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We celebrate today’s important prisoner swap, and finally bring the 2022 mid-terms to a close with Raphael Warnock’s defeat of Herschel Walker in Georgia. Then, we take a look at the Qanon-addled attempt to overthrow the German government and install Heinrich XIII Prince of Reuss as kaiser.




Lol @ Matt saying "Charlie Barker" instead of Charlie Baker at 19:05. But his point is absolutely spot-on, ovah here in Blue Massachusetts they LOVE a "normal moderate Republican" governor. In plenty of blue states, the Sideshow Bob quote applies: "deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king."


Will's pronunciation of Ratajkowski is something else

Colin Helpio

Need some German whimsy in my life fr


Can I get a title to the song at the end thats a bopping tune for sure.

Peter T.

As others have already mentioned go listen to radio war nerds latest episode if you have to sign up to do so then do it! worth it

George P

What's funny about Stacy Abrams is her first campaign for Governor was pretty strong, she nearly beat Kemp by running on a popular platform of Medicaid expansion, and may well have won without his voter purging shenanigans. She was doomed after that though because she started believing the hype of dorks like Stancil and presented after that as a Hillary style psycho who was only running because she felt personally entitled to being the governor. The libs will never learn.


I think a big part of it is the wish to be a national star rather than a states leader. For many the federal government is the only thing that matters. Even though a governor has more power than a senator. She basically wants to use a governorship as a starting point for a wider career and it shows. Turns away swing voters.


We’ve got Der Weinershinetzel or however the fuck you spell it in Texas.


"If I could have any wish granted, politically, in the US, what I'd do after nationalizing all big university endowment lands, is to make it so that there is no Texas identity anymore" - felix bierderman, episode 349


Don’t know if it’s already been said but mdr stands for Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, they cover the area up to polish and Czech borders. This is funny is Mittel means middle a vestige of the Kaiserreich referring to the area. Seeing as there still was Silesia at that time

Agent Grange

Felix-Late-Gate somehow perfectly captures the awkward energy of a tabletop GM suddenly confronting someone in your group you've played with for years and everyone else just sitting there awkwardly. Like at least when it's your boss you can just tune out and not care but this gave me secondhand anxiety.

Ian McShane

The musical composer of toon town online would go on to produce the music for metal gear rising in 2013

Jack Sorensen

I was saying I want Paul whelan to die in a Russian prison

Maxwell Harkness

Larry Hogan is a great example of how little you have to do to seem "normal" to blue state libs.