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A symposium on the State of The Orc in America.




I like this. it’s cute


I don’t bZ es


You know with the Bernie loss, I feel like Socialists don’t know what to do with themselves, but what I realized is that there is the chance to rebuild everything by teaching atomized citizens how to organize and collectivize. We can do it!

David Grier

Shadowrun best orcs


Orcs had such a good racial dps cooldown for so long, it was particularly busted in Pandaria. An Orc Fury Warrior's opener was just utterly busted. I could never parse like Horde players on the Alliance side during that expac, if I ever did it was barely.


Broken was a well thought out race too, but had to be made more palatable. Other fun ones like tauren chieftain didn' t make it to WoW


Unrelated to the Orcgasm, there’s a Netflix original show Felix absolutely fucking NEEDS to watch called Never Have I Ever. The premise is that there’s this Indian girl living in SoCal whose dad straight up dies of a heart attack in the middle of her school orchestra performance freshman year of high school, which makes her paralyzed from the waist down for some reason. She has a terrible freshman year, but over the summer she regains use of her legs trying to get a better look at a boy she has a crush on in the parking lot of a Walmart. With her legs back under her, she decides that sophomore year was the year SHE was gonna POP HER FUCKIN CHERRY with the hottest teenage boy in SoCal to own the LOSERS who called her and her friends unfuckable nerds forever. I couldn’t tell if the show was dogshit or incredible, but I KNOW Felix would probably have a heart attack like that chicks dad did while he watches it.


What lessons can we learn from the plight of the Forsaken? Poisoned en masse, resurrected as bound zombies, freed into undead consciousness, turned against the living humans that once were their families. What modern political body is best represented by that story arc?


Anyone have the episode title for the gambling episode of E1 mentioned?

Matthew Wylie

Was hoping for Three Inches of Blood’s “Destroy the Orcs” for the outro. Otherwise solid.

Alal Alal

You spergs spent all this time on a made up high fantasy story, but you couldn't care to remember the very real Orcus, a god of contracts? https://www.theoi.com/Daimon/Horkos.html


I really enjoyed it for the teenybopper show it was, I thought the season finale was very touching. The show goes from being about the premise of her popping her cherry to an exploration of her relationship with her mom. Furthermore the John McEnroe narration is awesome.


After rewatching it because my fiancé loved it, I’ve concluded that it’s actually an amazing show and I stand by recommending it for This is Sus. It’s an example of how something like This is Us could have been not total dogshit if the writers gave a single fuck about the audience, the plot, the writing, or the concept.