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Felix explains Twitter Spaces and his theory of the Swag Samsara. Then Will leads us through two pieces covering the Epstein case, one detailing the jury selection of Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial and one attempting to re-examine Jeffrey Epstein’s death and declare it definitively a suicide. Both are...interesting, in what they chose to say about their subjects and how.\

Tickets still available for our show NEXT WEEK, 12/8 at Asbury Hall in Buffalo:





"They had a whole dope area/ Known as Iberia/ " - F Biederman

Ascetic Blur

Ghislaine will walk in exchange for silence mark my words.


she's gonna "it depends on what the meaning of 'is' is" it the whole way. she's already a black belt in lawyer-talk


Does the article ever explain why a set of other inmates were "assigned to monitor him"?

Lesley Anne Noelle

‘Epstein : the Musical.’ (🤭…😆) I an SO ready.


Look, I'm not a "New York Media Guy", but is it common for four reporters in y'all's fair city to go in together on an article like it is a slice of New York City best city in the world imma walkin' 'ere pizza pie 🤌? Truly curious. Anyway, thanks for helping to destroy my brain. Preeesh


Google bookmark "zoneflooding'


If he was supposedly in high security there were likely long-term "guests" that, through good behavour had positions as custodians (heads of cleaning crews, the typical "guy who hands out books" you see in movies, that kind of stuff) its not *necessarily* sinister someone said to them "Keep an eye on this guy", but then its also not out of the question someone paid one of them to off him either.


I love the Bill Barr "perfect storm" quote. A perfect storm is one that is both inevitable and that everyone sees coming but can't do anything about, which makes that quote extra juicy.


RIP Acid Marxist


Every time they said Being Alive they were so close to doing a really good bit on Sondheim RIP.

Ryan Gullage

Respect to his family. Barefoot and pregnant as fuck.

Alistair Page-McGill

The glib last sentence of that article really reminds me of the casual "life goes on... until it doesn't" line from Eyes Wide Shut