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The boys take a quiz that makes you old. Then, Will talks to Croatian philosopher Srećko Horvat about the upcoming Belmarsh Tribunal, an attempt to hold U.S. and U.K. governments accountable for war crimes and wrongful imprisonments done in the name of the War on Terror. They discuss imprisonments of whistleblowers, extra-judicial surveillance, breaking mass media blackout of reporting on western war crimes and more.

All you need to know about the Belmarsh Tribunal here: https://progressive.international/

Tickets for our southern tour still on sale here: chapotraphouse.com/live




I hope they're planning on having @DubyaEraLeft on the stand to testify with some fire blog cartoons. Preferably on the same day as Tom Morello!


The thing about the havana syndrome recording is that even if the cia agents were from dc, it’s pretty fucking dumb for them to hear that noise and go “oh my god, that’s the noise that’s melting my brain!”


And not think “oh, that noise is the sounds of bugs.” like any sane person would. And I say this as a D.C. native who’s family’s been here since the 70’s. You hear that same noise here in DC when the weather is warm because BUGS LIKE WARM WEATHER!! Jesus fucking Christ, the east coast literally had a cicada storm last year that lasted for around 6 weeks, that shit was just as loud as the “Havana noise” if not louder. We’ve really got some pussy ass cia agents getting free money because they get headaches while we couldn’t even get a 2k stimulus check

Caden Emry

“AARP Pike” made me shiver

Clarp Blarpkiss

"It sounds like crickets ordering cicadas to fire psychoelectrokinetic raybeam waves at American heroes, is what it sounds like." And you win the gift card

Gordon Schmidt

Love it when Horvat says "Lets start with the basics: Belmarsh, what the fuck does it mean?"


The CIA doesn't know about cicada-like bug sounds because they don't watch anime.


the CIA these days is so fucking Shinji-pilled. We need to get rid of those whiny bitches and get more operators like Misato. If they have to get hammered every second they spend off the clock and try to bone high schoolers, who gives a fuck. This is an issue of national importance. We can't allow a Synchronization gap with the Russians. Next time you see Asuka playing her stupid Nintendo because she has impostor syndrome tell her to suck it up and go back to grinding battle formations


presenting as evidence as sick edit of Bush/Cheney with floating logos of Enron, Halliburton, Al-Quaeda, Saudi Bin Laden Group, Bechtel and Raytheon photoshooped in and getting an audible gasp out of the jury. Leaving the floor to Morello holding a pole with an upside down Stars and Stripes. Wonder what's gonna happen next


Good episode laddies but I think I speak for all of us when I say I thirst, lust, and yearn for another D&D episode


If listening to the recording of the Havana Syndrome sound doesn’t cause any harm, then why are my pants now completely full of diarrhea?

Ashlyn Moehle

I cannot believe you fucking did this on air

Michael J Butler

Tell me why I took the ACT and the SAT :/