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Friend of the show Tim Heidecker stops by to mix it up on primary election results, George W. Bush goofs, Jojo Deep and Roger Hard, Elon Musk fuck ups, and the unknowable nature of comedy.

See Tim live on tour this Summer, dates and ticket links here: https://www.timheidecker.com/live




Lol he said Thursday was the 17th. It was the 19th~


Other noteable incarnations in Felix's spirit journey towards enlightenment include the Elephant man and John Wayne Gacy

Dez Martin

"the smell of baguettes..." - John Depp


... was felix implying that he was uriel da costa


thanks to this ep, i now know who warren zevon is, thank you!


look if you read How Music Works by David Byrne, yelling at the opera to stfu when its bad was perfectly normal behaviour back when opera was invented


The 1913 riot at the Paris premiere of The Rite of Spring is the first case study in every Ballet Crowd Control 101 course.


The best of warren zevon cd i have matches perfectly with my drive to and back from the ranch i work on, ive listened to him and a chuck berry tape like 90,000,000,000 times


damn another guy who read the Wikipedia entry for "Music" top to bottom! cool!

Jonathan G

sorry, i'm embarrassed. I didn't listen to this episode before i made that comment.


Took a long break from CTH cause I couldn’t stand their COVID takes, came back to this ep and very much enjoyed, hoping we never go back to having to discuss COVID again.


honestly I just accepted they were too spiteful of the type of lib that would broken-clock its way to the right stance on COVID measures to ever vocally agree with them lol


I'm from and live in Moline, IL and everything Felix said is true


Just now listening to this one, and all I gotta say is: you'd have to be completely braindead to even begin to compare the war in Iraq to anything Russia's fucking doing in Ukraine lmao that's the most smooth brained radlib shit I've ever heard. Anyone comparing the two honestly deserves to be locked in a 1920s style abusive asylum where they just beat you everyday for being dumb.

Michael Karrer

Michael you're in need of.....I don't know the fuck what but something to besure