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We talk with our buddy Leon (@Leyawn) about the anti-bombshell of Trump’s tax returns and Felix’s latest beef with a rapper. Then we talk about Garfield for a real long time. Then we read from the book of Caleb. God bless.



Patrick Holt

Jacobi's letters are such glaring humble bragging about what a good relationship he thinks he has with his wife, and what a model nuclear family home he thinks he's running. There's zero integrity or selflessness involved in writing them. And, did you know, he didn't even come up with the idea himself - it's stolen from the stupid thing Kale Stiglitz' dad does to her in the first episode of Canadian high school drama "Our Hero", which is the best thing ever.

Rhys J

Oh, it ends really suddenly. Mid-sentence when Felix says "Well he's--".

Woke Rowsdower

I know it's just the wrap-up banter but was that really abrupt ending a mistake or intentional

Brian Kelleher

The MP3 version is missing the last like 20 seconds

Yung Chomsky



I mixed this up with Cum Town and wondered why Mullen didn't address the controversy in the description

Brett Mercer

"It sounds like dental floss"

Matt Powell

Jason Fox is the youngest gamergate. The oldest son, Pete Fox, dates a blind girl. Paige dates the gym teacher

Tom Breeton

Felix is 26 wtf??

Reece Rogers

Such great content. Good shit

Oat Bran

Why was the Garfield talk so heavily edited? This is what we pay for!

harvey chulo

No, it was Peter (eldest brother) who had the blind girlfriend, Denise

Jesse F

Excellent Garfield talk. I share Virgil's begrudging respect for Nermal. I highly recommend "Garfield: His Nine Lives" to all interested in Garfield Extended Canon: most of them are written by Davis himself, and in general it is a surprisingly weird and engaging book.


felix took off his shirt when we started talking about arlene and we had to calm him down


Thank you for helping preserve the memory of Garfield Pet Force.


Chapo's back on their bullshit and I love it


One of the best Chapo's ever .


im shook


Pambody Garfhead. <a href="http://www.maximumfun.org/my-brother-my-brother-and-me/my-brother-my-brother-and-me-108-garfield-monstrosity" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.maximumfun.org/my-brother-my-brother-and-me/my-brother-my-brother-and-me-108-garfield-monstrosity</a>

Brad Keene

Please deconstruct Wade from U.S. Acres. Total #tcot.

James Brady

Instant classic! I need Gorka impersonations from all of them. Yesterday.

Jake B

Great ep but Leon was underutilized IMO :(


I have to say as someone who used to read newspaper comics as a kid this is amazing.

Dave K

I dont know if it was just because I listened to this episode after a long Saint Patricks Day at the bar, but this episode made me laugh especially hard.


goddamn felixs burp was so nasty i fanned my nose


Please, please, please more Garfield content!!!

Kindrid Parker

<a href="https://hearcaleb.bandcamp.com/album/by-myself" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://hearcaleb.bandcamp.com/album/by-myself</a>

Kyle Conway

For anyone inclined to reading saturday morning breakfast cereal, this garfield comic is legendary <a href="http://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2012-06-16" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2012-06-16</a>

Timmy Sexton

Wish there was more Leon on this episode... didn't hear him much

Drunk Dalek

Agreeing with other comments. Leon didn't get nearly enough mic time. Garfieldtalk and Caleb ate up the episode, which is fine, but that didn't allow enough guest contribution.

Derek Lancaster

Was this recorded before the Snoop Dogg thing? Because if so, kudos to Felix for the "[Trump] would issue a press release if Benzino insulted him" at 9:01.

Andrew X

Given the whole premise of the episode came about from Garfield and gender identity issues, I don't know *how* they went without broaching the subject of the mindfuck that is Nermal's gender (at least the G&F-era Nermal anyways).


leon banned me from an IRC channel once for saying lol


and every time i would rereg with a new identity he would ban me again for calling him a bitch


Hey just thought you guys might like to know some alt right guy on youtube decided to show how manly and alpha he was, by being against you all. Also he said something about "the sacred daily shoa, which I assume is some alt right podcast. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vvSX1mMR_8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vvSX1mMR_8</a>

CJ Canton

I think the 300 episode is done and you're just making us wait

Matt lawlor

Hey Chapo, Can you guys put a version of the podcast on Google Play Music? Thanks.

CJ Canton

New Chapo plz.

George Perez

Foxtrot's still going.


Matt is around the same. Only Will is a normal adult age.


Gonna bring Garfield canon on dates now, thanks guy

JT Ross

Garfield and Friends! That is a theme song I haven't heard in a very long time.