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We’re joined by friend of the show, Episode 1’s own Andrew Hudson, to discuss his experiences as an ICU nurse throughout the COVID pandemic, and why he decided to quit. We also discuss Rod Dreher’s investigation into homosexuality in the far right movement, and Jair Bolsonaro’s return to the hospital.

Listen to Episode 1 here: https://soundcloud.com/episode-one-868768631

And subscribe here: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast/posts

If you want to check out Andrew’s original videos on why he quit the ICU, they’re on his twitter here:




William Beamish

Fun facts: You can definitely get COVID on an airplane but fresh air from outside is constantly being circulated throughout the plane via the engines; all the air also goes through massive air conditioning PACKS that have HEPA filters in them. Not as safe as being outside but it's not just 1 little can of air like most people think. (This is standard for all 6 abreast or 4 abreast jetliners). As well, during COVID it's been standard operating procedure to run the air conditioning/filtering packs before people get on the plane. Basically, if you get COVID on a trip it's probably gonna be in the airport itself

Bong Bong

Will's friends who got Covid didn't have to go to the hospital for two reasons: #1 they're all 25 year old Brooklyn hipsters, and #2 omicron is really mild. It's not solely because they're vaccinated that they didn't wind up in an ICU. Sorry, but vaccines don't make that much of a difference. I've come to expect the finger-wagging and Fauci-worship on this podcast (which used to be a lot funnier and smarter) but please update your rhetoric occasionally.

William Beamish

happy to be of service in the fun facts department. let me know if you need more!

William Beamish

not sure which data you're looking at but my interpretation from recent numbers is that the vaccines are very effective at preventing hospitalizations and ICU

Gregory Martin

it's killing a thousand Americans a day, that might be "mild" compared to delta's 4000 American's a day. But if you told someone from before the pandemic that a disease killing a thousand Americans a day was "mild" I still think they'd look at you like you have grown a second head.

Bong Bong

Yeah, and "it's 9/11 every day." Which sounds like a hysterical Republican talking point from the 2000s but now is being spouted by Chapo and much of the Left. Healthy young people were never at risk from Covid, vaccinated or not, but for the Left it seems de rigeur to pretend that a Covid "case" = death or at least time in an ICU. It doesn't. It never did.

Bong Bong

The data I'm looking at is my own Covid; just got over it. It was a mild cold, nothing more. I, who am unvaccinated, got it from my brother, who is vaccinated, believe it or not. I did not need to go to a hospital. Like I said, a mild cold.


Lol. Boo hoo podcast talked about real thing honestly instead of my fantasy world where I have an infantile relationship to everything so now they are liberals. God the listeners of this show are weird.

The Children of Jack Acid

Chapo also recommends drinking alcohol, which is nothing more than a big wet kiss to their love partners the DEMOCRATS (Who doesn't drink? Trump!!!!!!!), and they also wear shoes, just like a DEMOCRAT threw at Bush Jr. in 2005 (or whatever)! And since Biden loves socialism and so do they, we know whose dick THEY want to suck.


Lol. Where’d you get your degree from and what is it that you do for work exactly, “bong bong”?!


Also likely to not be “listeners” at all. Just saying..

Bong Bong

With the huge spike in Covid the past few weeks I find it hard to believe there aren't a few more people on this Patreon page who got Covid themselves and learned firsthand that it's not a death sentence. Are y'all really that stupid that you still think catching Covid necessarily equals time in an ICU?

Bong Bong

Hi Chris, I got my degrees from the same stupid liberal arts schools you did. My occupation is posting totally no-brainer, obvious shit on Patreon that shouldn't be controversial but for some reason is.

William Beamish

didnt your degree have some courses on research methods and shit at least? maybe you didnt do too well in those ones :\ If the vaccine is ineffective then why are a disproportionate number of unvaccinated people dying and going to hospital and ICU at a higher rate compared to vaccinated people? Canada had some numbers showing something like 20% of the pop being unvaccinated but them making up 1/2 of the hospital cases and 2/3 of the ICU cases Whats going on with that data if the vaccine isn't at least somewhat effective? No scientists claimed it was going to be ironclad protection

Bong Bong

Should have said I smoke bongs for a living. That's better.


So, my brother-in-low got COVID and he was vaccinated plus there were three people at work who were vaccinated and got COVID. How does your fancy math and percentages and fractions explain that ! Plus none of those people went to the hospital. Plus my friend’s friend got moo-carditis from the vaccine.


lmao being intubated sounds horrifying


you think ppl pay 5 a month to duke it out in the comment section?


Have you looked around at the world we live in lately? That’s like, the LEAST crazy thing I could imagine at this stage in time.

murt pie

It sounds like having one of those facehuggers from Alien sticking its ovipositor down your throat.

murt pie

Dude, the chapos and their circle have 25 pretty firmly in the rearview mirror at this point.

Zach Lemon

Classic right wing Cro-Magnon evidence. "Oh, you brought data? Well that wasn't my personal experience, therefore you're wrong." Nice. The fact you weren't in the percent of people who had a rough go of it is statistically meaningless.




Will truer words have t been spoken...AND IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE THIRTY MF YEARS AGO. Say it louder for the B's in the back.


Andrew Hudson you have every right . They need you more than you need them . Wow. Learned a lot from you. Just loved this episode.

Bong Bong

There's also plenty of evidence that Omicron is mild; I was just referring to my experience and those of people I know who got it. The WHO just dubbed it "less severe" albeit chafing at calling it officially "mild"; its comparative mildness is well documented. But if you want to pretend it's not significantly more mild than other variants, whatever. Triple up on your N95 masks and hyperventilate some more. The rest of the world is moving on from this pseudopandemic.


Yeah 800,000 dead and way more on the way, the world is moving on... into the next world. Honestly bud you're a POS, but I'm saying that for my own benefit, not yours.


Dude hate-watchers/hate-listeners are crazy sometimes. The sheer amount of cranks out there on the internet is mind boggling


Take more ivermectin you fucking dork. Why should we have universal healthcare when only unhealthy and old people mostly need care??

Bong Bong

OK, you've convinced me. Everyone who is not vaccinated has either died of Covid or will die of it soon. Omicron is not more mild than previous variants; it's much more deadly. Vaccinated people cannot get or transmit the virus. Universal health care is bad because even unvaccinated people get it; let's never do that. We need another two years of lockdowns and mandates; they work perfectly, we just have to do them more and believe in them. You've all changed my mind.


this is one of those episodes where you glance at the comments and are baffled as to why everyone is so angry


Why don't you go suck Joe Rogan's long weird nipples


Great episode. My buddy died from diabetes at 37 a few months back. The state was paying for his dialysis and whatnot but not giving him money for healthy food or anything else really. Infuriates me

Kevin Price

pretty sure the survival rate of intubation isn’t much better then a coin toss. Terrifying stuff


I'd be fucking psyched if I was Will with some rando guessing I'm 25


The 1000 deaths a day are still from the residual delta variant. there hasn't yet been a confirmed case of anyone dying of ormicron (dying with, but not dying of. You know, like how George Floyd died with covid but of being strangled to death). Ormicron is now overwhelmingly recognized as less severe then the flu, comparable to a seasonal cold.


It is horrifying, and if you were orally raped or molested as a child, then you can imagine how much worse it is even to be tied down by strangers and have this penis shaped object stuck down your throat for days on end (and you have no way of telling the nurses and doctors doing this to you about it until afterwards, because the trachy tube stops you from being able to speak).


They probably put their survival of the ormicron head cold down to the vaccine, the same vaccine that they're pretending didn't give their father a heart attack, and didn't cause their girl friends mysterious long covid like syndrome. The people on these pages have bought as deeply into the propaganda as the chapo boys. The lack of a left wing critique of these dangerous, ineffective, highly lucrative vaccines and the roll back of our human rights is shameful. For myself, every time they mention covid/vaccines I find myself toying with cancelling my subscription. They've seemed really lost since Bernie capitulated to the DNC, and their coverage of covid/vaccines has done nothing but covered them in s**t.

Hank Single

Hold on, you pay for this, and you think they 'Fauci-worship'? lol

Bong Bong

Lilith-- we're on the same page. I've enjoyed the show for many years but you're right, circa Bernie's capitulation they started going off track, and all throughout Covid their coverage has been indistinguishable from any mainstream outlet. Which is sad. Right now there are vaccine mandates and restrictions in NYC-- their own backyard-- that discriminate against people, disproportionately against African Americans. But have you heard one word of commentary about that from them? A single mention? Nope. None. They're into animal videos on Youtube instead. All the recent labor struggles that are going on? Especially if it's related to vaccine mandates, they don't touch it with a ten foot pole.


This is one of your best episodes. You can hear the trauma in the voice of your guest. My cousin is a doc in an ICU, and he looks haunted everytime I see him. The description of this looking like a war that was lost years ago was a brilliant insight.

Horse Badorties

Airplane facts: The air circulates from the top down so you don't smell your farts.


you're a solipsistic sociopathic freak, hth

Hector Jaime

Is it possible that the anti-vax machine pays people to subscribe and spread propaganda in the comments?

Hector Jaime

Sorry. I just realized I pulled the equivalent of “Russian bot” in my response.


my friend whos an icu nurse recently got covid and had to be hospitalized cus she was coughing so much she fractured her ribs

Lesley Anne Noelle

Andrew-Hudson-have-we-gotta-show-for-you… x(math math math)= 987% funnier* *opinion, opinion, opinion, opinion