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The boys discuss a case of road rage in Florida and Thomas Friedmans highly regarded column about a Biden-Cheney unity ticket.




long live the liberal driller


slid for bernie

D Iva Facliffe

How Canola Oil is Made (seed oils) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gfrhcsWfG3g


I think I'm pretty much done with you guys at this point and will cancel my subscription at the end of the month. You've seemed really lost since Bernie dropped out of the primary without obtaining any concessions and ceased advocating for Medicare for all during a pandemic (ie at a time when to do so would be maximally impact full, suggesting that he didn't really care all that much about it). Then your towing the establishment/dnc/msm/corrupt cdc/big pharma line on vaccines, and the ignorance, mockery and contempt you and your viewers (in these comment sections) express for the pro-science, antiestablishment voices like Robert Malone MD, Pierre Kory MD etc and ultimately your being just so aggressively cucked and on the wrong side of medical debate, science, and history makes this original listener, 30 year registered nurse, and 4th generation communist doubt you're commitment to actual socialist principles (like solidarity with workers and the marginal against the ownership class and big business), and really just not enjoy your work anymore. I can't stop you from shilling for the ruling elite but I don't have to continue to pay to listen to it. I will use my money to support what's left of the actual left online which at this point is mostly Max Blumenthal and Jimmy Dore. I'm sure that this post sound's bitter, and it is. I have followed (and enjoyed) your work for many years now, and I feel disappointed, let down, and even betrayed by you.


mockery and contempt for Pierre Kory lmao. Wrong side of the debate on medical debate and science lmao. What's left of the actual left online Max Blumenthal and Jimmy Dore lmao


You know you can cancel your membership now? Don't have to wait until the end month and you should be able to still listen the eps the end of the month. Why wait?


like I understand that I'm very partial in this debate and have proved myself to be a massive condescending liberal cunt right up here but you have to understand that Blumenthal and Dore might have done good shit in the past (I have a copy of Management of Savagery in my shelf) they have gone off the deep end and you have to take what they say with a massive dose of skepticism.


Yes Etienne "massive condescending liberal cunt" are your words not mine, but they certainly fit. You need to understand, that you may be massively partisan on this issue, but I unlike you and clearly anyone else on this forum having been a registered nurse for a very long time can actually understand and follow the science, and if you think that the vaccines are safe and effective at this point, (and that Ivermectin, antiandrogens, and hydroxycholorine are unsafe and or a bad idea) then you are beyond cucked, you have fallen prey to mass formation hypnosis. Max Blumenthal did an excellent interview with the psychology professor who popularized this well recoignised psychological concept on rokfin if your interested in learning about how you came to be so tragically wrong. https://www.rokfin.com/stream/9705/Foreign-Agents-10--Covid-and-Mass-Hypnosis-wDr-Mattias-Desmet Or not. Feel free to go f**k yourself instead.


this is literally just pseudo-scientific bullshit so that you can justify being a quack in the face of overwhelming evidence


I ain't reading all that lol

Jared Adams

Oooooh, you're an anti-vaxer! Why didn't you say so? Why type all that just to say "hur I eat poo!" I legit read that in good faith hoping to see what upset you so but it turns out you're just a dumbass.

m w b

Dore is like a shock jock at a station in a C-tier market, but for internet leftism. of all the grifts to fall for this is one of the funniest.


Bye Felicia nobody gives a fuck about how long you've had a job or how long you've been listening to a fucking podcast.


the Science Understander has logged on to lay down some raw truths about Mass Formation Hypnosis


I think I'm pretty much done with you guys at this point and will cancel my subscription at the end of the month. You've seemed really lost since Bernie dropped out of the primary without obtaining any concessions and ceased advocating for Medicare for all during a pandemic (ie at a time when to do so would be maximally impact full, suggesting that he didn't really care all that much about it). Then your towing the establishment/dnc/msm/corrupt cdc/big pharma line on vaccines, and the ignorance, mockery and contempt you and your viewers (in these comment sections) express for the pro-science, antiestablishment voices like Robert Malone MD, Pierre Kory MD etc and ultimately your being just so aggressively cucked and on the wrong side of medical debate, science, and history makes this original listener, 30 year registered nurse, and 4th generation communist doubt you're commitment to actual socialist principles (like solidarity with workers and the marginal against the ownership class and big business), and really just not enjoy your work anymore. I can't stop you from shilling for the ruling elite but I don't have to continue to pay to listen to it. I will use my money to support what's left of the actual left online which at this point is mostly Max Blumenthal and Jimmy Dore. I'm sure that this post sound's bitter, and it is. I have followed (and enjoyed) your work for many years now, and I feel disappointed, let down, and even betrayed by you.


Yes Etienne "massive condescending liberal cunt" are your words not mine, but they certainly fit. You need to understand, that you may be massively partisan on this issue, but I unlike you and clearly anyone else on this forum having been a registered nurse for a very long time can actually understand and follow the science, and if you think that the vaccines are safe and effective at this point, (and that Ivermectin, antiandrogens, and hydroxycholorine are unsafe and or a bad idea) then you are beyond cucked, you have fallen prey to mass formation hypnosis. Max Blumenthal did an excellent interview with the psychology professor who popularized this well recoignised psychological concept on rokfin if your interested in learning about how you came to be so tragically wrong. https://www.rokfin.com/stream/9705/Foreign-Agents-10--Covid-and-Mass-Hypnosis-wDr-Mattias-Desmet Or not. Feel free to go f**k yourself instead.


Send your home address bruh, gonna get you a nice fruit basket


don't let the door smack your ass on the way out Lilith


you cant be serious, for feck's sake, talk about drinking the kool-aid, by Jimmny Fuckin Dore , you actually referenced that dis-credited fuckin grifter, go fuck yourself asshole.


just to make it a bit more obvious, we're memeing a copypasta, the real OP of this stuff is one post above


I'd like my burger blow-your-mind style

chris dray

if you're taking solace in the towering intellect of Dimmy Jore, you're no loss i promise. why do you think anyone gives a shit about what you believe again?

chris dray

judging from the comment section, you guys are doing good work poking the most annoying people on the internet, so cheers for that


disappointed in my fellow paypigs for being unable to detect copypasta bait literally one post below the source lol

Zach Lemon

If the CIA has bots who can post this good, this really is a hopeless cause.


I guess you’re livin’ the dream bruh L.I.V.I.N.


Congratulations on doing something dumb as shit and thinking it’s cute


BMW - bifurcate my wig

Peter Queckenstedt

Raylan Givens was behind the wheel of that Prius.

Maxwell Harkness

update - the israeli government fell apart like 3 months after this! thanks tom!