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In this special solo episode, Matt gets soused and tells the tale of August Willich, the German communist who moved to America and commanded the fighting’ 32nd regiment as a general in the Union Army in the Civil War.



Drunk Dalek

This was fun! More semi-random history bits, please. Also, Gen. Willich would have made a fine 1st president of the Gay Communist Gun Club.

John Miller

Fucking dank. Love the solo show angle, and the left wing scholarship


Any plans for Episode 69?

Nick Alcorn

You guys should do a civil war discussion show at least every few months. Both this and the Vast Southern Empire show were great


Fuck yeah to all of this!

Samuel Harvey

I ❤ solo eps! Great re-listening value on this one.

John Hieronymus

a Chapo civil war jubilee collaboration with radio war nerd please!

Justin Kolb

Add drunk Matt Karp for the next one.

Dan Nance

Howard Fast would have agreed with the "new reading" for sure.

Dan Nance

"The Lenz Papers" by Stefan Heym. Epilogue moves from 1848 to the Civil War. I guess authors have felt the way Matt does even if historians don't.

Dan Nance

It's a half-assed answer, but the Civil War was both a struggle of capitalist expansion and of emancipation. World War II was an imperialist war, but it coincided with a new wave of revolution (China, Yugoslavia) and radical reform in the UK and the US. Not a clarifying solution...

Justin Kolb

1848! Baden-Palatinate! Engels: Pardon me are you General Willich, sir?


damn, matt got wasted.

DD Krumholz

Incredible. Anyone know the song that played at the end?


Drunk history but actually good

Patrick Link

The radical impulse must have left him if he volunteered for the Prussian army for the 1870 war.

Mathieu Debic

This episode ruled! I love the more academic take - it's good to see dirtbaggery AND left-wing erudition together in the same pod



nom de guerre

This was really good, Matt.


Love the Monkey kung fun intro music

Andrew Jones

New EP stat, patrons are dipping


Good shit


No, that's actually people's cards jamming at the end of the month. Happens every month. In any case, we have a new premium ep coming tomorrow.

Robert Sussland

I look forward to every episode. But also think that after a period of time you should post the paid ones -- say 3 months? I'd happily remain a grey wolf.

Justin Doescher

Yeah I'm not a huge fan of the Patreon app and the premium episodes aren't available on Stitcher either.


<a href="https://youtu.be/petzEpX3_28" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/petzEpX3_28</a>


What about the claim that a lot of the antislavery sentiment, especially from the American bourgeoisie, was actually intensely racist but in a different way? Jefferson is recorded as being theoretically against slavery even though he personally profited from it, but not due to humanitarian concerns but because he feared black people outnumbering the slavemasters would lead to social upheaval and threaten the European settler republic. The American Colonization Society's venture to "repatriate" African-Americans that eventually resulted in Liberia was founded on the same premise. A lot of public intellectuals active at the time of the Civil War took a similar position, with Whitman as an illuminating example as he managed to unite opposition to slavery with opposition to black citizenship and voting rights (and support for the war on Mexico, or that famous postwar poem celebrating Custer at his death). I guess what I'm trying to get at is that slavery can both be economically dynamic and run counter to the interests of Northern capital in the longer term, even if a large faction of genuine abolitionists existed and almost all progressive forces wound up on the side of the North.


This was awesome. Cush needs his own podcast of just this shit

Kindrid Parker

Dude. When are you gonna do another?

Seth Gile

Listening to this for I think the 3rd time. More Matt solo bangers would be welcomed.


awesome episode!


Loved this episode! A really inspiring story. I'd love to hear more like this!