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Welcome to Movie Mindset! In this inaugural episode, Will and Hesse guide you through two of the collaborations between director Tony Scott and star Denzel Washington, Man on Fire (2004) & Deja Vu (2006). Join us as the ultimate auteur of the action-thriller meets the ultimate American leading man in these two propulsive explorations of justice, time, duty, depression, vengeance, destiny and sick-ass explosions.




JC saw his bullet ridden car at the ferry. He didnt have a feeling. He knew!


Out of Time (2003) also feels like it could have been directed by Tony Scott. Fun to watch Denzel play a character that’s a sleaze ball.

Waffle Poet

I’ve really been looking forward to this and it’s great. I love Tony Scott. Man on Fire is an incredible film and the style Scott cooked up there and with Deja Vu were cranked up to 11 for Domino (2007). Domino gets a ton of hate, but fuck ‘em, because I love it. Hesse is a fantastic co-host. Looking forward to the next episode.


So I’m supposed to believe Dakota Fanning is half Mexican.

Dick Wolf

Went to the optometrist and they told me I got that Tony/Tony Vision 😤


Man, with the concentrated caucacity that is Radha Mitchell (literal actual human name "Radha Rani Amber Indigo Ananda Mitchell") as a mother...


Fuck anyone shitting on my Scotties, they hit and missed but always swung. Fuck all your bunting asses.

Michael Carroll

No but really Uptown Girls really is a great film, you watch it trying to put your finger on what this Brittany Murphy / Dakota Fanning vehicle is - it’s absolutely not a romcom, it’s not exactly a coming of age movie, ultimately it’s Brittany Murphy’s mind palace in conversation with itself, soothing her own anxieties. Not literally, but that’s the vibe. It’s phenomenal.


Serious comment, I don't know any of the movies, but if there are any that star Jack Nicholson, we need a Branson Nicholson bit please thank you.

Doug Cartel

not far enough in to see if you talked about this but Denzel is the one who likes to do weird shit to food right? Like if you're paying attention he'll be putting salt in his coffee or eating an orange like an apple, etc

Gumbo Pie

I saw Man On Fire about a decade ago and I just realized that the entire time I was listening I was picturing "The Kingdom" as well. "Wait didn't the car blow up during a softball game?"


Always loved this trailer for deja vu https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=khFEdsBEVU0&pp=ygUPZGVqYSB2dSB0cmFpbGVy

Thomas Carroll

Oh fuck yes I'm so hype for this

Thomas Carroll

LMFAO you did not have the boys make a cover of lets all go to the lobby you sick sickos


Save our white daughters!!!

Reece Coren

when does felix get his spin off podcast


A long time ago my mom referred to smoking weed as "taking a snort" so maybe it's some sort of boomer slang?


this was great … lets fuckin goooo

Nathan Explosion

my favorite thing about MoF is that it gives no fucks about plot logic and the emotional logic is heightened to absurd levels. like the explosion at the club. the reaction of the crowd makes no sense, tony is portraying the reaction of his audience. how he wants us to feel while creasy rubs out this part of the brotherhood. it rules.


Damn they really finessed us with the movie mindset ep huh

J.P. McD.

Just popped in the Deja Vu Blu-ray that I received from a Netflix red envelope today. Watching incredible mid-00s trailers for a Mark Wahlberg football movie “Invincible”, a Kevin Costner swimming movie, and now The Prestige. And now the “YOU WOULDNT STEAL A CAR” piracy trailer holy shit!!


Will your the son my father wish he’d had


listened to this episode bawling my face off organizing the end of my cat's life, two thumbs up


That sounds completely gut wrenching. fwiw this fellow slop fiend is sending you as much love as is feasible via the web at this time ❤️


we don't know his actual birth date but we're gonna pretend he made it to a round 20 and he's gonna have a great party


Yo! Where can we hear more of Hess?


This needs to be corrected- The Hunger is 1000x gayer than Top Gun

Demented Avenger

I just got done watching these two movies for the first time (writing this before I listen to the episode, which I’ll probably do tomorrow), and I think Tony Scott loved kitsch even more than he loved explosions, and I think we can all agree that he loved explosions like Bill Clinton loves poontang. That hackneyed shot of the girl dropping her doll in Deja Vu is pure kitsch, such a hackneyed tear-jerker. The shots of Dakota Fanning swimming in Man on Fire border on Epsteinesque, as pedo as the volleyball game in Top Gun was gay. Well, maybe not that pedo, since that was a really, really homoerotic volleyball game, but they were still some creepy shots. I got a Karen Greenlee vibe when Washington looked at the body in the morgue, so maybe Scott had a thing for pushing sexual taboos. Was Scott behind the camera when Linda Lovelace shot the movie with the dog? It would be fitting. Fanning gave the only really good acting performance in these two movies. The woman playing her mother was a dime, I’d never seen her before. Casting Jesus (or whatever that guy’s name is, Jim Christ or however you spell it) as the villain in Deja Vu was clever, and having played Jesus and also being a religious nut job in his own right must make his agent get loads of calls for playing villains since everyone wants to cast Jesus as a villain.

Brett Anders

Theme song is 👨🏻‍🍳😘


This is a very good 2 hour summary of two movies. Perhaps next episode we hear some riffing or discussion of the themes the movies explore

Nathan Explosion

i agree there needs to be more a thesis of this is gonna reach its potential. it’s sorta woven through, but…


It's not my cup o' tea, but I can understand why people like silly, big-budget action movies. But to enjoy getting into the minutia of making them (unless you're a filmmaker yourself) let alone subjecting them to detailed analysis, and even then wanting to listen to others perform that analysis is so bizarre. Is there an audience for this sort of thing outside of a very small niche?


one of the little things i caught during man on fire is the during the weapons purchase montage he they show him buying the rectal drug smuggling device with all the weapons and cell phones and a rocket launcher… and an ass pod. he knew then, that somehow, someway, something was going up someone’s ass and they probably weren’t gonna like it.


I think one of the main appeals of art criticism is that it could open you up to appreciate the care and craftsmanship put into something that you otherwise wouldn't notice. The genre of the piece in that case is kind of irrelevant.


Elle Fanning was the child actor who dropped her doll in Deja Vu, did they mention this?

Arthur G. Pym

Is it really that bizarre? Hitchcock was considered a maker of silly big-budget genre films by his contemporaries and his films are maybe the most analysed ever.

Zach G

This was perfect timing for me, I just did a big Tony marathon about a month ago. Man on Fire is one of my favourites of all time, but I was floored by the quality of every single thing in his filmography... I think Revenge and the Fan were at the bottom of my list, but still so good. Obviously he's the king of action movie spectacle but there is a level of skill and humanity in his movies that you never get from Bay or others like him. RIP to the legend


So sorry, I just went through this too. Highly recommend embracing movie mindset and watching as many movies as possible as a distraction from grief. <3


Talking about Bush era time capsules made me think of Jarhead, which is interesting to go back and watch. It's like at this turning point culturally.

Eamon Short

Wait does that Deja vu trailer have the music from the end of all the Saw movies? Also loved Hell on earth but I've been hyped for Movie Mindset since the announcement

J.P. McD.

Don’t know about that particular one, but a lot of trailers reuse scores from other movies yea


What was with the scene in Deja Vu around 25 minutes in where Denzel and Val are standing around with a group talking shop while the camera swoops around with several cuts and in the background of each shot are computer monitors with women in lingerie in them. It feels like this was an era of movies that did easy-to-spot subliminal messaging.

Daniel Epstein

Deja Vu: “…The kind of happiness that could arouse envy in us exists only in the air we have breathed, among people we could have talked to, women who could have given themselves to us. In other words, our image of happiness is indissolubly bound up with the image of redemption…” Walter Benjamin

Jordan Brewer

Rewatched Man On Fire and they forreal don’t make movies like that no more!the opening credits…every kill scene is him just torching people or places…Creasy keeps getting shot..I completely forgot how he was under arrest after the kidnapping…Denzel’s quiet confidence…Christopher Walken doing his best. A great film with a peaceful ending for Creasy.

Nick Muscatiello

I find your failure to get the “I picked the wrong week to stop smoking hash” line as a reference to Airplane! disturbing

Marcus Wrightus

Just watched man on fire. Jesus that movie made me go through every single emotion known to man. I don't know why I never watched it before.

Benjamin O Levine

The Desus and Mero Denzel interview is verrrrry cool this made me have to rewatch, hard recommend


Great episode. Hate what you did to the terminator music at the end credits though. Garbage rendition of a sick movie song.


Thanks for this- went on a Scott/Washington bender in our house and loved it. Ended with Unstoppable. Only thing- why is there a city of 750,000 people in Western PA? Anyway, thanks so much!


Finally listening to the 1st MM episode. Never watched any Tony movies, but I agree with the dunk on Ridley.


Wait didn't realize. Didn't realize that Jim Caviziel was playing himself in this film.