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Hey all, just trying to get the word out through all our channels. There's been some confusion on this because Town Hall's website lists the show time as 7, but this show begins at 8pm! And as I said on Monday's ep, you're going to want to be there as close to 8 as possible to see all the acts including our much anticipated stand-up opener.

See you all there tomorrow, still a few tickets left: http://thetownhall.org/event/chapo-trap-house


Nathan Explosion

i have two tix and can’t make it. HMU if ya want a sweet deal!

Yairo Martis

Spanking only for on-time guys/gals/non-binary pals!

Robert Granniss

go ahead and keep playing games. see where it gets you.


I have 2 tickets up for grabs for face value! If you want them for free that’s cool too! Orchestra row K please contact me to transfer


ooh i can't wait to find out who the large greek balding (no disrespect) stand-up opener is


,,Zz¢3|I have %*in ¢|


Txt f g x , I x dftddvvng hhug I'm not


K. I. Kv eev


Got two tickets to give away to someone who will use them. Cant make it. DM me on reddit user: loveparadehk


Awesome! What’s your email for Ticketmaster? I’ll just transfer



Wesley Echelbarger

I have an extra ticket to tonight’s show for free if anyone wants it

Brendan Costello

Great show! Only regret is that it won't be posted online, as there were some fantastic moments worth revisiting.