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Matt's pronunciation of Albany at the end is how the identically named town in Western Australia is pronounced

Boaz Corey

I knew a guy who sold weed to Ford in the pre- American Graffiti days. Lived near him in Topanga Canyon when Ford was doing carpentry on the side. He did show me a photo of them together.


the bubba grail.


More hungover b.s.ing, prep less for episodes, no guests but zizek


One of the best episodes yet, love when you guys go on history tangents <3


This one fucking rules thanks!

Leon Sugarfoot

Can we get a pod about Elon's all-time greatest clap backs on twitter?? Him calling liz warren senator Karen was pretty damn legendary

The Children of Jack Acid

Those Catholic churches didn't show femurs just for people to look at. People believed literally that just touching the relic--or even touching the glass that the relic is stored behind, or touching that glass with a card and then touching that card to your grandma's forehead days later back home--could cure different diseases, or provide luck for a journey, or make a pregnancy go well, etc, depending on what saint the bone belonged to. There were even, no lie, saint relics where you were supposed to take your cat and press her crotch up against the glass of the case they were in, and doing THAT was supposed to make the cat not get pregnant. And don't forget also that MANY of these relics had this even MORE powerful ability: to get you access to heaven despite the fact that you couldn't stop thinking about some dude's butt.

The Children of Jack Acid

And it's both true and not true that the church "knew" the bones weren't real. In the Baroque period, the church folks in Rome stumbled onto a bunch of catacombs that had been filled up with bodies in the first few centuries AD. A lot of the catacombs were marked with an "M," and they assumed that must stand for "Martyris", meaning that these were all a bunch of Christian martyrs. (In reality it probably stood for "Marcus" or "Marcellus" or "Majora" or whatever the person's name had been in life, but the Baroque-era Church didn't know that, and there wasn't a big impetus to think about it much.) So, they decided all these corpses were martyrs. And if they were martyrs, "hey, we might as well make them Saints." And since they didn't know the actual names of these bodies, they would just assign them names like "Valentinus" or "Paulus" or whatever--it was just a name so they'd have something to call it, but wasn't supposed to mean anything more than that. And then they would send these full skeletons to little remote churches throughout the entire known Roman Catholic world of Europe and beyond, many of whom needed relics to encourage their congregations to stay, while also attracting donations by the aristocracy and visitors on pilgrimage--especially if they were in borderline areas where Protestantism was catching on! Seeing as how some churches previously grew famous for just having a shard of St. Jerome's hip bones, you can imagine how attractive it might be to attend a church with the entire BODY of a saint! But then a second misunderstanding happened, because these podunk little-hamlet Swiss Catholic priests or whatever would get a skeleton named "Saint Valentine" and think it was THE Saint Valentine, and be like "DUDE WE HAVE THE ENTIRE BODY OF SAINT VALENTINE!" and then spend a fortune having nuns weave gold eyeballs on it and pose it so it looked like it was sitting up on a divan. I feel like neither mistake--neither the "these random skeletons must be saints" step in Rome nor the "this Saint Anthony must be THE Saint Anthony" step out in the boondocks of Holland--were conscious deceptions, because the people who came up with this stuff believed it themselves. But somewhere in the back of their minds, they must have had some serious secret doubts. Surely at some point, in EVERY church, some naive little lay friar MUST have said "but this can't be Saint Anthony. Didn't the Prince Regent of our duchy write that he had see Saint Anthony's toe in Prussia (when our army was there murdering Germans)? How can THIS skeleton have all its toes if at least one toe is in a cathedral in Heidelberg?" And maybe there was a long silence, until finally some older padre at the back exclaimed, "Aha! Those German swine have a FAKE Saint Anthony toe!" And the very next day, the Prince Regent marched back to Prussia to murder more Germans.

Grant Larson

He ruins all his clapbacks pre-emptively by being such a cringey narcissistic dork, imo.

Omar Ghannam

Low energy matt is the funniest matt always

Ian Woods

34:10 - stone death masks from 4,000 years ago you say… *Roundabout by Yes plays in the background*