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We’re joined by eldritch expert and Movie Mindset musical composer Dan Boeckner to discuss the three canonical Hollywood Body Snatchers films: 1956’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers directed by Don Siegel, 1978’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers directed by Philip Kaufman and 1993’s Body Snatchers directed by Abel Ferrara. We discuss the social, political and sexual themes of all three movies, from Cold War paranoia, to 70’s psyco-babble narcissism, to post-Gulf War end of history nihilism.

Credit for all theme/transition music in this series to Dan and Tim Kingsbury (@sampatchmusic)!

Find more of Dan’s music over at the Operators patreon: https://www.patreon.com/operators

NEXT WEEK: Two from Robert Altman, McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971) & Nashville (1975).





David James

I never sleep, sleep is the cousin of death

Claire Casey

So now I know exactly who to blame for that song being stuck in my head all the damn time

Claire Casey

Grabbed myself a treat (redbull and two xannies, the lowest form of speedball) time to throw this on and "work" for two hours


Might be the ssris speaking but this was just a fantastic ep, really fun and engaging way to get through weds morning. Cheers all, excited to see where this pod goes.

big mood

bottlemen retvrn

Ben Zaretsky

The most truly dirtbag left thing that could happen is that politics is dropped completely and this becomes a full on movie reviewing pod. Be bold chapo.

EaZy E

I wake and bake and caffeinate. Then I don’t realize I’m working until like 11:30, and by then I have most of a day of work done.


Dog faced pod https://youtu.be/I5hc5E5DYig


Shouts out to rich boy Winston and his zigzagoon


Still in awe of Will's Unfrozen Caveman Movie Critic look for the art.

Michael S. Judge

"Santa Mira" is Spanish for "divine vision" or "holy image," hence (I imagine) the movie continuity

John Williams

Meg Tilly is such an underrated 10/10 smokeshow and she should get an academy award for outstanding performance in getting naked and double crossing.

Poppy Chulo

Invasion of the booty snatchers, and it's an increasing number of overly effeminate gay men on roller skates sexually assaulting everyone.


Body snatcher is a great way to say rapist.

John Leavitt

The Nicole Kidman/Daniel Craig 00s version THE INVASION is underrated if only cause it’s by the same director as DOWNFALL and fairly nakedly about how easily Americans would go in for fascism

Steve D

An interesting end of history pod people reversal is 1998’s Pleasantville.

Kenny Hedges

So, I hope this isn't too nerdy, but Halloween III was originally intended to be more Body Snatcher-like, and Carpenter hired Quatermass screenwriter Nigel Kneale to make it such. All that remains in the finished version, really, are the robot guards.

Steve D

An essay around the time it came out was in esquire or gq, so this is not an original thought.

John Williams

Shit, I have combined her career with her sister's. But all of these things are pretty much true for both of them.


I’m pro amphetamines too


Also amphetamines were over the counter. My grandfather told me he used to buy dexadrine from the pharmacy without a prescription

William Evans

You guys missed out by not doing the spiritual successor/remake, THE FACULTY the moral of which is that teens should do drugs in order to defeat aliens. Sequel episode plz!


I couldnt help but notice the similarities of the ending between the 78 version of body snatchers and Dont Look Now.

James Proulx

It's subtle but in the opening scenes of the 1978 movie, right behind Duvall and the swing sets, there are truck loading pods/bodies. It just lets you know that, just like in the first movie, this is already underway.

Kurt Brendel

Surreal to see this title when I just started a book called bodysnatchers by juan carlos onetti this evening

Chris T

Divine Fits is a very solid album.


Philip Kaufmans Wanderers is a great movie


For a second I was thinking that maybe the pods are movies. But then I was like "nah".

Jason Edmiston

I'd do an awful lot for a Rita Hayworth autograph. Just sayin'...


I love how stupid podcasters are. Don Siegel is a right winger who directed one of the few prison movies to depict prisoner protests and organizing in a positive light —Riot in Cell Block 11 (1954). And one of the few non-reactionary JD films with Crime in the Streets (1956). Siegel’s Madigan (1968) might be the first anti-police brutality film made by a major Hollywood studio (script written by the blacklisted Abraham Polonsky).


There are so many movie podcasts. Why???


What next? Guest mic Devendra Banhart for their podcast on exploring the Smithsonian Folkways archive? I love hearing based takes from washed up indie artists.

Chris Ryan

This guy is bringing back that classic vibe of the banned poster returning to a forum under a new name


we love dan. we love hesse!


Regarding the woking in the '78: That was 100% how it was in many middle class west coast families. WOK NIGHT. The BUSKER was not actually portrayed physically on film by Garcia; rather, Jerry provided the banjo playing + vocals for Harry. The hybrid mandog haunted young me.


"Sleep is the path for the undisciplined." - Jocko Willink, probably.


You can only get tobacco pods in my state

Scott Grabel

I always found the mechanics of how the takeover works confusing. Like, if the doppelgängers are just murdering the originals, then why do they describe it like the Borg assimilating people? If everyone is going to be killed, what does it matter how much better society is?

Jack Hume

Fight Club is like when you love your pod person and you try to convince them you each can be your own person but they are too commmitted


my take was that yeah it's one malicious alien entity but it's trying to use the illusion of a functional society as a lure


I just figure he has Syndrome syndrome of some sort…must’ve called in with an epic question that was never answered on one of those eps :(

David Cox

Zizek would be for a more ethical society of pods where decency and the public use of reason prevails. No Carnivale or bachinnale. More purposeful alienation! No silly committee meetings to discuss trivialities! Leave me alone to read and write and make films for fuck sake. There here? Great!


This was a great episode!


I read that in Zizek’s voice so thank you for that.


Brooke Adams is a certified cutie

Shauna Seroquel

So lovely! I was surprised they didn't mention Days of Heaven, which was the same damn year as IOTBS... Or maybe they did and I'm a weedtard?

Tom Halliday

Meg Tilly does such a good creepy mum performance in Body Snatchers! fun flick


Not what I’m subbed for. Thought this was a leftist pod, not some slop about Hollywood.


The lost boys….pod adjacent? Santa Clara = Santa Mira


Surely a de facto 2010s remake would be the Edgar Wright/Simon Pegg film 'The World's End'.


There was already a loose remake in 2007 called The Invasion with Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig.

Tyler Wise

Have you all seen the 2019 version called Assimilate? It’s set in a small Missouri town and is partially a found footage type as follows a trio of teens filming a webcam series and capturing pod people doing their thing on camera. The reaction of the pod people when the teens show them the footage is that they’ll straight up say it’s fake news and didn’t happen lol.

Thomas Mullane

Dan is fantastic. The whole crew riffing on these movies is really great. Thanks for making this.

Thomas Carroll

PLEASE leave Chapo and do movie mindset forever. PLEEAAAASE I like it better than the main show and I love the main show

George Mitri

Cannot _wait_ for the Nashville ep. One of my fave __fave__ movies.

Ben Walsh

In the 1978 version Don Siegel is the taxi driver to the airport.

Degrassi Knoll

Lately for sure- definitely rating these eps 9-10 with most others still good just not outstanding....so many tangent comments that i'd be happy to listen to a full episode hearing them explore. Host Chemistry,+ Production Value way higher too... on board except CTH without Will wouldn't work

Don Tickles

Please try Flesh and Bone (1993) bonkers


Invasion of the body snatchers is to call of Cthulhu classic as puppet masters is to pulp cthulu

Gumbo Pie

Well fuck me, the bugs are delicious now.

Thomas Carroll

Idk why people love the horror genre so much. Every plot is the same: there's a scary bad thing. We must avoid the scary bad thing. The end. Wow, what a plot. Watched 1978 version, great acting, great cast, wonderfully shot, don't get me wrong. WELL MADE FILM. Really dragged in the middle for me. Why? Because you don't have to pay attention because you know the middle is just them avoiding the bad thing! 7/10.

J.P. McD.

The broad strokes of a plot ("avoid bad thing") are usually the least important element of any story, and most movies could be boiled down to something that sounds stupid if you want to be reductive about it. "Criminal rises, criminal falls, derp The Godfather and Goodfellas and Scarface really drag in the middle for me. Good cinematography though derp"

Thomas Carroll

Nope it's not all the same. It's just that movies today lack a story or plot. Just a premise. Because you can market a movie with a good premise and people will go see it. Movies have been bad for so long that people don't care anymore. They just accept the slop. Horror is expected to be campy and lack a good story. Doesn't mean the movies are bad. Just lack a story

Thomas Carroll

Take double indemnity. Great story, strong story. Not merely a premise. Not merely "will they get away with it "


Nimoy as evil spock in this is amazing

Franklin Shepard Inc.

I know im late and someone may have already talked about it but I always wondered how Nimoy's experiences with Synanon affected his performance as "evil quisling shrink"