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Our old friend Elon Musk* calls in to give us some updates on company policy and future projects from Twitter HQ. Then we’re joined by Ryan Broderick, author of the Garbage Day newsletter, to discuss all things online, from the woes of politicized moderation, to a future without Twitter, to the many ethical & technological horrors presented by new AI technology.

Find Ryan’s great newsletter about the Internet here: https://www.garbageday.email/

*James Adomian




This show is now filled with mostly 40+ white women. It’s over.

Dick Wolf

I’ve been using smaller AI music production tools for a couple of years now and I’ve recently started to fuck around with the generative stuff (mostly looking for ideas of new routes to take songs in, it occasionally spits out something that inspires further writing) and while fun, I just don’t see how it can ever take over human production. Frankly it sounds weird and soulless and I just don’t see how it won’t need a steady hand guiding it to produce music as well as an actual artist (that Never Gonna Give You Up outro is all the proof you need.) IMO it’s another in a long line of wet/fever dreams our STEM Overlords push because it makes them think they live in Idoru. With visual arts and per the listener question about the importance of liberal arts recently: the Silicon Valley freaks can’t understand art outside of it’s speculative value. So, like every other aspect of their businesses, they are trying to hack away at labor costs associated with the paintings they launder money through. Everything I’ve seen from AI visuals, while increasingly more impressive in their fidelity and accuracy, is pretty bland at the end of the day. Like we’ve already seen with NFT’s, maybe it will take over auction houses, but I just don’t believe it will ever have mass appeal. Could be wrong but if this podcast has taught me one thing it’s that 99% of what tech people say is bullshit.


The exclusive interview with Sir Elon Musk has justified me re-starting my subscription. So funny !



Julie Baxter

Don't know why y'all won't try Mastodon. The best thing about is when you can't sleep at night, you get to see a bunch of damned Germans chattering away. C'mon guys!

Jason Nuclear

Is it just me or does it feel like Felix, and especially Matt, have just checked out lately? I can count the number of times either one of them chimed in this episode on one hand

calvin kilby

very good, very good.

Dustin Nelson

Y'know I think that last article does have good points about how much online communication and services have become overwhelming as we sign onto more things and live hundreds of miles from the friends we've made. I related to a lot of what was being described minus the goofiest stuff


Artists are workers. Fuck AI


This guys account of his loss of gmail sounds like the epiphany and orgasm of a porn addict when they finally bust from the spank bank


Episode 194's Elon call-in skit was what got me into listening to Chapo, so happy to see it come full circle.

Alal Alal

The Elon segment was fantastic. But I'm disappointed in the crew's generic assessment of laptop contents. No mention of "10 for the big guy" i.e. his dad? Google that one.. or Burisma for that matter. There was a lot more than just "dick pics" that twitter removed (and suspended people for), and now that we know the FBI was able to curate twitter, why are you assuming that those deletions were only well-intentioned? That's naive