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The directors of HBO’s Telemarketers stop by to discuss their doc series. We look into how the Fraternal Order of Policeman’s association is obviously and willingly complicit in a multi-billion dollar telemarketing fraud, the character of New Jersey, the folk hero Patrick J. Pespas, Sam’s legendary media management, and much more!




Due to the fact that im not 6 years old i was able to understand what they meant with the “generosity” point, as kind of a symptom of American consumerism leaving ppl prone to these scams, rather than interpreting it as them saying that the problem with america is that everyone is too nice. Hope the rest of u start to become more normal👍


"There are legitimate police unions. There are great incredible non-profits out there." 🚩🚨🚩🚨🚩🚨

Reece Coren

these guys rule. watching telemarketers tonight


Matt's anecdote about selling tickets to a Beatles cover band to benefit firefighters made me remember that I believe that's a job once held by infamous To Catch a Predator lolcow Lorne Armstrong. I feel sad that I possibly know that. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Jed Levin

In the ‘80s I worked for a place like this for a couple of weeks, but it was boring because it was legit. It was in NYC, and the clients were mostly involved in politics. CTTOI, I was only around 21 or so, so the more hardened types might have been up to some shenanigans.

Good brain haver

Love when one of your interviewees is audibly calling in from a moving vehicle. Extremely good, nice to listen to.

Good brain haver

Okay, I listened more. I can say that this is the worst episode since the boys interviewed Rod Blagoyavich.

Tyler Sutherland

Pat and these guys should go on Michael & Us, since they all share common bonds towards Michael Moore!