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New details about Clarence Thomas’ billionaire benefactor Harlan Crow keep coming to light, forcing us to contemplate new questions like: What do Lenin, Mao and Hagrid’s Hut have in common? And, do Hitler’s napkins force us to confront the evil in the hearts of men? We contemplate this plus: DeSantis flails, Kanye’s school has no stairs, and the Dalai Lama sucks tongue. All this and more on today’s ep.

Should be a few tickets left for the late show of our screening of John Carpenter’s “In The Mouth of Madness” at the Roxy Cinema on April 27th, come thru. Will and Hesse will be speaking at both screenings: https://www.roxycinemanewyork.com/screenings/chapo-trap-house-movie-mindset-presents-in-the-mouth-of-madness-35mm/



Steve D

Imagine the historical artifacts this freak has that even HE knows would be a bridge too far for the parade of kiss assess he entertains on a weekly basis.


Yo libs are going to embrace pedophilia to own the commies over this dalai shit


#actually dragon ball z is based on the travels of a buddhist monk to inda to retrieve the yoga sutras of patanjali

Dan Hunter

Thanks for the outro Chris, been on my mind since the story popped up


Hasan showed Hitler’s paintings once and they had nearly correct but just slightly fucked up perspective

John Mitchell

The background music is a nice touch! It gave me a great idea! Every other Tuesday, you guys should put out the show in video format with cool trance indie background music and on the video have swirling colorful fractal patterns, some great kaleidoscope patterns and pulsing multicolor geometric shapes. Combine that with an online portal where you sell 'Hog tabs" and give us all a new way to 'connect' 'tune-in' and 'squeeeee' . . . maybe some special backwards-masking to troll the alt-right. . .

John Mitchell

oh shit! I had this playing background in a tab on my computer without knowing it!!! OMG! THE UNIVERSE IS SPEAKING!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1fqsxtXUaI

Bob Johnson

The Dalai Lama doesn’t just suck tongues, he’s also a cheapskate when tipping his caddies


Wait do you think rhcp was saying something from the lama way back then tho? Cause that really hit DIFFERENT


Oh my I wonder what that'll do to the lamas comedy career



Arthur G. Pym

The Tibetan diaspora seething at American ignorance of history. Fuck them they’re losers, they should try being Palestinian if they want the respect of Western leftists


Anti gay, pro Pinochet cult leader tries to molest a boy in public... Yes it was left wing racism that caused this

Arthur G. Pym

Lmao if think the Dalai Lama is “pro Pinochet” I got a bridge to sell you. As for anti-gay such a huge stretch it can only be disingenuous


you're listening to the cocaine podcast, the lsd podcast is next door on the left


U just butthurt because you need a sky daddy and now we know eastern sky daddy is just as fake as western daddy

Arthur G. Pym

Ok I’m glad you did some basic googling and realised how embarrassingly facile your comments were Chris. Not sure if “butthurt” is 2018 reddit or 2008 /b/ but it’s insanely cringe either way

Arthur G. Pym

The rest of your comment is such epic atheist energy I bet you read Sam Harris


It's already free, and it was freed by Tibetan and Chinese peasants, stay mad feudalist :)


The Tibetan diaspora is a couple hundred fanatic assholes holed up in India. Many of them are near starving although the US gov't funds their leaders about 10 mil a year. Believing that Tibet is somehow not part of China is like declaring Kansas to be Basque country.


Matt is correct that any dad or granddad would have a nazi memorabilia collection if they could. After I became a dad I was absolutely possessed to take my wife's grandfather's copies of Mein Kompf and Lunacy Becomes Us. Just to have. I haven't read them and I will pretend like I'm going to read them until the day that I'm old enough to pass them down to the next dad in line. Like hey, check this out. Book. I get it.

Tyler Sutherland

Jeff Goldblum wasn't Moses in Prince of Egypt you philistine!!!!

Arthur G. Pym

What? My grandparents fled Tibet and my family is living in countries all over the world, having lost their language and culture. A few hundred assholes in India?? You can just Google “Tibetan diaspora” you know

Arthur G. Pym

There are about 200,000 Tibetans in exile in places like the US, Australia, Canada and France