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We discuss the first 2024 GOP Primary Debate: Losers Edition. Plus: Rudy’s downward spiral, Trump on Tucker, Prigozhin’s plane crash, and more of the alt-right losers trying to ingratiate themselves into actual politics.

NYC: Will & Hesse will be hosting a special Movie Mindset 35mm print screening of Howard Hawks’ RIO BRAVO on Saturday, September 2nd at the Roxy Theater! Tix here: https://www.roxycinemanewyork.com/screenings/rio-bravo/



Vivek is conservative Yang, this is an original thought and noone has said this before

Steven Hedley

Yummy, slop from Fulton County Jail!

Mikey Cera

This looks really good. Can't wait to hear.

Jacob Jones

Y'all should've invited Ettingermentum on to chat about this.

Anthony Perry

Oh no, I have to be at work in 5 hours

Erik Bourre

Thanks again for comin up north fellas


Can't believe you just missed out on Trump's mugshot and return to Twitter, unlucky

Hernan Melzi

DeSantis and the Navy Seals is like Drake and the Raptors. Don’t hate the hypeman!

Kentucky Shitlib

I have to get up in six hours! Fucking Slopppp!!!!



Kentucky Shitlib

I'd listen to Movie Mindset but they only review Shitty Movies.

Patrick Kelly

Can't believe the boys are unfamiliar with Great Plains...the 4th most popular corporate budgeting suite in the nation!


COusin Mosquito is playing on repeat in Trumps head

Matt James Rich

Blowback season 4 comes out tomorrow! https://blowback.show


what? you dont like those obscure movies from 1974?

Ahmed Razick

We are really just the end result of settler colonialism.

David Brown

Trump turned himself in because he couldn't risk the chance that he would actually be arrested and and dragged in. He envisioned the cops coming in at 3 in the morning and taking his bald, apparition-like form to have his mug shot taken. Of course, that would never happen; cops adore trump like kids love Santa. But Donnie couldn't risk it

Michael Landreth

Am I the only one seeing a blank image for the episode thumbnail? Could just be my shitty phone or I’m high.


5’9 gang stand up, we are average and we will be seen at the top of the bell curve

Andy Palmer

Murdoch firing Tucker for getting too big for his britches is some real succession early seasons shit


Right when I saw DeSantis smile last night I bet my gf this would be the episode art. Thank you.

Jack Gude

Ty for your service gentleman. I sleep better knowing I did my part by pretty much basically almost sort of engaging with this seasons stupid GOP slop-fest (vicariously)


One day too early


That's a good ass mugshot, Never surrender


Guy died in a plane explosion, what's the big deal?

Coyote Jim

Thank you for calling him Doug Burzum.


Come on. President Trumps a construction guy who knows all about the A.D.A (Hutchinson). I heard his cock doesn't work. Can't say why we call him A.D.A

Bob Johnson

I listened to a couple episodes, just wasn’t my thing. I might listen to it if they review Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie

Julie Baxter

Shitlibs gotta have their orange suit triumph. Don't give a shit about slaughtering thousands of Ukrainians, don't care about climate change, don't care about labor rights, nor the carceral/national security state, oh look they finally got Trump.


More like cuck broken


TAFS !! Great show

Lea Greco

ada hutchinson clearly says more than we realize. trump has contact with antiterra


No. But I also have a shitty phone and I'm high...

Nick Fredman

“Data for Regression” a great nerd double entendre.


Why do all the mug shots look like somebody poked Trump Meadows and Giuliani in the eye.


Young, dumb, and full of slop


Tell it, Prof. Razick! We’re Razick’s Roughnecks HOO-AH!


Conservative Yang is a tautology. Like Corrupt SCOTUS or Empathetic Bernie.


Amanda trap house feels like an attempt to be a lib hunter s thompson


Amazing work by all these “under cover” libs


My favorite part was when Mayor Preet was smarming about his slick new poll test and not 30 seconds later he was talking about how the “constitution gave the founders the strength to win the revolution” nothing more than a balding nitwit.


Maybe he was talking about a constitution build

Yairo Martis

I love that Felix is on that Red Dead tip.


Montreal, top three cities in North America no doubt.


“Bucks will be Broken”, haunting words. I guess the process is universal as I was broken by my union and now just listen to podcasts to vent political frustrations.

Kevin Boyle

Was Felix talking about Virgil when he spoke about the friend of the show who went to prison? Friend of the show who left office on bad terms?!?That cant be true; Virgil will always be and can only be 100% innocent.

Kevin Boyle

Except for being me too’d. It sounds like by the quantum of evidence needed to be me too’d Virgil was guilty af.


the Founders today would be like "wait you're letting WHO vote?? THOSE guys!?"

Rohmer Simpson

you got Felix with the riffs and references, Matt dropping bits and bobs he learned from reading a 10-volume monograph on 14th century economic models and somehow making them stick, and Will's saying "Whaddya want from me?"


Never has a smile looked so painful.

Rohmer Simpson

RIck Perry saying there's 3 wonders of the world but can only name 2

Rohmer Simpson

Rudy getting sucked off by America for a year+ after 9/11 never made sense to me. He was being treated as if he blocked those planes from going into the towers. Easily David Letterman's nadir.

Rohmer Simpson

My Prigozhin theory is he did a Frankie Pentangeli, but with a plane instead of opening a vein in the bathtub

tit for tit

National Soy-cialists.

Nathan E Simpson

“Left Discarded in a pan” my sides ascended to heaven

Michelle S

I want a documentary style movie that is just Felix hanging out with Rod. Something like "Biederman and Blagojevich" really rolls off the tongue

Jeffrey Miller

It took me about 30 seconds to realize Felix was talking about Blagojevich. At first I thought he was talking about some rapper or something


You know, Nazi Germany, you would be so much prettier if you smiled more.


Stalin nerd here: Yes, Stalin was very, very, very against flight in stark contrast to basically all the WW2 leaders. In fact, he only flew twice in his entire life, and that was to Tehran and back, and even then, he would only fly on an American made aircraft that was Soviet crewed.


Only thing that would make them more mad than hearing an Indian guy is running for president would be finding out that it’s not the kind of Indian that they were thinking of.

Okie From Muskogee

I think in the US most people don't known the importance of pointing out that Vivek Ramaswamy is Brahmin Hindu. Brahmins are the elite caste in Indian society and they are every bit as fascist and authoritarian as white supremacists. That's why he's comfortable being on stage with and appealing to white supremacist ideology. He absolutely believes there should be an elite class and that everyone else should be kept down and kept quiet. Just like everyone else, Indians aren't monolithic. I live in an area of Houston with a lot of Indian immigrants, mostly Dalit (the lowest caste, considered "untouchable" in traditional Indian society) and they don't view Ramaswamy any differently than they view Trump or Desantis.

Rohmer Simpson

if I'm not goofing on which podcast I actually listened to - I have to think it was one of the early ones in the 1st season. one clip that sticks out is Oprah going full hawk, what a shitheel. I'm still a subscriber so I'll see if I can't confirm what I'm talking about lol

Scott Grabel

I assume Prigozhin’s death was like Frank Pentangeli in Godfather 2, he accepted that he would be killed in exchange for his family’s safety. Putin is already speaking well of him now that he is dead.

Rohmer Simpson

THANK YOU! I been saying this. The fact that the other people on the plane were his crew - I posted on this on RWN - is a bit 47 RONIN. I process reality through movie references and that doesn't at all make me emotionally stunted, at all, nope. I'm fine

Rohmer Simpson

Blowback's 1st season (the Iraq War one), 5th episode. Bonus: guest mic is a guy named Will Menaker! I don't know if it has all the clips that are in my memory sludge (like the Oprah one) but it's a pretty comprehensive indictment of the media shitheads who complied with the gov't putting us on a greased rail to the war.


Howard Stern and his cohost also went insane full warhawk at that time. Hated that era

Rohmer Simpson

so many people in media turned in their souls, it was like the HUAC era but with hundreds of thousands more unnecessary deaths, and, on top of that, we don't seem to be getting anyone wrestling with their conscience now, years on. we don't to have a Sterling Hayden for 9/11-fueled bloodthirst. that big boy deeply regretted naming names to the end of his days, and we don't have anybody doing that, period. I'd be happy to be wrong about that.


Have a modicum of faith!

Steven Tinoco

My last job used great plains it was basically just a slightly below average enterprise resource planning program I'm not sure how Microsoft thought it was worth $1 billion


Everyone seems so dated in the debate other than Vivek. With the rest of the tired neocons on stage I wondered, how can you support the Ukraine war against Russia and then turn around and advocate invading Mexico? Isn't that the same damn thing?

Tony Secary

Washed up psycho Ada Wong. Very nasty in RE2

Woodson Baldwin

Do you suppose that Trump’s “Ada Hutchinson” nickname which “might get him into some trouble” is actually a veiled way of saying “A.D.A. Hutchinson”? As in The Americans with Disabilities Act. Because Trump calling Asa Hutchinson a coded R-slur would be incredibly on-brand.


the chapo show in montreal was about 2 weeks after the opening of a new metro line so like half of all urbanism and public transit youtubers from the continent showed up to take the choo choo train and hang out and then their edited videos where they all gush about how montreal is the best/most salvageable place in north am were starting to trickle in and and between that and Will getting a huge hard on for montreal I got my dicked thoroughly licked clean about my hometown. feels good man

Matthew Hansen

Twitter...sorry, X? I guess it's an X now. But according to "X" a view is counted as such:

Matthew Hansen

What metric is used for the View count? The main Twitter video view metric is triggered when a user watches a video for at least 2 seconds and sees at least 50% of the video player in-view. This applies to View metrics for both uploaded videos and live broadcasts.

Nicole S

oedipal society holy fuck daddy-mommy-me and oedipal complexes all the fucking way love me some deleuze and guattari

Kyle Petty

I'm a madman that just started going on Twitter last month, Even though I'm in my early '30s. The funniest awakening to how sick Twitter makes you, was seeing a Trump thread, where tons of people were still saying that 2020 was robbed. What was crazy is seeing the rationale that they were using. One portion we're talking about how Trump's 80 million followers, Compared to biden's 35 million, is proof that the election was stolen. Another portion was talking about how the majority of Biden voters are bots so this is the smoking gun for how 2020 was stolen. These two arguments contradict each other. What was insane is that all these folks were agreeing with each other four arguments that completely cancel each other out! Wild stuff wild stuff

Peter Bryson

We’re getting close to that time again where trump just refers to someone with their poll %


Yeah and if you go to a flat earth convention everyone will have their own unique reasoning but come to the same conclusion.

Doug Cartel

GOP 2024 platform: no to abortion, no to HRT, yes to Stroggification


He doesn’t have that dog in him.

joao z

want a wolfman? check out the Argentine presidential race recently. awesome production value!

Robert Fisk

I think he means ADA Hutchinson, as in Americans with Disabilities Act lmao


Oh god, I need the clip of them talking about the Tucker interview to send to my boomer parents

Joseph Clerici

I laughed way harder than I should have at the idea of one mosquito laying waste to thousands.