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Attorney Steven Donziger faces sentencing for his criminal contempt charge. Will and Steven discuss updates on his case, the UN’s ruling his house arrest violates international law, and what can be done to support him.

Information on Steven’s case and ways to support collected at https://www.freedonziger.com/

Rally before Steven’s sentencing at 500 Pearl st. at 8:30 a.m. Oct. 1. More info here: https://twitter.com/SDonziger/status/1440085788759236609

Call in to his sentencing, Oct. 1, 10:00 a.m. ET

U.S.: (877) 266-8189

International: (409) 207-6980

More info here: https://twitter.com/SDonziger/status/1443617319163412490




Someone please tell Will that his name is not pronounced "Donzinger." There is not a second n in his name, it is pronounced Donziger like it's spelled, rhymes with bigger. The man himself doesn't mind because he has worse problems to worry about, but Will should say it correctly


Great interview and so important on the eve of his sentencing

Blake Patraw

will always finds a word to mispronounce multiple times each episode so im not surprised lol