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Post-debate commentary, a new edition of Turkey news, and an all-time Chapo reading as Will unveils Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby's annual open letter to his beloved son Caleb. A must-listen.

Check out our pal Mikedelic's writing: https://thefellowshipofthereturnoftheelves.wordpress.com/



Michael S. Judge

"Running Man" starring Mitt Romney


Yeah Baby

Phil Brown

guarantee you that caleb's dad never told him about the annual column, and caleb ran away when he discovered it on his own (and who the fuck wouldn't). hence the stop of the columns.

Michael S. Judge

I am fucking CRYING at "a mouthful of painfully sharp ginger"

Tom Brodrick

Rest in power Caleb

Daniel McGuire

Patreon app SUCKS!!! Player DOES NOT WORK!

Noel Murray

the christmas train show at the botanical gardens is great for ur spectrum friends

Noel Murray

this is the best one

Seth Gile

Minneapolis would be great.


gold gold gold

James Christensen

I taught English in Bishkek and some of my high school-age students went to the Turkish School there. I'm sorry to report that it didn't sound that weird from their descriptions of it; they complained about it in pretty much the same way I would complain about the public high school I went to.

Nicky Martin

This Caleb Column is so damn good, thank you Chapo forever for exposing me to their greatness. Here they all are for the lazy (however "Jeff Jacoby son" is a google search hit, so I wonder if Grey Wolves are bumpin' up the ranks): <a href="http://www.jeffjacoby.com/topics/121/letters-to-caleb" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.jeffjacoby.com/topics/121/letters-to-caleb</a> My fav is how Jeff uses Amazon Affiliate links on his posts for parenting books and stuff, a clever way to monetize lil' Caleb's journey to maturity. The 2001 column is sooooooooo great.


Best preemie ep.


This is the funniest thing I've ever heard

T Dogg


Rory McGovern

that peter daou/paulie connection was inspired

Isaac Kalish

We need to make a Free Caleb Jacoby group.

Sweet Lou

Caleb mistakes ginger for lox, he officially is the young Steve Brule <a href="https://youtu.be/Lty7RAHKT9E" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/Lty7RAHKT9E</a>

Jonathan McGreal

I love my precious boy. My shitty, shitty precious boy.

Joel Taylor

Caleb is my go-to when proselytizing Chapo. I've turned half a dozen people onto the show by getting them to listen to the two minute teaser clip "Letter from Caleb" (free episode #49) -- even my girlfriend couldn't help but crack up at "my sweet boy," and she can't stand "talk radio."


what was the name of the anti lotr???


What a golden episode

Dennis Lyons

Steven Spielbergs Lincoln?! oh SO boring, essence of pre-hamilton lib, lowest point for all involved 🥴

Dennis Lyons

When you Google Caleb (Jacoby), a “missing child” image is right up there in the top results