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We’re joined by Ben and Hesse of Seeking Derangements to look at the bungled coup in Brazil, Matt Schlapp’s sexual harassment accusations and prince Harry’s explosive new book about getting frostbite on his dick. Finally, we read a New York Post story about parents whose kids hate them so much they have to hire deprogrammers.


Seeking Derangements patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seekingderangements

Hell on Earth launch party, Littlefield, NYC 1/20/23: https://littlefieldnyc.com/event/?wfea_eb_id=479703214227

And Introducing DJ night, Elsewhere, NYC 1/18/23: https://www.elsewherebrooklyn.com/events/night-rippers-presented-by-audio-video-disco-18th-jan-the-loft-new-york-tickets

Talking Simpsons @ SF Sketchfest feat. Matt, 1/25/23: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/talking-simpsons-10p-seating-tickets-500829052177



Tyler Sutherland

That 92 year old guy the deprogramming article talked about literally kidnapped a lesbian woman from her college, took her WITH HER PARENTS’ PERMISSION to a secluded location, then let his friend try to rape the gay away. They were caught and acquitted in the 1970s


Getting sexually assaulted while having a CCW. Holy shit, lmao

Jonathan G

Sometimes it's the notes you DON'T play. Kudos to Felix for the restraint on this episode, chilling and leaving space for guests and Will to riff while knocking it outta the park when the time is right.

Harry P. Ness

Lot of people don't realize the collateral murder video is taken from iirc 2.5km (about a mile and a half) away. The attack helicopter is and will always be the most evil military fighting vehicle. James Cameron understands this and so will we all.

J.P. McD.

Had a nightmare that I went to see Chapo live late (only caught Matt singing with Jon Hamm at the end), then a weird woman asked if I wanted to stay to watch “The Frog Prince”. I stayed and quickly realized it was some kind of Stephen King-esque setup where I’d be trapped there forever, woke up to escape

J.P. McD.

But when I went back to sleep, I was in bed in the dream and the woman started smashing into my bedroom with a pickup truck. Woke up with a yell


My dad borrowed my brother’s Nine Inch Nails baseball cap at some point and just started wearing it a bunch, there’s a framed photo series he has of the 90s/Jordan era Bulls that includes him in the hat with the Luvabulls cheerleaders

Adam Menendez

Please reading series these whiny-ass Whigs. Insufferable. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/11/opinion/republican-party-future.html


Places everyone! Places!

Poppy Chulo

They glossed over the deprogrammer being a feminist. When you hear or read the term "female erasure" its a dead giveaway. The term is one of the newer facets of western feminism and its ideological reaction to trans people entering the current cultural zeitgeist. That's why it's better to just be an egalitarian. Equality with accountability and no extra special privileges for having a vagina and zero transphobia.

Jessica Rios

I miss their passion. I just listening to episode 164 again and they are so different. I don’t blame them but I do miss them when they actually got mad.


The social conservative-radical feminist alliance against the existence of transgender people is a more incoherent coalition than most people care to notice, not that it matters much for the people that they choose to attack and slander.

Poppy Chulo

The only real socially conservative aspect of feminism seems to be the transphobia, so I consider it very much to just be a facet of liberalism/feminism.

Hector Jaime

It feels very similar to the great replacement theory, this panic that trans women and non binary people are going to erase and replace women and the female sex somehow.

Hector Jaime

I hear these deprogrammers charge $400 an hour. If you know of anyone who needs to be reprogrammed, I’ll do it for $800; it means going double into the mind.

A. Sanchez

Correction needed: NONE of the Shakleton expedition died. And only two had frostbite.