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We celebrate our coronation as New York Times Best Sellers by inviting our friend Stavvybaby to finally enter the Trap. We talk a bunch of dumb shit about video games and a Certain Kind of archetypal American Dirtbag. Also, Stav shares a remarkable family story from the old country, Greece. Oh, and Matt V. Brady returns to give us an update about Australia's very own dirtbag culture: their Politics! Folks...

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ooohhh hell yes dude

Chris Cortezi

Oh fuck my boipussy!!!!


STAV AND MATT! I am cumming

Jake White

Cant wait to hear 1:08:59 of Stav cackling


A cupcake and a candy bar

Chris Cortezi

Stav’s laugh makes him second in command no matter what podcast he’s on

Les Doodis

The laugh that can make any podcast unlistenable.

Jammy Cooks

I've waited so long to hear my boy Stav in the trap


hell yea dude


Jesus it’s Stavros

Star BeLit

“Sleeping on a hot couch should be the new kissing babies.” 😂

Ben Poop

faaaaaaaaava beans


i've waited so long for this moment x

Les Doodis

Surprisingly tolerable, mostly because he laughed every few minutes instead of seconds. Greece story was great.

Brent Miller

I'm gonna need that song at the end of this episode.


This is a real feel good ep 👍🏻


I've laughed out loud for 3 minutes so far, good job gang


Didn't you feature the Smash Brothers on the last episode?

Charles Wild

Look up Joh Bjelke-Petersen for the inside take on the kind of guy Peter Dutton is


"like a victim of Hannibal Lector who has been mutilated but left alive as a show of contempt"


Hot couch guys have both worked at blockbuster and Best Buy


The posters are put up with electrical or duct tape


There is a shared copy of the game or the 48 laws of power in the apartment


If there is a pet, the poop has not been picked up

Axel Hansson Art

my local hot couch guy: skipped vocational school to play wow, beat his dad with a two-by-four for when he tried to take his computer and the first time he had sex he used a dog poop bag because he didnt have a condom


That's apparently the earliest (1927) known recording of Misirlou <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW6qGy3RtwY;" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW6qGy3RtwY;</a> it's amazing what Dick Dale did with that thirty-five years later (1962) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y3h9p_c5-M" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y3h9p_c5-M</a> [though apparently that song has been reworked frequently, before and after 1927 (I'm getting all this from Wikipedia; I'm def not a music expert)]. That's what Stav was talking about starting at 1:02:30, offering that 1927 Misirlou version as an example of what Greek chopped & screwed* music sounded like (*<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chopped_and_screwed" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chopped_and_screwed).</a> ~~ What a fun episode!


Ted Cruz: All I see when I hear that name is that video clip of him eating a booger off his upper lip. Can’t unsee that.


bring stav in more often I love that guy


Will was mostly right about the “spill the beans” moment. Mmkay Coppins had some tweets about how the Trump people had been shopping a story about Heidi Cruz having a major depressive episode outside of their home in the early 2000’s. I believe they spun to the calling her ugly, and the media went with the story because they didn’t want to do the depression story. My GF’s dad has gone full Q, but I remember him saying that they thought that Heidi’s episode was related to infidelity on the part of Tedward with a clerk in his office. Again, he has gone full Q, so take this with a grain of salt.

David Murray

Big dick warrior episode

Well aged meme

Personal Computer Computer

Chris McCarthy

We need a Chapo-Cum Town full crossover: a 9 man panel, plus maybe guests like Ian Fidance, Seth Dickfield, Jay Reno, Andre from Andre’s Steakhouse, Adomian’s Gorka, and Cumeatsioner Gordon all commenting on the news of the day.


just voicing my minority greywolf opinion that cumtown is garbage and i wish you guys werent associated with it

Brad Devine

Holy shit I was just taken back to a hot room where a NIN dvd is blaring and there’s a cage with 2 sugar gliders in it. I thought I had successfully blocked that out.

Spencer horne

“But were the people that gave you democracy and philosophy!”


More Stavros please!! 😍😍😍😍

Trevor Ewen

So many hot couches in my life. That was good. Unbelievably accurate imagery. Also been on a hot couch camping trip.


JESUS. The Hot Couch/Steinbeck analogy is so fucking spot on.

Quentin Roberts

Knew my own group of hot couch guys once. They actually called their giant, dirt-cheap trackhome the Traphouse. The walls were smeared with indigo from overcrowded parties. Strangers slept in the living room well into the afternoon. It never got to the DVD menu screen because the residents seemed to sleep in shifts so someone would always be playing FIFA. AMA


I can’t believe how good of an observation hot couch is. I feel like I’m in shock at how much it describes so many sad yet hopeful times in my life from 2008-2013. So fucking good.

Dylan Jones

This was an all time ep. fantastic

Tom Driver

Groundbreaking, eye opening, a tour de force


same, I listened to one cumtown episode to see what it was like and it just wasn't funny, then they dropped 'tranny' in a non-joke context and I noped out

Seth Panousis

I listened to this before bed and ended up tossing and turning, having feverish hot couch dreams, and spells of anxiety.


Cum Town is just a show about fucking your dad chill


Release an exclusive version of the audiobook with Stav laughing at every joke.

Chris B

Going to voice my majority opinion that you are a hand wringing bitch that doesn't get jokes.


Just merge with Cumtown already


^good example of what constitutes a cumtown “joke.”

Chris B

I love dumb guys that think they're smart. They just do a side eyes retweet and go "oh yeah?" and think they're witty.

The Cucksplainer

My hot couch guy passed away a few years ago. One time, when we were underaged, all our friends came out to shoot off fireworks in a public park. The cops showed up and we all ran back to his apartment. It was a hot couch room of twelve people.

Son of Samsung

Relatable. One of the funniest episodes


This is going to become a “hot couch guy” survivor’s message board.


Peanut oil

Chris B

Also you've changed your display name from your full name to you initials which I think makes you technically mad and nude.

Jake Zydek

regs dealers


unlock this, the world needs to hear it

Michael Davies

As an Australian living in Ohio, your comparison is dead wrong. Australia is what would happen if the Marines invaded Florida and the US shipped all its non-violent offenders there.


i dont get the references because i don't follow the bad podcast but "aspiring school shooter" sounds about right

m w b

Have you considered the fact that no one is going to force you to listen to it and whether or not Chapo is "associated with it" has absolutely no impact on your life whatsoever? It's okay to not like things that other people like.

Sean McDonnell

I am listening to this on a fake black leather couch i bought at Ashley's Furniture. Fuck man


The part about the captains chair got me cuz one of my hot couch guys in college actually referred to his shitty swivel chair as the captains chair

Tom Halliday

loose ep and i loved it... Stavy is charmer :)

Russell Hopkinson

I loved the hot couch guy theory, it really resonates across the ages. The hot couch guy in my late teens/early twenties in eighties Perth, Australia was an identical twin of a guy I played in a metal band with. Instead of a DVD menu on the TV it was usually a VHS of hellraiser or a Romero movie paused on some extremely violent bit. Of course HCG had elaborate theories on those bits.

Elliot S.

Goddamn. This brought me back to 2003. A TV was on the floor next to a mattress where games were played on the PS2. D&D games took until 3am to actually get started. Djarum Blacks were smoked religiously. Nickelback and Disturbed were saying things that were agreed upon at the time. Flash forward to 2007. Wake up in the bedroom of hot couch girl. The DVD menu is for Lucky Number Slevin with the movie on auto-play. The movie has probably played three times through the night and I’ve woken up to random parts at various points backward and forward in the movie. To this day I don’t know what the movie is about.

Chris B

I don't know if I would call them equal but Cum Town is like if Mad TV was still going in 2018.

calvin kilby

oh man i had a really cool hot couch guy i hung out with in my early 20's who i used to get fucked up with and shoot out street lights from his apartment with an air rifle. his place was fucking miserable but at least he always had weed. good times.

Yung Pattawan

Lol my hot couch guys also called their place the Traphouse. DVD music was the lobby music from Modern Warfare 2.

selectbutton dot net

Everyone talking about the Hot Couch Revelation but do not fucking sleep on the impeccable Baltimore Ralph

Bob K Ross

amber take me to Cannery Row!


I've seen this flare up off-and-on pretty much since the earliest moments of Cum Town & CTH. I'm a dude (though a somewhat old one now), so I can relate to the boys wanting/needing to get together occasionally to joke & trash talk, and collectively deal with dude shit in humorous ways. Shit talking various social/racial/gender groups has been Nick's shtick since I first "met" him as Nicole Mullen on Twitter and at Thought Catalog - "fun mom" and "teacher at a retarded school" - though I don't know much about Adam or Stav (I unsubscribed from CT early on, mostly because my non-woke brain missed so many of the references, and having multiple browser tabs open to Urbandictionary, KnowYourMemes, & Wikipedia was a tedious effort). IOW being problematic is part of the CT #Brand, which is understandably an issue for people who like CTH but not CT, and flares up due to the long and close relationships between some of the hosts in both podcasts. [Amber clearly loves the CT boys (and the feeling is mutual), but some of her young pals in the feminist Brooklyn literati strongly part company from her on this.] ~~~~ On a related matter, I'm curious as to whether any women who are in relationships with hardcore Cum Town fans find that the fandom "leaks" into their real life interactions. Women who run into this (assuming it happens at all) would most likely discuss it in the closed "girl chat" rooms where they can vent safely. In any event, it seems to this old guy that asking in first or second dates about podcast (and other media) preferences is a good idea, if this is important to you.

Starry Pr1nce

Holy shit this is a top ten episode


This is a great episode -- one of your best ever.


Hot Couch is a cultural touchstone.


<a href="https://youtu.be/hJ2YEx_BazM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/hJ2YEx_BazM</a>


Stav is a plague on the ears.

Robert Nelson

We're gonna talk about something serious with serious guests today *spends 30 minutes talking about hot couches*

Fairest Booler

Hot couch talk may be the best thing I've heard all year

Robert Logan

I've been with the hot couch and the hot couches have been with me. See you in 25 years

Mitchell Burns

Holy shit I had that same hatchetman hockey jersey. Black with red hatchetman and yellow stripes on the sleeves.


That Chomsky impersonation was amazing😂😂

Richard E. Thiemann

This is an impassioned plea; please unlock this episode on the regular Chapo feed. I am from Central Illinois River Valley, and our spirit animal of adolescent transition from a boy in the garden to a man in the forest, is a synthetic leather piece of furniture. And it's cool to the touch when you pass out, but uncomfortably warm when you wake up. I need to share this religious experience with others.


Someone upthread posted a YouTube link to that part of the podcast; runs 23 minutes: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ2YEx_BazM&feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ2YEx_BazM&feature=youtu.be</a>

Ryan Fellhauer

the hot couch guy I know: compliments or critiques everyone on how loud their piss stream is

Jon Lyons

Great goddamn episode. I haven't laughed this hard at Chapo since I first started listening to you guys. I dated a hot couch girl for a while. She had a pair of lizards and like no furniture (except for the couch) and her friend was always there getting drunk in the kitchen for some reason.

Katherine Merrell

Wall to wall carpeting with hella gross stains all over it

Jonny confuse by corndog

Love this episode and everything about it. Stazzy's story about his Grandfather was amazing!

Nathan Barton

Realized last night that every chef on kitchen nightmares is a hot couch guy

Rory Mullan

make this one free kings - hot couch riff is legendary and stav fits so well. one of the best chapo eps ever

Karl Germ

holy shit, when Stav does his Baltimore Guy impersonation to promote the live show, he sounds exactly like a hot couch guy I know. He was the fat kid in high school that everyone loved because he was fat but probably would have hated if he wasn't, his whole house was a hot couch room, he had a month of being "straight edge" because he was a huge wrestling fan and CM Punk was a big deal at the time so he tried to not be a stoner or drink and drew Xs on his hands and shit...he started doing amateur wrestling despite being incredibly unathletic, he was a juggalo and started basically an ICP Tribute Band/knock off. holy fucking shit

Egg Moron

This hot couch conversation is why Trump won

Michael Benedetto

There was a band in Pittsburgh around 05'-09' or so named Ninjas Who Met God. Definitely a hot couch band.

David Sacks

48:37 - 49:51 should be the preview on the Soundcloud page. I thought this was actually beautifully stated.

Less Than Clever

I have close friends still living the hot couch lifestyle in their late 20's. I visit them a couple times a year just for the nostalgia

Yairo Martis

Love that Stavvybaby