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It's another movie ep: We talk about Mark Mark and Peter Berg's new terrorism film "Patriots Day" and also the super bowl. It was fun but by the end of the episode the guys keep saying naughty things that got cut out so we made it a premium episode.




My favorite movie episode!

Patrick Holt

It's that big tunnel. While the rest of America was doing Reaganism and letting everything go to shit, the old Irish trades union tradition managed to pull off one of the biggest public sector investment projects in US history.


I am so confused by irony! Do you think Felix has ever really played computer games? I like computer games.

Clinton Hallahan

Anyone remember the lecture series Amber mentioned in episode 72ish that she reccomended listening to instead of actually reading Das Kapital (or was it Piketty Capital. I can't remember).



Levi Thompson

solid episode, boston is actually just like they say


A "Chapo Urban Achievement Program" for Youngsters should actually happen

Noel Murray

Can we get the fully offensive version pls

Kindrid Parker

In a hospital right now because I've hurt myself (Not a suicide attempt. It's complicated.) As I sit here, in a hospital gown with my headphones on, "AllI wanna be is El Chapo..." Thank you, Chapo.


Dunkin' Donuts rules. Felix is right


When they found the younger brother in the boat they ended up shooting up an entire block of houses because cops from different fucking states came to help. it was a shit show and the real miracle is that they didn't kill anybody. i really really want the offensive version, i'm so proud that boston and massachusetts in general inspires such universal loathing. we're the perfect mix of clueless douche academics and asshole sports fans and yet somehow we're still the state with the highest standard of living in the country and because of that we produce all of these other fuckers that everyone else has to then pay attention to.


dunkies rules it's dirt cheap i'm pretty sure gravel is less expensive than their donuts


Let's have a Never Mad version with the offensive bits left in


I relate to Will because he's the stoner of the group who tries/fails to be lowkey about it


Not sure but probably this? <a href="http://davidharvey.org/reading-capital/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://davidharvey.org/reading-capital/</a>


Most of us Bosto's think SOX NATION WOO BOSTON shit is trash.


That's neat you got to see kevin bacon , when I saw an advanced screening of lone survivor I got to meet a troop who played a troop in the movie




Bostonian here who will *never* get sick of people kicking the shit out of townies. Excellent wuhk, wicked funny.


I'll pay $10 a month for extra naughty stuff


Stop censoring yourselves boys.

Maxwell Hansen

Currently trapped in Dorchestah Mass and this episode was just what I needed

Kevin Beteta

You guys should come down to Atlanta because we lost the super bowl and need a good ol kick in the spirits

alejandro sosa

Dunks rules. Nowhere else can I get an old fashioned and terrible coffee at 2 am stoned out of my mind, park next to a cop car, and watch guys smoke sour diesel and drink coffee while the cops munch donuts and wish they could smoke sour diesel. God bless you, Conner St Dunks.


Guys I pay my money to hear you say nice things about terrorists and talk shit about victims. Release the tapes!


boston is a dystopia. the two biggest demographics are ben affleck and transplanted liberal brunchers. i hate this place and only stay for that sweet dunkin cold brew


Would like to hear the uncensored stuff. Hate when shit gets cut.

David Wright

Chapo, can you enable download of the (3 most recent) regular eps from Soundcloud, that's actually how I listen to them because I am terrible

Italian Tacos

Shorter version of Tom's post: why are you guys self-censoring?

alejandro sosa

Actually, I think mild self-censorship is fine.


unfiltered chapo is what the world needs.

Bea Arthur Death Cult

He's technically a Marxian but check out Big Dick Rick Wolff on yt: <a href="http://bit.ly/2l6XrxS" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2l6XrxS</a>


I feel like filtering what they say a touch isn't a bad idea, people are extremely quick to shit all over everything they do when they say democrats are bad, one super off-kilter joke would make their critics come and die immediately


TBH i really do not think that will, matt, felix, virgil, amber, or brendan give a shit if people think that theyre problematic when unfiltered. its about the grey wolves and the guys (and amber) know that

Scott Wooledge

Traphouse is a rare outlet that doesn't respect The Holy Discourse™. There are about a billion other places you can get polite discussion that bends over backwards to avoid offending anyone. Chapo must exist as it is. The day they start worrying about offending the Democrats, or women, or gays (raise hand), or anyone else, is the day I stop listening.


It's also possible that the edited stuff just wasn't that funny and they didn't want to keep it.


You guys should listen to the David Frum interview on Sam Harris' podcast, and comment on it. Sorry--didn't know where else to make a suggestion.

Henry Cornell

the fbi guns in in the windows makes me think of a firing squad


Boston totally ruined Cheers for me


Imagine gatekeeping terrorism


If you actually think they tried to make I their 9/11 the only one “perpetrating a self own” is you lmao how fucking dumb you sound


dang i was hoping to hear all the bleeped out parts


Release the edits

Reece Coren

release the edits