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Felix and Will discuss the 2021 NBC sci-fi drama La Brea, in which everyone’s looking for the hole.






There was a saturday morning live action show called "Land of the Lost" that was just exactly this

Gordon Schmidt

Always love it when Will gets a chance to flex his stoner bona-fides


Does will think he is in the 20th century

Thomas Carroll

I just wanted to make a comment

Ian Priest

Didn't expect hole Therefore try tongue


Softer word for Colonization: Gentrification!


Sounds like La Brea writers are cribbing from the German series Dark

Mark Schneider

That was actually decent, imo, and they wrapped it up pretty well, too!! I was expecting to be disappointed when it bogged down midway thru, but the writers/director/creative team I thought pulled it off.


"dire wolf situation you could say" that's it I'm unsubbing smh

J.P. McD.

Dark is one of the ultimate “look at meeee I’m prestige I have a spooky opening credits, a meaningless montage every episode, and multiple storylines about grief”

Vincent Utah

Log the fuck off. Jesus Christ

Casey Smith

Fringe Mormon scholars cite horse remains found in the tar pits as proof of the veracity of the those ancient Jews bringing over horses from Israel.

Colin Hatten

Has anyone heard of BYTV? Byu's own streaming network?