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A mashup of our recent live shows in Atlanta and Nashville. We start with a Hateful 8 rundown of some of Georgia’s most notorious political figures. Then, we’re joined by very special guests Tarence and Tom of the Trillbillies to present our original spec script “Kentucky Swap: A Justified Story”. Then, it’s back to Atlanta for Will to read a special message concerning his Southern heritage.

If you don’t already, listen to Trillbilly Worker’s Party here:


and subscribe to the Trillbillies podcast here: https://www.patreon.com/trillbillyworkersparty

& a very special thank you to the god Walton Goggins for contributing line readings to these shows.




Chris, can you advise on how to become a Pfizer affiliate? Make sure to get your boosters fam! 💉💉💉

Duane Bailey

Is the live show worth it? I haven't enjoyed any of the past.

Matt Reilly

Walton Goggins is absolutely the best tv actor of my lifetime. Love you man.


I think the mixing is off so you can't really hear the crowd response except the people yelling, but their chemistry seems off on stage too


i wasn't expecting much from the justified bit but god damn if that wasn't the funniest thing I've heard in awhile. the yu-gi-oh card thing made me nearly crash with how hard i was laughing

C. Ries

the blood of Samson courses through felix biederman’s Hebraic veins as he carries every chapo live show on his back

Gang of GreenHorns

Will's letter put a tear in my eye, thats not what I pay for lol.


just mic the audience jfc

Zach Pierce

Hope you guys made it over to STONE MOUNTAIN… before it GETS CANCELLED BY WOKES!

Zach Pierce

Jimmy Carter didn’t drop a SINGLE BOMB during his presidency. He championed the green energy movement. He was a good man and a good president / still is a good man


Walton really the god

Blake Patraw

how can you consider ANY american president a "good man"?? by definition they're all evil


carter didn't champion green energy for shit, I'm sorry. He told americans to lower their thermostats by 3 degrees while he was heavily pushing powder basin coal to enhance quote energy independence.

Elliot Matheny

Carter also stymied the nuclear power industry, making it so that nuclear plants couldn’t burn waste plutonium, which significantly reduces nuclear waste half life, and serves as an additional energy source.


had a bit of a nerd-out moment about that period in the late 70's when oil got kind of expensive and people tried really weird shit to try to convert oil processes to coal. Such as railroads inventing completely zany coal engines. That company that tried to make a maximally automated steam engine that looked and operated like a diesel. Or the UP turbine engine that burned pulverized coal. That's what passed as green energy back then. Same as Obama who gets treated as Mr. Too Damn Paris Accords when actually he looked on as shale brought US O&G industry out of the doldrums. Reading railroad trade mags is making me totally doompilled about this shit. In practice we know for sure that railroading is the *only* means of transportation that we know how to make 100% green, just by using catenaries, no ugly lithium battery or stupid hacks needed. But in practice in the US the only real job that the railroads really want to do is to carry coal from Nebraska down to the south where they don't like hydro or nuclear power and think that wind is for gay yankees. And they don't even have the balls to electrify so you have UP being the world's biggest civilian consumer of diesel and BNSF as the second biggest. Another thing you can basically put on Carter's back since he looked on as Conrail became just a normal shitty freight railroad instead of fullfilling its potential as an innovative, electrified, efficient national freight carrier. And he deregulated trucking which guaranteed for sure that railroading would remain underfunded and underused.

Andrew Criscione

Completely unrelated, you guys should do an episode on "Free Guy", all the NPCs in an MMORPG go on a general strike.


Lol to call Russia's war an "unjustified invasion just like Iraq" is honestly the dumbest, and one of the most disturbing, things I've ever heard. Like fuck you to hell and back If you think the two will EVER be comparable. Whether Russia's defense against NATO is considered justified or not, idc. like if you want the russians in Ukraine to be ethnically cleansed by Nazis so more, whatever. but to compare it to Iraq is literally just a lie. Like saying that is the only thing to make me ever think y'all actually ARE spooks, cause fuck is that some American propaganda lmao Do better