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David J. Roth returns to break down the MLB’s new pitch clock rule, Shohei Ohtani’s amazing season, and the Mets terribl- no, we’re not doing a baseball ep! We’re getting David’s takes on DeSantis’ amazing fail record & disgusting personal habits, the relative retail political strength of the GOP bench, and our need for a new WPA to put conservatives to work creating Broadway 2.

Find more David Roth over at https://defector.com/




Fürst cömment

Tommy Hegarty

do a baseball episode cowards

Nate Bridges

God damn I’d love a chapo baseball episode lol


Genuinely upset by the rugpull in this description.

Tristan Clark

I was like fuck I'm gonna listen to a baseball episode. Well played

Mike Loudin

Feeding time!!!!! 🔔 🐖 🐷 🐽


Mah boys, coming through right as I get off work.


I'm thinking less "WPA" and more "Down to the Countryside"

Will Thompson

Forget it, Jake. It’s sugar, man

Evan Pitkin

Did Felix and David make a pact never to be on the same ep or what?

George Lochinski

DeSantis has no idea abt anything apart from whats trending on Twitter & now that whats trending are bloopers from his presidential campaign he has automatically transformed into a walking meme. Expect more *callbacks* in the future

Jason Bailey

The best guest, always. Wish he’d just be fourth mic. Riffs at the identical wavelength as the boys.

Patrick fitzsimons

Fuckin POG doesn't even know how to fold the pudding lid into a spoon.

Dick Van Sexel

Ohtani and Trout on the same team-- still can't get the job done. Fuckin' baseball man...

Benjamin Coke

Aye Macon, GA shout out! TBH I didn't know Aldean was from here, but there really are a ton of great musicians from Macon. It's definitely no "small town" more of a small city, small towns don't have 2 universities and a teaching hospital. You drive 15 minutes out of Macon and yeah, you'll see the court houses with an eerie giant tree adjacent or a CSA memorial. From my experience cops in small towns are too stupid or too busy doing whatever it was they did to get transferred to a small town to do anything to you, so disrespect away.


Kinda fuck with desantis more than before, he just a weirdo little guy

Ben Zaretsky

Make all the episodes this good and you can double my membership fee. Loving it thank you seriously need the laughs


never miss an ep when The Roth is on


At this point i think DeSantis is a closet diabetic. My source is I'm a diabetic


I guarantee every DeSicko staffer has a loli anime girl as their profile picture. They hand in their resumes and it just lists how many times and forums/lobbies they've used the n word and then references to corroborate it. To get in undercover just send Nick in. Better yet send Adam with an earpiece so Nick can tell him what to say, he would blend in better and might get some sloppy out of it.


Except for where he repeated the article summary Will gave back to him. Say what you will about Flex but he is a good listener and that's why he fucks.

Julie Baxter

Incredibly selfish cancer victims who lose the ability to know or care about involuntary powering down their complete being. How mean!

Nick Muscatiello

Chris, you’ve used the ep description fake out joke twice in a month

George Lochinski

Whiffing in July 2023 gives a ton of time to recover from even the goofiest debacles, & if they do manage to lock Trump up then suddenly Desantis is at the top of the list of ppl who can get him out

Chris Wade

I realized today I’ve written over 200 pages of episode copy for this show, essentially a novella, but I’ll work on some new bits


If a Podcaster is on holiday, how would he know?

Dustin Nelson

Quest bars have *more* sugar than a lot of bars but we're talking like 5g vs 2g there, absolute madness since under 10g is fine


Slop o'clock


Excuse me sir, your ball credentials please?


I always make sure to kill the Donkey along with the nomadic merchant, I am single-handedly stopping the steal in The Lands Between.


The pitch clock is the only reason I got back into baseball


Roth is a legend but glitched out for a second there

Gumbo Pie

Fun Fact: The Grand Masonic Lodge of Boston is now a Guy Fieri's Flavortown.

Tom Sullivan

Baseball episode would be neat

Kryn Benski

Love when David's in the mix

Jack Hume

Javid Roth Day!

Dru Heff

So confused - both Will and Matt are on Twitter (X) all fucking day and are somehow missing the main conspiracy on social media is that the chef was going to expose Barack and was in a gay relationship with him so he killed him. So fucking weird how they completely miss some of the most obvious shit.


Ultimate team game. Doesn’t matter if you have 2 Demi-gods if the other 23 guys on your roster are 4A.

Brian Conneely

The Toby Keith’s at Gillette was immediately swapped to the bar “6 String” without changing anything in the place. Bar is still shaped like a guitar

Zachary Wood

Another MVP performance by David Roth

used to be steve

Jason aldeen didn't even write that song

natfos 💌

as one of the twirly girly listeners, i'm thankful this is a Dunkin' on DeSicko episode and not a sports one 🫶🏻

Doug Cartel

Pro Tip to Aspiring Republican Youths: A great way to avoid talking on race science discord servers is to never be on discord


Burying the story. Classic limited hangout psyop.

Doug Cartel

it is really funny to imagine Obama crossing his arms and grinning as he watches his chef drown, but then he panics when his chef remembers he can swim and a sniper has to blast him


How? Trump is at the top of that list with Omega Sanc- Self Pardon. If they put Bernie Sanders in prison would you take that as a cue to vote for Elizabeth Warren? You would have to behead him to take his power, like the Keurgen.

George Lochinski

Idk. I have a hard time believing that this latest campaign to lock Trump up isnt at least partially motivated by a desire to push him out of the race. Im just saying that if it succeeds & he doesnt get on the ballot bcz hes in prison, then I think most ppl wd shift to DeSantis as a trustworthy alternative whos spineless enough to not let personal qualms get in the way from pardoning him...

George Lochinski

Like dont you think that if DeSicko had been VP instead of Pence, he wouldve overturned the election on 1/6?


quest bar has the good stats don't sleep

John Edgett

Go to Nashville, you can hit Aldean’s bar and then Kid Rock’s right across the street


Maybe? Only because he seems to lack the natural self preservation instincts to not do that. Honestly though he just seems like a dickhole. Just way too weak and simpering. If he had attacked Trump I might believe it, but Chris Krispy was probably more likely to do something like that if given the opportunity. The problem there is that he's not loyal. What you need for that is a dumb guy. A complete oaf buffoon that will follow Trump through the gates of hell but offer to go first when told/asked. If Trump picks a large dumb guy he might be able to upgrade to dictator for life, which might then be very short, but you either die a villain or live to shit your pants on national TV. All hail Kwizats Haderach Baron Trump, son of the honored Matres, leader of the Sadukar Piss Troopers and desert LoliFans. Our massive boy is become worm, destroyer of funkopops.


My two favorite content universes collide with expectedly incredible results, thanks fellas


Jason Aldean is definitely a Celtics Fan if you know what i mean

Demented Avenger

Arnold Layne has stolen your wife's panties!


That’s an interesting hypothetical and I honestly don’t know if desantis would have gone all the way. The VP and 1/3 of the senators declaring trump president probably doesn’t do anything to delay Biden taking power but if it did, the military steps in and the higher ups wanted Biden.

Demented Avenger

And kudos for playing a little bit of "Rednecks," one of the greatest lyrics ever written.

Major bit me

Macon is not a great town

Dez Martin

I kind of get sick of hearing about desantis every episode ngl

JJ Moffett

Y'all don't know how much I've needed this ep. I've been typing the phrase "feat David Roth" into the YouTube search bar for a week and half listening to old podcasts and it seems like my wishcasting has finally paid off.

Dillo the Willow

just wanted to say that i'd never heard of Derrick Van Orden before but i totally called my shot and assumed he represented La Crosse. i'm sorry Wisconsin, this dude sounds like a bum....also his Wikipedia page/ campaign website are weirdly devoid of any detail --> his birthplace is "Minnesota", no mention of his hometown or high school, no mention of his current home, he owns a cafe outside of his district...just strange and ominous


I was googling "Ron Desantis Sugar" and found this article from 2018: https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2018/09/17/desantis-says-he-wont-accept-sugar-money-he-was-endorsed-by-a-group-fueled-by-it/ This must be when he first learned to pretend he doesn't like sugar.


Very funny to think that Deshaun Watson is a running back while trying to do a bit about how other people aren't able to have a conversation about football


cant wait til a national candidate is busted for having participated in the chapo trap house comment sections

Alexander Patterson

Derrick Van Orden. Yet another bald-pated cunt in our midst. That douche deserves to get swarmed on by every single page in DC.


Election Night '22 my live report from Van Orden's watch party started seconds after they began their opening prayer. [Joker voice] He didn't like that... Sent a mulleted minion to scold me for it afterward and if I was 1% less professional I'd have laughed in his face like I did every time these La Crosse chuds cheered a Fox News update


IIRC, AOC or someone associated with her campaign posted in the subreddit asking for support. I don’t think anyone cared.

jfk truther

Desantis crybabies are so funny, they’ll think they’re part of trump 2024 when he wins the primary but they’re not, they’ll always be stained by desuckass

Son Goku

Fun fact about the Gillette Stadium Toby Keith's Bar and Grill: in 2017 "a study of the last 4 years shows that the restaurant leads the state in last drink reports from people convicted of OUIs.,"


You come to me, on MLB Trade Deadline day, to pump-fake me with promises of a baseball episode?

Karl Childers

i can't believe chapo trap house would throw cheap heat at low hanging fruit, this is a betrayal of the podcast's core values

Joe Peterson

So here for the “rednecks” reference

Jake Zydek

What was the deal with Pinto pitching those lobs to the Astros on Saturday?


give David Roth the fourth mic you cowards!


Anyone else catch the Randy Newman hard r?


I don't think Randy Newman has ever ended a word with a hard r.


wow this article is really helping me with my anxiety that every little social faux pas will fuck me over a thousandfold later in life when i need it the most! will mull it over in bed at 3am


Roth is the man, always a great guest


recently re-subscribed now that I’m making some money again. love this show


The lid on a pudding cup can easily be turned into a makeshift spoon. Which makes the fingers thing that much more disturbing.


It’s all of them. Seeking Derangements listeners know…


Is there we can draft David J. Roth as the newest dry guy? He's perfect to take over the Mr. Burns hell throne once occupied by V****l.


Getting phone calls is my worse nightmare


edit: okay it's not so bad anymore but defo a lot of super early guests went on to become insane


Always know it’s going to be a good ep when you see feat. David J Roth , he never misses

Gordon Schmidt

Ron Kind almost certainly would've won if he'd ran in 2022. Instead we get this psycho. At least he's theoretically easier to beat


Easy to find sugar-free pudding, nice try. Probably one of the most diabetic option available treats at the store.


Also in real life you don't hate someone with a burning passion for years because he forgot your name. Ron tortured people at Guantanamo and he did real sicko villain boss shit to his staff.

Dustin Nelson

Sometimes I wish they listed what the outro music was


Does Ron count as an operator?

Randy Martinelli

Download the Shazam app, works great. You can solve this problem for yourself in seconds.


Jason Aldean does have a restaurant, I saw it in Gatlinburg, TN. Total redneck eyesore.


I will never, ever, ever tire of Chapo ripping on Ron DeSantis

Jonathan G

When Will displays body negativity and Matt walks him down that ledge >


No way. He’s deathly afraid of guns

Jed Levin

“my fabina”


David Roth was jacked on caffeine and kept over talking. Not a bad guest but needed reigned in.


David Roth: S Tier guest


A lot of the transvestigation people do it because they’re insecure about their own gender presentation.


Official petition for David Roth full time chapo host


Quest bars definitely do not taste like food


keep yelling "chapo to fash pipeline" or "red brown" at me, it only makes my opinions Worse

Seumas Cowan

sat and stared at the back of 13c for my entire 90-minute goddamned fresno to seattle flight and now i'm on the 'no fly list'


I hear Virgil Texas every day, I dunno what your shit's about.


Let him fifth mic

Rei Lem

I want a baseball episodeeeeeee LGM


slop time?


JTFC I live in Nashville, I’d slit my wrists before I’d go in either of those dumps.


I detect a C-SPAN prank call enjoyer

