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The world is a stage, and Thanksgiving is the Globe Theater. In this show we discuss several articles written about the show this past week, addressing criticisms from libs to conservatives to neurotic transphobe Rod Dreher. Will's mom thinks we're cool.




cam to listen to this only to hear Felix say Baraka is from Street Fighter. he is canceled!

Angus Matheson

Megan McArdle needs to hurry up and die screaming in a house fire whilst bedridden from asscancer.

William F Fuckley

I've been feenin for this good shit all week 💯💯💯



dumb bupp

Fuk ya guyzzzzz


Hey, where can we get t-shirts?


look at the differences in responses between Sanders and Clinton to blacklivesmatter protestors to see the absolute arbitrary and token identity politics Clinton practiced


sanders HIRED a black lives matter activist!


I thought my friends and I were the only ones that joked about bug chasers. What a world.


As someone who spent 2 years actually going door to door, without a list, to raise funds for an abortion rights group, Rebecca Traister wouldn't last a fucking day. Mostly because she'd find out that she's the kind of person that you dread meeting at the door. The liberal that does so much already, and by that they mean they gave money to the Democratic Party, wrote a shitty letter to the editor, imagined the accomplishments of others as their own, and then slams the door in your face while patting themselves on the back. Personally, that work and a year working on a state senate campaign in the Democratic Party is what primed me to become a part of the dirtbag left.


felix sounds extremely dan quinn-esque when launching into a spirited defense of les miserables

Michael S. Judge


Michael S. Judge

Didn't Roqayah go off on Traister back in ep 20something?


Felix is my fave :)


Lmao at Luke O'Neil in the matrix

Tom Berman

How to Disappear Completely is about Medicare


fiending all week for my chapo, and it opens by insulting the media that I understand my life through, radiohead.

Stephen Czaicki

I'm not mad about Will and Felix's terrible Radiohead opinion. I'm laughing, actually.


Brendan consistently batting 1000 on the closing songs


Nice Huey Long reference at the end there.

Derrick Williams

*puts cum soufflé in oven* the accusations against John Podesta in this episode are entirely baseless

Benson Benson

Man I hope chapo season 2 doesn't devolve into this sort of navel gazing. Also why is amber complaining about lack of attention. She's been on like three episodes


I'll answer your question but first: you're an asshole for phrasing it that way, good jeorb. Lib/centrist pundits have been studiously ignoring leftist and Dirtbag Left women and POC in order to pick fights with people they identify as white and/or male. @roqchams straight-up confronted Jill Fillipovic about it, documented here: <a href="http://www.carlbeijer.com/2016/11/the-alt-center-has-bigotry-problem-and.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.carlbeijer.com/2016/11/the-alt-center-has-bigotry-problem-and.html</a>

Benson Benson

Yeah you're right that was a dick way to say it. I don't think it's fair to assume that amber's omission is a symptom of what you're describing tho. The New Yorker article did overly suggest the Bernie bro critique, but not because it mostly omitted Amber. She'd only just debuted as a host when the article was written

Jordan Kendall

"like music for depressed people" yeah no shit bitch and no im not mad at all

Aidan Dean-Jones

radiohead fucking sucks. Glad someone addressed it.

Phil Brown

I love the references to Will's (((publishing executive))) parentage


LOL at Matt's reaction to the book title. <a href="https://frinkiac.com/gif/S07E20" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://frinkiac.com/gif/S07E20</a>


Like randygdub, Good Old Boys is criminally underfollowed


I wonder what Huey thought of The Discourse.

Susan Kang

More golden peals of laughter from Amber please


this anti-radiohead sentiment is by far the most offensive thing i've ever heard on chapo tbh


Amber, Felix & Matt are my favorite part of the show. But honestly since the election… a lot of self-satisfied navel gazing on these premium eps & it's not coming from them. After hearing the 01/06 program & Will saying that the focus is going to be on entertainment, I'm thinking, "My time & money are limited. Am I really going to pay money for Will to read articles written by AEI douches?"

Nick Henderson

kevin gates is depressed as hell felix

Ben Spanier

more klezmer interlude

JC Denton

im permabanned poster jc

Dennis Lyons (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 03:07:28 100% here for the les mis &gt; Radiohead eval
2022-10-03 18:17:25 100% here for the les mis > Radiohead eval

100% here for the les mis > Radiohead eval