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Pull up a seat to the Chapo Foreign Policy Desk, we’re joined by correspondents Derek Davison and Daniel Bessner to take a look around the emerging Biden-world.  What’s even the point of NATO anymore? What’s a Block of Four? Who’s up for a cold war with China? We’re bringing the Dutch East India Company back folks! And guss what? It sucks!!

Subscribe to Derek and Daniel’s substack Foreign Exchanges here: https://fx.substack.com/

And check out Felix & Matt’s new TV pod, Time For My Stories here:





As an Australian, I'm so sick of Australia trying to be relevant, just give up, let the US and India deal with it already. Why we even give a shit, I don't know.


Hello to anybody listening to this episode again, and it looks like the question of what NATO's purpose is has been answered - poke at Russia repeatedly to the point where it invades Ukraine, scream hysterically about how evil Russia is being and how we need to invest trillions into it again, try to get Sweden and Finland into it entirely contrary to their material interests as countries, and then forget to ask Erdogan if he wants those two countries in NATO and hilariously fuck that up. Meanwhile, the US refuses to go into that good night in Southeast Asia and South America.