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The boys discuss the FBI raid of Mar a Lago, as well Trump’s desire for Hitlerian loyalty from his generals. Then, we contemplate what America will do without the burble and thrum of office life.

Tickets to tonight's abortion fundraiser show at Littlefield here: https://littlefieldnyc.com/event/?wfea_eb_id=387105592247

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This is Chapo office work. We should all be back on the office hot couch. Not lounging akimbo on the cool and filthy ant covered floor, chain firing email replies using blond auto completely and listening to American Dad. If people can't viscerally experience using money to exploit you how will they feel any purpose or self worth? You only care about yourself and your "loved ones." Sick. I bet they're under aged.


Lol my kid has one of those birds eye view of a town rug. Lol this reading series ruled


Most realistic depiction of office work on TV is that bit on Bob's Burgers https://youtu.be/necuqpDl-9E


Oh wow lotr sound break. I thought I accidentally hit another audio source by mistake lol

Ross Moore

they definitely found pics of trump raping children

Bob Johnson

So what they’re saying is that Blake Masters is a modern day Preminger


Can anyone truly imagine a world without Dilbert?


Socialism or Burbleism

Hector Jaime

Oh wow. I was expecting a stream of dore/Taibbi like comments accusing the boys of being neolibs for not standing with trump against the FBI. The best is yet to come I suppose.


Is Felix just not feeling it anymore? I feel like his involvement has been dropping steadily in the last few months


Little does Peggy know that the backgrounds on news sets are green screens… the office video they play is prerecorded lol


Think circumstances are just a bit on top of him maybe. He’s verbalised how exhausted he is by everything he’s commented on


Is this the Felix Biederman twitter reply section?


I've never been aware of a (local) TV station that bothered faking it. Really it just isn't as popular to do the newsroom set anymore as it was in the late 90's and aughts.


I guess that makes you a Felix Biederman twitter post reply guy