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Welcome to our new mini-series Hinge Points, a tour of historical “what-ifs.” We’re publishing the first episode free to all. Subsequent episodes will post on Fridays exclusively to subscribers on patreon.com/chapotraphouse.

Matt and Danny Bessner, from the American Prestige podcast, take you on a tour of the history of the Social Democratic Party of Germany and explore the importance of the party's decision to vote to fight World War I. They examine the party's structure and history, the clash between party elites and workers, and the importance of nationalism, exploring why World War I represented such a devastating blow against international socialism.



Mack Gallagher

I know there are no ancaps on the Internet unless we post our credit card info, but I plead amnesty in order to say: this episode convinced me to actually give Marx a chance.

Mack Gallagher

Marx just explained to me that the reason why my factory wages can keep me alive but not pay for any further leisure or education is that the price of commodities (eg labor) tends to fall to their cost of production. Chapo has won at least 1 clean victory.


I love these history things you guys do.


Great concept! I could listen to Matt's insights forever! And Daniel's there too, I guess.


Summery: Emma Goldman was right about WW1.


For those interested in this kind of thing, should listen to Duncan’s “Revolutions”

Riley Bloomer-Ludwig

Great episode ! Would be interesting to have one on the Cultural Revolution.


Twenty years from now, while we're sifting through the irradiated ruins, we'll be debating the final hinge point: did Bernie really have to endorse Joe in 2020, just for a Senate committee chair and a not-going-out-like-Nader guarantee?

The Children of Jack Acid

I think it's funny that we're all fighting for solidarity, for shedding our mutual alienation in brotherhood and fraternity, for making people power work... but then somehow we get mad at Bernie for doing something we didn't want him to do. But seriously, Noam was right: what the FUCK would it have achieved if Bernie did NOT endorse Biden? Biden wouldn't have changed one goddam thing about his platform, and yet we'd lose tons of potential recruits to fighting capitalism. How could I look my DREAMer friends in the eye and say "Socialism is good! But the only way to PROVE one's socialist credentials is to allow Trump to maybe win again. You know, the guy who put your dad in jail for THREE MONTHS because he was born in Mexico and had a reckless driving felony in 1991. The guy who kills kids who look like your nieces and nephews. By not endorsing Biden, Bernie might ensure Trump's second term. But it's worth the potential death of thousands of brown people just so Bernie can stay 'pure!'?"

The Children of Jack Acid

(And yeah, Biden is only a LITTLE bit better than Trump. But that little bit better means thousands of lives that could have been ruined won't be. Should Bernie have thrown those lives under the bus to maybe get a WINK from Biden about not being a capitalist stooge? How would that possibly ever work?)

Jacob Teasdale

Will there be another hinge point today? I’ve been hoping all week.


I felt very dumb being confused by like 75% of this


Karl Marx = Hari Seldon?

Kyle Petty

Does anyone know a good book on the German revolution of 1918? If any of the Chapo guys actually read these or any commenters know then please post