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UNLOCKED: The first of two premium offerings this week -- this one is a discussion with Amber about the late Mark Fisher and his work. We also talk about the outbreak of protests this week, which we'll probably release as free so people don't think we're living in a large Chapo estate on a far away island (we are).

Here is the text of Capitalist Realism: https://libcom.org/files/Capitalist%20Realism_%20Is%20There%20No%20Alternat%20-%20Mark%20Fisher.pdf




Anyome here for some dance and jump rope workouts and videos? Please check in thank you and Scott great work here 🔥🔥🔥



Sebastian Art

I love your image. <a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6QgWZ1VUAEwXW-.jpg:large" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6QgWZ1VUAEwXW-.jpg:large</a>


cuando te dejan enla frezon llora

محمد الدادة

دعم ياشباب اني لا يوجد معي المال



Susaniita Doll

Check my page, sexy NSFW <3


"I try not to think about it" HAHAHA.


This release schedule matches up well for the bartending listeners

Sean Ford

Oh man, can't wait to listen to this. Love Mark Fisher's writing.

Jim Mendøza

Hey guys I'm into chapo for the democrat voice, Felix comparing things to video games and Erdogan love, if this is going to be podcast about dubstep and walter benjamin now i am incensed. Good day, sirs

Matt Crossin

No idea what Amber was talking about when she mentioned anarchism... You guys should have someone knowledgable about anarchism on the show sometime btw.

Matt Crossin

So do I and I couldn't even make out her point... 'Marxism' is more coherent... How?

Big Cheesin'

That "Where were you" shit is toxic and should be called out constantly.


Come on guys! More Virgil!

Michael T

Great episode guys! Please make sure that you release some of these recommendations to the free podcasts. I love loyal grey wolves but we all need to help raise popular consciousness now more than ever


The latest Taibi interview was great but this was REAL STRIKE HOURS, Amber eps>>>


<a href="https://libcom.org/files/Capitalist%20Realism_%20Is%20There%20No%20Alternat%20-%20Mark%20Fisher.pdf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://libcom.org/files/Capitalist%20Realism_%20Is%20There%20No%20Alternat%20-%20Mark%20Fisher.pdf</a>

Neil Bonner

Wonderful ep, couldn't have come at a better time.

Simon Cook

Been hoping that Chapo would do an episode like this for a while! I have been going through Mark Fisher's stuff lately and have been really digging it. Its kind of too bad its premium since I feel like this actually ended up as a really concise exploration of a lot of stuff that really needs to get out to listeners and a lot of people on the left at large, and I think this episode could be a good introduction for people.

Yousif Al-Adwani

i think it would be worth it to just make this whole episode free imo

Jack Poulson

Agreed, this episode is one of the best Chapo's yet and would be a great introduction to the show.

Luke F

link to Fischer's piece?

Alex Vance

Unfortunately almost half of Americans support Trump's Muslim ban, so I'm not sure about the chud base being only 25%...Americans are rolling over for fascism.


Bring David Harvey on Chapo


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynUjo99Gzbk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynUjo99Gzbk</a>


Chapo starts wearing black turtlenecks all the time

CJ Canton

An ignorant knave I know who's not a true Gray Wolf was complaining Amber does not contribute enough to the show, I sent him this episode. QED


saw mark fisher in a panel discussion on "the death of rave" once. here's a soundcloud link to the discussion if anyone's interested <a href="https://soundcloud.com/ctm-festival/ctm13-death-of-rave-1-uk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/ctm-festival/ctm13-death-of-rave-1-uk</a>

Italian Tacos

Love this episode. If the Curtis episode highlights the need to overcome nihilism to build a way forward, discussions like this show that overcoming narcissism (in its truest sense an obsession with one's image or identity) will be a huge obstacle for the Left

Johnny John

I'm starting to realize "We'll link to the piece" is mostly meant as a joke. Also yeah, this episode was fantastic and a lot better than the Taibbi show.


Hey guys, really worthwhile show as always. These have been the most disheartening and exciting two weeks that I can remember. I guess that makes us fortunate. When we go out to fuck up some fascists, good to know we are going out to do it together.


Thank you for this episode chapo . Sincerely. This was important and clear and a reminder we are not alone.

Kyle Conway

I think organizing with specific goals coupled with institutional obstructionism can at least stem the potentially calamitous flow of EOs. Demanding the resignation of Bannon during a general strike, should one occur, seems to me a realistic goal.

Doctor Anal

I subscribed to this podcast because they keep mentioning it on Cum Town. Wtf am I listening to here, guys? The closest you got to talking about cum was when you were discussing an article that claimed the central conceit of Children of Men was "sterility." That's obviously not what I paid $5/month for. Please talk more about cum next time.

Jonathan McGreal

One has to get the libs to blame the dems for allowing trump to win

cumway twitty

Around the 10 min mark, Jeremy Paxon (the guy who was outwitted by Russell Brand) refuses to accept that the internet is going to be a big deal. Also, Bowie is great in the rest of this: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiK7s_0tGsg&app=desktop" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiK7s_0tGsg&app=desktop</a>

Sean Kelly

Great episode, as usual! Just wanted to recommend Voltaires Bastards by John Ralston Saul - a very spot on critique of neo-Liberalism. It is a dense book, but totally worth it.


Reading Karl Marx's Capital with the help of David Harvey's free course makes it very doable. You can download his course- Reading Marx's Capital- as podcast. Thinking about good book recommendations I wonder what you guys think of Slavoj Zizek. His "Living in the End Times" is great. So are his movies regardless of how much of a clown he has become.

Bea Arthur Death Cult

Sailing seas depends on the helmsman, Life and growth depend upon the sun. Rain and dewdrops nourish the crops, Making revolution depends on Mao Zedong Thought. Fish can't leave the water, Nor melons leave the vines. The revolutionary masses can't do without the Communist Party. Mao Zedong Thought is the sun that forever shines.


Great ep, Amber thanks for bringing up MF's book, I listed to Doug's podcast with him back in the day but just bought the book today.

Jake Bolton

This might be my favorite ep

CJ Canton

What is the name of the song at the beginning?

CK Muldoon

<a href="https://cdn1.nyt.com/images/2017/02/02/us/02worldview-1/02worldview-1-articleLarge.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cdn1.nyt.com/images/2017/02/02/us/02worldview-1/02worldview-1-articleLarge.jpg</a>

Reece Rogers

Great content as always

Isaac Watson

This is such a good episode. Not to be too corny, but being a depressed person, the stuff about mental illness and work felt extremely good to hear. Thanks for this one guys <3


i just bought capitalist realism last week. Great episode.

L. J.

Very Cool Guys. I am a traditional abstract painter. I love all things art. L J Smith <a href="https://www.patreon.com/availier">https://www.patreon.com/availier</a>

Charles MacDonald

An excellent podcast with Mark Fisher: <a href="https://soundcloud.com/novaramedia/capitalist-realism-in-discussion-with-mark-fisher" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/novaramedia/capitalist-realism-in-discussion-with-mark-fisher</a> That Novara Media show is also great, I imagine Chapo fans would like it.

David Tamburello

I mean think about the fuckheads that show up to town hall meetings. Imagine if that was your entire government. Obviously it's not that simple and I prefer anarchism over statism but it's a real concern.

Curtis Lincoln

sorry for the elementary question but how do i listen to premium content in iTunes

Dexter Harvey

Bless Amber for bringing intellectual content and Marxism onto the show. It made it complete

T Dogg

it's a bit more complicated than that re: Brand. he actually called the actor who played Manuel from Fawlty Tower's on a radio show and left voice messages about "shagging" his granddaughter and the sex acts they had done together. It was a pretty fucked-up bit and the host lost his job over it and Brand got in trouble for it too. Brand was still in the right re: that Paxton thing but it wasn't just him "using working class vernacular" like "birds"...


You should have got an e-mail with a URL for the "Grey Wolf Feed" when you subscribed. In iTunes go to "File" menu, click "Subscribe to Podcast..." and paste that URL in.

DD Krumholz

Will pronounced Cuarón as "Qu'ran." Do better, Will.


Please Pledge To Me! Thank You



Geo R

<a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=6233521">https://www.patreon.com/user?u=6233521</a> please ; )


Serious and sincere chapo at its best

Andres El Incomparable™

<a href="https://www.instagram.com/andreselincomparable" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.instagram.com/andreselincomparable</a>

kevin elliot

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kevin elliot

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Bilal jas

Chapo Trap House can you help me please i need only $500


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Dark Alliance

This comment section is filled by fake accounts to webcam girls. Funny to see their accounts have zero patrons.