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Live from Dallas and Houston, we finally deliver the third part of our investigation into the life and times of President George H.W. Bush. This installment looks at his time as head of the C.I.A., his involvement with various figures associated with the Kennedy assassination and its investigation, and his business dealings with various shady Houston financial institutions.

Note: I’m splitting this ep into two parts just to make it easier to keep all the Poppy material separated in case I want to collect them down the line, but 614a & b are one ep for all the Chapo archivists out there.



Starry Pr1nce

The guy at like 13:00 who starts laughing before the joke lmao


We love to see Matt havin a good time don't we folks .. weeeeeellllooooooovvveehehhhhhghiiiiititttttttttr ❤❤❤❤


I’m 5 minutes in an Matt sounds trashed

I am become reply guy

TLDR for the comments: the slop is good, the slop is bad, Matt is drunk.


Thank u for slipping in an article in the beginning for us fiends


Drunk Matt!!!!


Lee Harvey no-scoped Matt with a bottle of whiskey, this man is TRASHED.

Kyle Feral

anyone: we're talking about history Matt: well time to get wasted


he was talking on Radio War Nerd about the uneasy alliance in the US in the late 19th Century between german quasi-socialists and northeastern protestant progressists and he was saying that the latter took issue in the former's habit of quote "getting hammered in big tubs of ale" and boy is our precious kraut large son indulging right now, right in front of Will's whip cracking gaze

J.P. McD.

Seems like a good time to be reminded of the GOAT tweet after Matt was pulled off the live stream that time - “The Assassination of Matt Christman by the Coward Will Menaker”


Do you guys think matt was drunk

Marina Hanna

I don’t know Matt well enough to know he was turnt, so I was listening to the first few minutes of this ep like “Omg poor Matt, he’s so nervous to make the crowd laugh that he keeps interrupting with funny memes.” Then I read the comments. 😂 This series on Poppy has been one of the most insane rides of any character arc…and I need more of it. If I didn’t know better (and hadn’t fact checked some of this myself,) I would think this is all insane QAnon-level conspiracy brain. Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes, I guess. Wow.