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Comedian Tom Myers stops by the pod to discuss the news of the day, including Ron DeSantis’ immigrant trafficking stunt, Lindsay Graham’s proposed federal 15 week abortion ban, Brett Favre’s Mississippi welfare fraud, and an important new scientific discovery.

Check out Tom’s pod Tom Myers vs. The Rest of the World here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tom-myers-vs-the-rest-of-the-world/id1538275781

Dates & Tickets to all our upcoming shows: https://www.chapotraphouse.com/live

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Reece Coren

please have tom back on 🙏

Urik Mej

Necro posting but best line in this is when Tom refers to a website as being “Hartford based”

Sam D

This guy is unfunny but in a completely inoffensive way. Plus he brought some great stuff out of Matt

George Carter

Oh brother, this guy stinks!


my mom is white and my dad is white i get my sushi from etc


Could not listen past the term minute mark. Was this a bit? It did not land.


is this guy doing some sort of deeply committed anti-comedy that i'm too much of a normie to appreciate??


Why he keep talking about Maryland so much? Nobody cares, it’s not a thing, there’s nothing special about Maryland, like you’re trying to make a thing about a nothing. I’m from Maryland, little embarrassed by him keep talking about Maryland like anybody give a fuck


The whole episode I was like, something strange goin on; just couldn't put my finger on it until the Cumtown beef came up, and when he declined to get over himself I was like 'oh yeah, I get it now. This guy's a cunt.' .Fuck, for real though.... what I would give to have heard Nick clown on this norm after downing a gallon of paint (the fuck?). In fact, t

Lee Bryant

I can deal with all the shit talking about the south, and I can respect declining to be cool with someone on behalf of another person. But how dare you come after paint like that.

Horse Badorties

I guess just anybody can get a podcast these days, but why is this moron on Chapo?

Peter T.

you'll have to go and listen to old cumtown episodes to understand why. they're all big fans of Tom Myers...in a let's say, nuanced way. but yeah it sucked as an episode

Elliot Matheny

Tom looms large in cumtown / chapo lore, he’s a favorite subject for ridicule for Nick Mullen. I’m glad the fellas didn’t mistreat Tom.




fk this guy for calling MS a shithole State. Your three hours there weren't well spent, elite lib tourist. One of the poorest and blackest and most scorned states in this so-called country, and a source of immense culture and struggle, but sure, glad you got it off your "bucket list" Dem-Party @sshole.


I mean, he's a Marylander, so the piousness and elitism likely stems from horniness for his own state's flag. Which is objectively better than not only Mississippi's old flag (confederate flag knockoff) but most state flags in this so-called country.