destruction caused by Israel doesn't hurt, either.

Alex Payne

Yesss Mark Ames my man! Just got done listening to the last War Nerd ep & then I see this 🙏


"Bring in Lt. Leah so she can perform the Iron Dome Procedure. We only have 30 seconds!"

The dude

Should have named this one, Saving Ryan's Privates.


I was really bummed when Mark and John lost NSFWCorp and/or Pando and basically stopped posting and then I had to get into some weird new paid platform to listen to them but ahhh still there, happy with it now


Apartheid social systems are the glaring hypocrisy of classical republican style governance and social structures. It’s no different than colonial era America, you have bourgeois class that is able to sip ice tea and make comfortable musings on the nature of freedom, while the entire structure is actually held up by the thin scaffolding of slavery and oppression. Tension builds until war breaks out


God, I remember being at the 2017 DSA convention and someone saying people were "triggered" by the river to the sea chant. Just completely foreshadowing the rhetoric today.


I listened to a lot of War Nerds before I realized Mark wasn’t introducing himself as “the ghost”, but rather “the co-host” 😂

Loren Huggins

Wouldn't it make more sense to do some kind of IDF group mastutbation induction ritual? Why not freeze the cum from a living Israeli soldier before death. Surely this would enhance unit cohesion.

Blue Myself

Is there an equivalent of the sperm jacking unit for women soldiers? I’m imagining the monitor lizard from ‘Rescue Rangers: Down Under’ getting yelled at by animated George C. Scott as it tries to steal the eggs.

Jimmy McMillan

The IDF cum retrieval force reminds me of stories I've heard where fertility clinic doctors use their own sperm and sire a bunch of kids


Necro Epsteinian children of men? Isn’t one of the perks of there being fewer dudes around that you get to have fun with widows? This is a new frontier in both the tin-ear cultural tundra as well as abstemious no-fun-having, but if you view it Thru the lens of who’s making decisions & logic of imperial proxy & culture and freak crackpot realism it produces and their ages and beliefs, *shrug*… …it checks out?


Great episode. Worth unlocking.

Ben H

Hey there Anaster - came here to post this. Amazing series!


This should be free.


Has anyone said, “anti-semen-tic”

Christopher Price

The 2006 invasion of Lebanon was the first war I followed entirely online (I read papers left behind behind on campus but I don't remember any coverage) and it was the first time the IDF did not seem invincible and Hezbollah was more than just sheer terrorism. Around that time I read Joe Sacco's book on Palestine.

David Baldwin

Yes we were raised on propaganda, and we did believe it because there was no reason not to. That was reality. But now the real stories emerge. And it is possible to abandon those beliefs based on propaganda

Christian Finne

What is the name of the song played around the 48 minute


I agree. The connection between Israel and apartheid S Africa US infiltration and professional assassination campaigns should be known as widely as possible.


Lmfao. Hunter Biden is Israel's greatest warrior. A lone inseminator. He walks around with a bandolier of m&ms on his dick. Instead of a cigar he has a crackpipe.


I think this theory warrants investigation.


What resturaunt? Name and shame for the love of vengeful Jewish God.

David Powell

Has JBP collided with this cum extraction unit story yet?

Travis Logel

Are there any updates on Matt forthcoming? Really missing my man through all this...


The latest news was that he's leaving the hospital and going home in a few days.

Austin Stois

Pretty sure he was planning on going off the grid for awhile even before his hospitalization to focus on family. So no news is good news 👍

Sophie Hamilton

oh gladly… Goldie (part of the Philadelphia “Israeli” restaurant empire CookNSolo). the owners pretend to be liberals but there’s no such thing as liberal zionism- it’s violence and ethnic cleansing all the way down!


Jesus Christ I did not know about the ADL-Apartheid South Africa connection.

Trevor Wookfield

Not sure you get to graphically write that you **** 15 y*** 0*ds and finish the book with, "all these events and people are real" and then have your accomplice claim it's all fake satire and you just be ok.




I dreamed he went on a mighty rant and within the dream I actually understood it the first time. Of course I am not a doctor, but I do my own research.


in the end, it always comes back to precious bodily fluids

Bobby Lawn

Love too start an ep with some Fall Talk

Nate Christy

Mark Ames, hell yeah!

Sean Curtis

Yoo did anyone see the picture of the 'tunnel' the IDF has just claimed to have found under Al-Shifa? Give me 3 days and some taxpayer money and I could do a better job. I guess all their personnel were too preoccupied with giving their fallen brethren prostate massages to grab a shovel and lend a hand???


Fake tooth cyanide capsule like in Dune but instead its a dick pill

Ryan Moore

I haven’t listened to the episode entirely yet; but on the mind boggling nature of the persistent unconditional support of Israel despite the pallid, near translucent nature of the propaganda now and it being “the point” in order to drive home a sense of political learned helplessness: although I tend to agree with that take, another layer on that would be the penetration of the Christian nationalist/Christian Zionists into every layer of US government? It’s the only reason I can see that anyone in government still thinks Israel and the US interests’ are in alignment.

Tim Lyons

“Won’t let them nut in a bag before they kill them” what do you think they’re doing in the tanks?


boy i thought i was a fucked up freak, but the corpse cum retrieval units have me beat, at least for now

EaZy E

I don't want to ask any stupid questions, but why aren't they just giving samples before they go fight?

EaZy E

I mean, most military bases are just neighborhoods with all the shit. You could just go to a doctor's office if you're really worried and want to freeze some little homies. Lol

The Children of Jack Acid

It also wasn't just in the book and eXile magazine. Ames and Taibbi also talked about it in an interview with the Observer, which is not a satirical magazine: https://observer.com/2000/06/from-russia-with-lust/ However, they were literally doing rails of speed at the time of the interview, like in front of the reporter, so perhaps Ames was not entirely cognizant of what he's saying? Here's the passage: QUOTE: He spoke about his sex life in Moscow. “Russian women, especially on the first date, expect you to rape them,” said Mr. Ames. “They’ll go back home with you and say, ‘No, no, no,’ and if you’re an American, you’ve been trained to respect the ‘No,’ because you’re afraid of sexual harassment or date rape, and so you fail over and over. But it took me a while to learn you really have to force Russian girls, and that’s what they want, it’s like a mock rape. And then you come back here and you’re really freaked out–because you don’t know if that actually exists deep in all women’s psyches, that that’s what they all want. All relations between guys and girls is basically violent, I think. It’s all war.” -UNQUOTE Doesn't sound funny to me! But who knows how true it is? Sounds like it's coming from a real place. But I would be a liar if I said, as a man, that I've never said stupid misogynistic shit in jest, especially after imbibing intoxicants (especially at the tail end of the 90s). But this one is pretty bad... even if he didn't rape anybody, it certainly might encourage others to take him literally and think Russian girls really ARE just sluts who don't mean "nyet" when they say "nyet." I mean, it's an interview in a non-satirical paper. This later quote from a Moscow Times article makes me feel a little bit better about enjoying a Mark Ames interview, though it does not exonerate him on the bad influence part. But it at least supports his claims a little bit that the misogyny was only in the writing and not in real life: QUOTE: No one has come forward to accuse Ames and Taibbi of sexual assault. Zalina Abdulsalamova, who worked at The eXile for the last two years of its operation — after Taibbi had already left — described a professional and respectful environment to me. “We hung out a lot together,” Abdulsalamova said of Ames and her other colleagues. “There was never any violent or demeaning behavior. It’s shocking to me that [Ames] could even be accused of that.” - UNQUOTE https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2017/11/09/do-not-romanticize-russia-wild-years-a59531

Jon Lyons

I was gonna joke about them not just getting the cum before the soldiers died because the IDF practices semen retention but I'm not sure that would BE a joke

Jon Lyons

Cremaster Sergeants Prostate Troopers Jackwater The Dry Hand Turgid Snake Lotion MacTavish U.T. Joe

Jon Lyons

I was just gonna say it as a joke at first but I honestly think they might be practicing semen retention

John Williams

They should have had an extended opening in that weird ass video where his wife was like "Honey, when are you going to go freeze your cum" and he's like "I will do it tomorrow, I swear ... " Cut's to black. Gunshot rings out. End scene.

Evan Scott

Vasdeferens occupation force

Greg Newton

love what y’all have done in matt’s absence but he really ties the whole show together for me. i was waiting for him to chime in for the first time at like minute 52. missing him today, sending good vibes to the king. get well soon brother

inspectah mossadegh

*making pasta in my kitchen, checking my phone* "Oh shit the fuckin war nerd" ????

Scot Forsythe

There is a reason the ADL’s mascot is a cuddly little octopus…

Juan Suarez

The mistake is thinking about it rationally. The process is just a ritual of death worship from a fascist society.

Juan Suarez

Just for posterity, Mark wouldn't have gone on Birthright bc it wasn't founded until 1994 after a survey of Jewish Americans showed that most of them were OK with interracial marriage and ~40% didn't feel a strong connection to Israel.


you guys should have Yasha Levine on the pod!


Listened to this one again today. One of chapo’s best.