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We continue to look at the domestic media response to the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. This time, we’re talking about “the left” and how some of their “half-baked” ideas about foreign conflict lack serious intellectual rigor and nimbleness, curtesy of an article by “fully baked” author Eric Levitz. 

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Alistair Page-McGill

This episode just further deepens my love/hate relationship with Chapo. They keep talking about Russia's invasion of Ukraine as if it's unprovoked, like there hasn't been a war there for the last 7 years in which Russian speakers have been targeted by Ukrainians who proudly identify as Nazis, for the sins of being Russian and for refusing to accept a coup government. Chapo were quick to take the right side when it was Venezuela, Peru and Bolivia, so what's the difference? Making this all about Putin and his inscrutable ulterior motives is just as baby-brained as making all US politics be about that dastardly cheeto who got his orangeness all over the white house.

Yairo Martis

Ah, thanks, I found it https://youtu.be/sP0-wCqxep0


I feel attacked by this whole article addict discourse...

Arielle Curtin

My dudes! It was Kurt Russel in A Boy and His Dog, not that guy from Miami Vice!!!


"Downtown Houston; on any given weekday afternoon" is a phenomenon I've had the distinct pleasure of experiencing countless times thanks to a life full of touring playing music. Every time was "They LIVE via the Omega Man", Every street you looked at, accompanied mentally by a single sustained synthesizer note, and felt like at any moment we'd see the empty, lifeless streets flood over with zombie/alien hordes. God Bless that hog-infested, Jesus-loving, speed Smokin city and the state it's in.

Zach Pierce

I worked in a 20 floor building up the block from the Marathon Oil building in the Galleria area of H town. It’s a massive black rock basically

J.P. McD.

Thrilled to have an episode that has brought back the chumps who think posting (on Patreon especially) matters.


::insert hot take::


i went to cavender's one time! buddy of mine bought like a $600 pair of boots and the guy running the store kept complaining about mexican restaurants and winking at me. not really my bag but enjoy

Hector Jaime

Hello friends. Just a PSA asking to stand in solidarity with the teachers of Summit Schools who will hold a strike vote on Cesar Chavez day due to unmet demands by the administration. Thank you! ✊🏼 https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/retain-teachers-support-students-and-settle-the-contract-now?source=direct_link&


Can’t be the first time the progeny of a stripper and a president has occurred.


The last 7 years…. There are Ukrainians who know the effects of the Holodomor and you’re thinking the last 7 years.


@42:32 Who or what is Felix talking about?


probably ISIS I guess. Israel think tankers are on the record that they want to keep em around because they're convenient

Alistair Page-McGill

I have no idea what your point is. You mean they would remember that the Bolsheviks caused the famine(s)...? They did other things too since then, but the war that is active has been going since 2014