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Journalist Mohammad Alsaafin returns to the show to cover the unprecedented new developments in the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The piece from Séamus Malekafzali mentioned in the episode: https://www.seamus-malekafzali.com/p/a-siege-broken

The playlist of AJ+ videos on Palestine Mohammad recommends at the end of the episode: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZd3QRtSy5LNqTTQagN3IgbqVPtEIQOp1




Excellent interview. never occurred to me so many Palestinians hasn’t even seen an Israeli. That’s truly mind blowing. free Palestine


This episode knocked me on my ass...


Earnest Felix hits different. Powerful interview.

Zach G

Been seeing a lot of mental gymnastics being done by a lot of annoying liberals and "lefties" online when the solution to this is very clear to anyone who knows the actual situation. Anyone who argues against giving equal rights/full emancipation to Palestinians should be laughed out of every conversation. If you can't do a "1 state solution" then get the fuck out forever. I pray for a future free of this dogshit media landscape and pathological grandstanding politicians.


Rape. Decapitation. Mutilation. This isn't hard. Free Palestine. Allahu akbar.

Good brain haver

Listen to your father https://x.com/SenSanders/status/1712123827273019648?s=20


The US and EU loudly giving an apartheid state a blank check for genocide in 2023 means it’s all over folks. The Empire won


Part of this, and it's a very small part and not really connected that much, reminds me of the Falklands/Malvinas invasion. The thing about ultra-nationalist regimes is that their rhetoric doesn't serve to protect people, it is there in spite of protecting people. If the Israel government was a liberal one, likewise with Thatcher, then they'd have to keep on top of the military, because they wouldn't have the rhetoric to fall back on. But they were ultra-nationalist, and they can skimp or redirect forces away from flash points or areas of tension. Thatcher mismanaged the British Navy and pretty much goaded the Argentinian regime of the time to try its luck. I suspect that something similar is going on here. Again, not wholly the same (very different in a lot of ways) but something like that.

Rohmer Simpson

Well this was extremely enlightening/depressing! Depressightening?

Daniel Dermont

Love my boys. Love you your family and your people mohammad. I hope that this violence can make space for the justice that is so lacking and so necessary in Palestine.

Oliver guerrero

HAHAHAHA @ the puto that said I was trying to be white 🤣 You’re the one Jew bashing with all the red necks and gentrifiers. But keep on kissing the white mans ass I’m sure he’ll give you his scraps one day


i dont rate the chapo boys on this issue at all - they are playing for cheap likes with no nuance or critical analysis at all. listen to jocko and darryl https://spotify.link/jyAuD4MzQDb

William Beamish

Please make this episode free.


It was interesting to hear this perspective, but Bernie and AOC have the sensible position on this. The “mass murder is bad, actually” position.

Elliot Matheny

Condemning a people for fighting their genocidal oppressors is not sensible, it’s craven and ignorant


Hey does anyone know a good Palestinian/Gazan charity to donate to?


Lebensraum fur Grosses Israel


This was the most important podcast I listened to this year. Learned so much and really helped shape my current view. Thank you boys.

Lesley Anne Noelle

It’s worse, actually…they didn’t aim at the Gazan’s knees because they didn’t have to, they had explosive bullets, hence hitting them in the leg was enough. Also the people from Sderot actually sat in their lawn chairs together drinking beer and watching the Gazans get hit, jfc. (See Abby Martin film Gaza Fights for Freedom)