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We get up all in those Gutfelds and gaze in to the abyss of Fox Nation, Fox News' new streaming video platform. Come for the dozens of ways to sample Greg Gutfeld content, stay for the simply wonderful portrait of Eric Trump: Business Genious.





Ryan McDowell

It must be painful to release a finished episode right when Laura Loomer chains herself to twitter hq

Mr Danks

mark my words eric is gary busey's kid, time will prove me right on this


French tcots call him macaron

Jesse C

Todd Starnes' All-American Panel narrowly edged out Todd Starnes' Blue Ribbon Hogs

Will Costello

spat out my coffee at Biffy Caltrops

Austin Williams

Do they address Nagle and Carlson sitting in a tree...?


One existing French tcot nickname, in the usual RW brainiac pun category, is 'Macrotte' ('Macrap', basically).


It will never not be weird to hear my hometown (Kokomo) shouted out on a Chapo.

Brian Taulbee

Phone won’t let me play this. Any idea why?


That pic of Don Jr. looks like Jonah Hill went on a 5 month long cheeseburger filled bender


A day late and a dollar short

Mätthëw Wïttmän

Merde-cron, right? Surely someone's already suggested that.


I rhink French tcots would say Merde-con, "shit dummy," or "shit cunt" for a literal translation.

Seth Reed

Hey, Gang! Sorry for the admin static but I’m unable to download the show from Patreon on an iPhone. Any hints? sethlr@yahoo.com Chapotraphouze greywolf and all that..

Brian Taulbee

The direct download isn’t working for me either.


Sorry, guys but gotta cancel subscription cuz too many problems with the player!!!


Where is my CHAPO



Christopher Price

Will should post the login info for every service he pays for but doesn't use. Use patreon to redistribute capitalist content.

Josh Mattyasovszky

I have 2 french cousins, and one of them (Louis) had a moped, and someone keyed 'PD' onto it one day, and I asked him "What does PD mean?" and before he could say anything his sister just said "gay twat" and I still giggle about it a decade later

Sam Broadway

lemme see what them gutfeld’s like?

Phil Hostak

Acosta: not only secretary of labor, but on the shortlist for AG.

Josh Mattyasovszky

These end-of-episode Felix rants are golden


There was a big scandal a little while ago because some teenager called Macron "Manu" (short for "Emmanuel") to his face. Macron got very upset and basically told him to "stay in school".

Lance Spencer

Can you guys review CRTV? I hate seeing their dumb ass commercials all over youtube.

Andy West

I was thinking of "Magroin" (Ma-(pig grunt)) or "Magrogne" (Ma-discontent), but as usual, the reality is even dumber.


Imagine how fast Don Sr. would get over Don Jr's. assassination lmao

Gee Mama

McRon. Now where's my car binch

Michael Bloomer

Don Jr. could get hit by the mob, but it'd probably because he called an underboss a bitch lib on his hunting forum


How could you guys miss the Andrew Jackson: Hero Under Fire show?


I'd like to see Chapo do a reading of Michelle Obama's book. It has been a while since the show has gone after liberals. The far right is too easy a target week after week. Cold open in Dubya's voice as he attempts to write an admiring letter to Michelle.


I found the Patreon app was damn near useless besides commenting. What I did instead of grab the RSS feed for my subscriptions and put them into iTunes (you can do it through Google Play as well). <a href="https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212055866-How-Do-I-Get-and-Use-My-Audio-RSS-Link-">https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212055866-How-Do-I-Get-and-Use-My-Audio-RSS-Link-</a> Since I did this, I've not had any issues getting content with Patreon.


*shivers* "Y-y-yo, where the FUCK is my content?" *shakes*


Are we supposed to accept Virgil's interview as an excuse for the lack of an episode?


If we holler at them loud enough they will deliver content. This is how it works.

Hank Single

I dunno, they're only being paid tens of thousands of dollars a year to do *squints* less than three hours of work a week, I dont know how you can expect them to be punctual.