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Julian Feeld from the QAnon Anonymous podcast stops by to update us on all things Q: where the movement stands on the eve of the Presidential election, what “soft Q” means, what the new generation of Q leaders look like, and where Q might go in a post-President Trump world.

Check out QAnon Anonymous here: https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous



Tyson Boyle

He also had a great solo project called Ris Paul Ric. Also a huge fan of Q and Not U, and got really excited when I saw the episode title.

Scot Forsythe

Im so tired of petulant dumb dumb idiot babies trying to score points on Noam like what the fuc is up with that yall have some serious zaddy issues

Daniel Simmons & Monica Pak

Don't know if anyone else is aware of this. The lead singer of Q and Not U is now an entertainment critic for WAPO. Huge fan.