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We talk to Alex Press about her reporting on the ongoing WGA & SAG-AFTRA strikes, with additional commentary from some of the striking entertainment workers we met on the picket lines in LA and NYC.

Special thanks to the following for speaking to us:

Bex Taylor-Klaus

Catherine Schetina

Jess McKenna

John Hodgman

Max Calder

Read Alex's piece on the strikes in Jacobin here: https://jacobin.com/2023/07/hollywood-writers-actors-strike-studios-streaming




I'd give a 75% chance that the streaming companies also don't know how many people are actually watching their shows and really don't want anyone finding out how imprecise and useless their numbers really are, because they don't want investors to know how meaningless the stats they quote are. That's just based on my experience working in tech, though.

Ian Borsuk

Wanna echo Andrew Rexroat - great episode and loved the format and editing. Thanks for putting up on public feed, this is perfect for sharing with friends who aren't regular listeners.

Nathan Explosion

they know. they might not understand or interpret data well, but they know. i had a student that was interning for a netflix sub that was breaking down all the movies into their component, algorithmic parts.

Poppy Chulo

I'm in love with Jessie Buckley.

Ijon Tichy

The studios are just desperate to do Phillipsvision from the Critic


I feel like this could be submitted for some kind of award.

Jonny confuse by corndog

No slop? Only veggies? Ok, works for me! (Seriously, thanks for getting this out on a Saturday)

Jonny confuse by corndog

Also, while I got you Chapos here, let me say that I loved Chris's off-mic but still audible, hypemanesque laughs after Matt's and Felix's zingers on Friday's episode. The off-mic laughs are always a great add to an already good zinger.


Move to LA Will, California needs you.


This was legitimately one of the best pieces of journalism I’ve listened to all year. Congrats everyone and solidarity forever

Major Powers

Banger ep. I love Alex so much!

Starry Pr1nce

Weird how Stevie Nelson never achieved the same success as her LTASMI costar Milana V. I wonder why. Lmao perhaps SAG is what will finally let her beat Milana