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Comparing/contrasting this week’s Republican National Convention to last week’s Democratic National Convention and coming to very “Alien vs. Predator” conclusions.  PLUS: Call of Duty: Gladio and Matt’s presidential debates prophecy fulfilled.

Support the Milwaukee Freedom Fund: https://supportwomenshealth.salsalabs.org/mkefreedomfund/index.html 



Lizard Of Oz

I mean, are you out peacefully protesting? You’re definitely not the only one trying.

Peter Sullivan

I’ve joined in several marches for what it’s worth, but I meant specifically for contingency plans in the case of the full implementation of authoritarianism. I know we’re on our way but there are still a couple guardrails... maybe. I decided to start attending my local town halls. Idk I feel like I’m grasping at straws.

Marko Stričević

sooo where's the gofundme page fo gladio the game..