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Baby Christman is here! Both mom and baby are doing well. Baby is adorable, but sorry, no pics for you all, you'll just have to take our word for it.


Matt is improving a little every day. Still a long road to go, but can at least tell you he's been making all of us laugh every time we see him.


Jay Bee Jay

Our big wet boy had a big wet boy?


Congrats, Matt and Amber! The Era of Failsons and Uncles is over: all the hail the Podfather. Wishing you a continued, steady recovery, Matt. We all think you’re a brilliant guy, but your kid is going to look at you as such a hero after you overcome this to be their loving father. Be well, guys!

Thomas Stevens

Au contraire, Matt, Felix and Chris are the magical uncles of the newest Christman.


You guys should make a new Uncle tier of subscription


Love to you and your new addition to the Chapo family! Keep fighting the good fight!



gormless scum

man i hope he sees this


Matt on the mend (even if slow and he isn’t fully sharp (stroke?) & new kid is good news. Likely a huge emotional roller coaster for the wife/better half, but hopefully come out stronger & keep it interesting & curious to pursue the relationship? Better to fail early at lower stakes oftentimes, but that’s not always the hand dealt… Matt’s content is really the reason i follow chapo and its offshoots at all, not that Chris’ & wills steering of it or contributions aren’t part in sure, but the Matt Memory, unique duck call voice with long silences and monologues in an age of no attention spans and memory w/his recall & wit as well as desire to just hang out is something unusual in our times. Mathew’s memory lane is also literally a classic middle America antique car dealer business name…I now smile( for different reasons?$ passing it? What’s the most radical thing in America? The long memory. (I forget who said this LOL)


I’ve loved Matt/Chapo for awhile, but y’all were indispensable when I went through some hypothyroid brain fog problems that made it hard to read or really engage with the world in a critical sense at all (or even remember which apartment number was mine). Take as much time off as y’all need. Recovery sucks and never happens fast enough. There’s plenty of old episodes, books on the cushvlog reading list, and touchable grass to keep us hogs entertained in the meantime.


David Bowie recorded "Black Star" from his deathbed. Just sayin.


Mazel tov!!!


Congrats to Matt and Amber!


Welcome baby Christman. We bow to you. But seriously, get well Matt, we love you.


Glad to hear things are halfway decent with Matt. Matt is my favorite living historian. Of all the Chapo episodes, I think my favorite is his telling of the Taiping Rebellion. His ability to convey how this event was both completely insane and somehow normal / expected given the conditions on the ground at the time (with humor) is truly a gift. I even got my girlfriend to listen to this episode, and while she hates podcasts, she did enjoy that episode. Sending lots of love to Matt, his wife and newborn, and the rest of the Chapo family from Northern Idaho

Chuck Skooch

I decided that if you all needed help and I needed to listen to the rest of Hell on Earth ASAP. There was only one choice: I convened the Diet of Chapo and the Edict of Subscription was penned. I realized that we need Chapo now more than ever... disintegrating political system, eroding shared morality, spiking food prices, currency debasement, Rose-Q-cenism, and limited diligent administrators. Yea, of course people want to focus on the end of the world--the morality of continuation is not ponderable. Bless you both and all your team and families.