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Libby Watson’s back in the house tonight. We start off with a roast of Rushbo, then continue to discuss America’s many failures, including the Texas winter weather disaster, Ted Cruz just like, in general, Biden’s latest townhall, and healthcare.

Subscribe to Libby’s substack of American healthcare nightmares here: https://www.sicknote.co/

Poll is still open for our all time Best-ofs eps ahead of #500 this Monday, fill it out if you have a minute!





Every day my family and I get up bright and early and give thanks that Rush Limbaugh is still dead


Matt is so on one this ep. Miss him so much ❤️


When he stumbled Biden wanted to say the “poor black kids” but caught himself mid-sentence & changed it to “kids who come from unprivileged” something something.

Vin Mariani

Thanks for the great episode, from Texas. My nephew's preschool classmate, her grandmother and siblings died from a fireplace malfunction the morning of Feb 16. Bill Hogan, the Harvard mad scientist who created the Texas power failure plan, says "market" about 6,000 times and fails to mention all the death and destruction his failures caused: https://www.hks.harvard.edu/faculty-research/policy-topics/environment-energy/understanding-texas-energy-grid-failure . But don't worry folks, Bill's gonna be OK.