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On this, the 58th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, we’re joined by Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone to discuss his new documentary “JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass”. We then discuss the continuing legacy and search for meaning in the assassination, as well as other ‘deep events’, with Covert Action Magazine’s Aaron Good.

JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass is now streaming on Showtime.

Check out Aaron’s new podcast with Covert Action here: https://www.patreon.com/CovertActionBulletin

Pre-order Aaron’s book here: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510769137/american-exception/

Grab your tickets to our 12/8 show at Asbury Hall in Buffalo:





That's what's so crazy, moderation is enough of a threat to the material interests and ideological aspirations of the deep state and the security state that a they orchestrated a silent coup.


Incoming long rant. I think Noam Chomsky is a kind of gate keeper for liberal discussion in America. He himself used to be a believer in JFK assassination cover up, but later on wrote "Rethinking Camelot" and because JFK wasn't 100% perfect human being that he "clearly" couldn't have been assassinated by the powers that be, along with the knee jerk "well it doesn't really matter cause we will never know the exact truth". Well we can certainly piece together alot of the evidence in front of us and make a rational conclusion. US government covering up the files for this long over "national security threats" is all you need to know about the US government and what they are covering up in the JFK files. Same with 9/11, along with the US government trying to softly push the theory "the Saudis did it" to appeal to American nationalists instead of looking in at our own government. It's time to declassify EVERYTHING the US government is keeping secret, one of the largest keepers of classified documents on earth. If Americans really saw every unclassified document by the CIA and processed the meaning off it, there would be a god dam revolution in this country. Also JFK prior to this death, was planning on and did cut off aid to the François Duvalier dictatorship and have AIPAC register as a foreign agent. So yes, JFK dying did have a huge impact on the world and wasn't just imperil re-management as the Chomskyites would put it.

Shane Wilkinson

Can we get an update on Zebulon please


" If Americans really saw every unclassified document by the CIA and processed the meaning off it, there would be a god dam revolution in this country." Not necessarily, if the average American could be convinced by the media that the things the CIA have done are Good, Actually™, which I think is very plausible. Hell, maybe they try and just make it a culture war or Dem/Rep thing to dispel any popular energy. Just pay whatever slack-jawed, soulless news anchor rightwingers have nowadays to say "Democrats are triggered that the CIA assassinated X leader or destabilized Y regime, and it's no wonder they think that these places are good. Do you really want these great United States of America to turn into *insert South American country here*? The Democrats do!" and it'd be forgotten in a week like almost every single news item for the last five years. As Matt alluded to on a Hinge Points episode, revolutions are tricky to pull off unless the people living under that regime genuinely believe things MUST change. It takes a certain level of material discomfort that the majority of Americans haven't reached yet. Things suck, but the emerging invisible slave class of gig workers keep treats coming through the door, and most people have housing and such. It won't last forever - hell, it doesn't seem like it's gonna last another decade or two if current trends continue - but simply telling people that their government sucks and does bad things wouldn't really do much. The federal government and senators and leaders are already quite unpopular - the Senate currently has a 75% disapproval rating, and yet nobody seems to be willing to do anything about the fact that they don't like how the government is currently run, except maybe people in sporadic protests and riots in cities that have taken too much shit from law enforcement (and, I suppose, Qanon wackos, but saying that January 6th was some sort of stance against the government is really overselling that mess). I think all that would happen if you released/leaked every classified document is that it would be merged into the shared delusions that Qanon has going on, and a bunch of blue checkmarks would start blubbering about how "even if the CIA does bad things it's still good at heart and keeps us safe and-" and then Biden would go and trip and fall on some inbred European monarch and all the media would move on.

Dick Van Sexel

"I was at boarding school"


45:08 oh hey Felix


not to do conspiracy theories but JFK was assassinated


Matt Crossin, you are an anarchist.


Patreon has worst UX of any app I've ever used. Got to find a better platform.


Isn't Oliver Stone the guy Chapo dunked on a while ago in his movie saying that golden painted homosexuals killed JFK? Why is he suddenly a respected authority?

Kevin C

Because he was/is a based liberal even if they disagree on larger topics he hits on and understands some of the broader more sinister forces in in our government then most of his contemporaries.They were also riffing on his movie as they do in all of their movie reviews

Jennifer Kraft

Can someone tell me the CIA link with World Vision? I grew up evangelical and their shit was everywhere.

Bong Bong

Whether Chapo figured it out or not, it was good they had Stone on because the critique of Jim Garrison as anti-gay is bullshit. It was a CIA-backed strategy trotted out by Jim Phelan and James Kirkwood long ago; there's nothing to it. There are problems with Garrison's investigation (re: Fletcher Prouty as a source, for instance) but that's not really one of them; if anything the anti-gay stuff was Stone's editorializing in his film.

Bong Bong

Stone also attended Yale. Congratulations, Captain Obvious; it's as if he grew up a bit privileged, much like half the Chapo guys. But I won't hold it against them if they don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.


Stone seems like a really cool guy, despite his inaccurate analysis of JFKs role in American imperialism. I get it tho, hes probably the least imperialist president of the 20th century.

Peter Lynn

Holy shit I just came here after finding out that Sean Stone existed. (qaa episode about Gaia 🤯) Clearly being conspiracypilled is genetic