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Virgil takes a trip in the wayback machine to the Dark Days of the Bush administration to hear the story of Air America Radio from our guest and former Air America host, Sam Seder. We talk the rise and fall of America's liberal radio network, the continuing domination and influence of right wing terrestrial radio, and if there might be a future for the left on America's airwaves.




I was surprised Thom Hartmann wasn't even mentioned until the last 3 mins of the show and in a mostly unflattering way. For a lot of us, the introduction to the left via mainstream media started with Thom. I still tune in to the Professor on a regular basis, and from my understanding, he was a big part of Air America


Sam is best, left is best


Sam has been on Thom's show before and was very complimentary to him. Also, I don't feel he was mentioned in an unflattering way. Sam merely stated Thom did not come from a comedic background which is more prevalent on the left than the right.