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Josh Androsky stops by to explain Public Banking to us, and his work to bring a Public Bank to Los Angeles. We also talk about bombs, the problem of old people having access to the internet, and David French's attempt to pitch the NBA to conservatives.

Thanks also to James Adomian for bringing Bernie Sanders to the Yes on B rally.

Donate to YES ON B: bit.ly/YESONB-LA

website: publicbankla.com

explainer video on measure B: https://youtu.be/K5BVrvwgV8E



realm lich

Androsky fucking slaps. This rules. Get norman finkelstein on your show.


Finkelstein is honestly really funny. I am sure he could riff on his misguided teenage Maoist days.

bingo bob

I like when amber interrupts people


For the record Nick Young was dating Iggy Azalea

Daniel Petrovic

Of course it's Nazi GOLD!!! I would not expect Chapos to soil their hands with no fiat currency.

Brent Johnson

Unlock the public banking part

Thomas Sankara

Androsky is awesome- just raw and unsanitized

Igor Calija

"You must Pickle Rick to the polls" is the funniest thing a Chapo guest host has said in ages.

David Zysk

I've seen Finkelstein a whole bunch of times but I never saw him being funny. Is there anything online that shows his humor?

realm lich

I mean, we're talking about a really subjective thing here. But there's a series of videos on youtube where Frankenstein teaches a class about free speech. He was pretty funny in that. I mean, i'm never out-loud laughing at anything he's said, but more importantly than being funny, what he's saying for over three decades is deeply fucking important.


A Chapo episode? On time? Did Stavos sit you down and show you the Cumtown model?


See if you can find the clip about him talking about how he felt when his shoes were stolen while he was a Maoist. Also he's pretty funny in the Documentary at points.


I mean he doesn't joke about loud packs or anything.

Bryce King

Dude. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed lmao xd 111!1

skrrt vonnegut

Measure B, also known as the County of Los Angeles Safer Sex In the Adult Film Industry Act, is the law that requires the use of condoms in all vaginal and anal sex scenes in pornography productions filmed in Los Angeles County, California.

Reverend Carter

ilove the bass pro pyramid saga. the biggest grift in the city next to the grizzlies.


Comment on reclaiming laptop was a little glib: surplus can be extracted from any form of waged labour and all labour has its physical antecedents. If you're working from home programming for a company, then given a social revolution you can find some other more useful avenue to expend your time in conjunction with others, just as in a factory floor people would decide that in a plenum or something.

Robby Vocke

This episode, or at least the stuff about public banking, should be unlocked.

keith pulitano

Public banking would rule in nyc ( and elsewhere ) for labor unions. One of the biggest problems facing unions in construction is that the banks are funding the development of building using non union labor. During the crash this happened because developers said they couldn’t afford to build with union labor and the banks agreed to fund them, but now its common place and the developers are walking away with insane amounts of profit. The banks are so big that even when unions use the tactic of threatening to pull the pensions from the bank, the banks don’t give a shit at all. They have all the money in the world.


the Cosby trio rides again

Caitlin Barker

I never comment on these things but Nick Young was dating/engaged to Iggy Azalea.


correction: the ENTIRE memphis pyramid has been converted into a bass pro shop. also alex jones did a video outside the pyramid, claiming it was a previously a center of globalist occult ritual. there's a crystal skull or something hiding in the top. alex is very glad that it's a bass pro shop now, though.

John S

thought this was going to be boring but it was great


make this public

Michael S. Judge

I've been woken up so many times on cross-country drives by the transition from highway to bridge, opened my eyes, and said, "What the FUCK is THAT"

Reverend Carter

its a great monument to the real estate grifters who built it and still own like half the city.

Ronnie Gardocki

I liked the guest until I realized he was a Dodgers fan. Fuck the Dodgers

Daniel Carter

I like Josh but his model of banking is wrong. It reminds me of that old literary quote "fiction has to make sense where as reality doesn't". Franctional reserve banking is not how banks actually work. It's how they're supposed to work by law but as we learned in the 2008 crisis (or many other crises before if you were really paying attention. Banks don't follow the law. In reality banks don't loan out deposits. They normally just create the loan out of fin air. The Bank of England and Brundesbank have already admitted this. 95%+ new money in western economies comes from commercial banks not central banks. They create money then give it to you as a debt obligation, charge interest and still end up insolvent (losing money). It's magical!


Was it funny when Finkelstein called BDS a cult? I would guess most of Chapo's Patreon listeners would find that very unfunny. I doubt Felix would have much interest in an anti-BDS spokesperson. But a chat between Norman and Amber, maybe Matt, about the pitfalls of politics-as-identity could work. But not on a regular show. ... Re humor: I find Chapo funny & I find Jane Austen funny, both fall out of my chair funny. But Felix "Bang my back walls" Biederman has a different sort of humor than Jane "I do not want people to be very agreeable" Austen. Not easy or useful to mix.


No he's correct, depository institutions lend out of deposits. Central banks, such as the Bank of England and Burdesbank, are granted the authority to create money to buy assets or really anything. Your local banking branch is not doing this though.

Casper Kareem

Cant believe they got this wrong but Iggy Azealia was dating Nick Young at the time. Come on (meanwhile, Ariana just broke up with Big Sean at around the same time)

Andrew Crowley

Steve Ballmer is the owner of the Clippers. And Nick Young was engaged to Iggy Azalea.

Brian Hurley

Please have Abby Martin on thx

greg n simmons

Daniel is correct. Commercial banks do not lend out deposits. When they make loans they create money out of think air, which is how the great majority of money is actually created. But don't take it from me, take it from the Bank of England: <a href="https://positivemoney.org/2014/03/bank-england-money-money-creation-modern-economy/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://positivemoney.org/2014/03/bank-england-money-money-creation-modern-economy/</a>


Did you know that the members of Chapo Trap House are fallen Wizards AKA MUDBLOOD DEMENTORS??? <a href="https://medium.com/@nickwalther_65101/chapo-trap-house-is-a-gang-of-mudblood-beta-dementors-cucks-8d1c48955201" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://medium.com/@nickwalther_65101/chapo-trap-house-is-a-gang-of-mudblood-beta-dementors-cucks-8d1c48955201</a>


Anyone know what boomer fake news study he’s talking about?