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We're joined by trifecta Chapo guest, the Daily Beast's Will Sommer for updates on the extremely online right, including the recent Patriot Prayer Proud Boy rally in Portland and a look at fractures in QAnon community and mythos.  This leads us to revisit what may very well be a foundational text of QAnon: Steven Seagal's "The Way of the Shadow Wolves".

Ending music: The QAnon Song by Thought Gum

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Patreon needs to do something about its player cuz it's a major POS

Axel Hansson Art

loved it but that outro made my scalp crawl into my skull with embarassment

Josh Mattyasovszky

Man I'm not a big fan of Immortal Technique's latest drop...

Doug Cartel

Qanon didnt so much move the overton window as much as hurl a tv through it while it was closed

Gary Lott

HAHA! Sommers eps are the fucking best.

Frederick Von Drasek

...this one should be on the free page. Your predictions of the last 12-18 months that this would become part of the right mainstream are coming true...

Rory Blank

I had a stomach bug all of tuesday and ended up laying in bed reading about anon drama and attempts at definitively ending Q Anon. This is basically the perfect episode I could have hoped for this week. That said, I am also deeply concerned that it has passed the point of no return, and cannot be stopped. People have invested enough into it, and the narrative is so much based around paranoia and distrust that I think even if the people initially responsible for Q publicly outed themselves and provided substantive evidence that they were behind it, that it would be immediately rejected by the adherents. There's no backing out now and we just have to accept that this is our politics now into perpetuity.

Thomas Figueroa

What game was Virgil playing? SMT Dx2 liberation?


will, virgil, matt is consistently the best host combo

Stank Aaron

That fucking song curved my spine


IMHO. This Qanon bullshit could be the Occupy Wallstreet of the farthest of right chuds. Every time these people organize, they're humiliated because similarly in the beginning they were organized, and similarly it devolved into chaos under external pressures. My fear however, is that the right has not learned that being the absolute units of stupidity do not have the capacity to stop itself. My fear is Matt is right, and my fear is Matt might also be wrong, and America will fall for liberalism similarly as they did and elect a Nancy Pelosi clone for every state. Either way, the police will never oppose the growing right like they have during occupy wall street that caused its collapse. Our only hope is that they really are that fucking stupid and their central organization have no control over their shit eating base. My greatest fear is that the lack of control has become its central organization, and it's never going to end until it becomes some bizarre Scientology-tier shit for extremely online men. Scientology has been humiliated time and again, and they threaten anyone who "defames" them. This is cult behavior, and the endorphin rush of being in the cult keeps it active no matter how humiliated they are. But unlike Scientology, or other cults, these people are a political cult of personality about the lack of success of themselves. But instead of, as the past has shown, liberalism has ruined the image of the left, which could help them. But this has changed. They're not going to change until they get what they want; they won't get what they want fast enough. This is how violence begins. How violent? Who can say. Violent enough to tarnish their image among the American people? Only time can tell.


Also if an economic recession happens, what will America fall for, liberalism or farther right fascism? Not in perhaps total control, but wider spread violence towards people who made themselves known as left or a minority on the internet. On one hand, these people could be fucking manchildren who just posture and this will continue into an economic recession. And on the other hand they could be fucking manchildren willing to have an excuse to identify and threaten anyone who opposes this mass mob of stupidity. How will this excuse the further militarization of the police? With no change to their structure? The answer is how much faith you have in America.

Dan Hartmann

It's the Bullshit Asymmetry Principal,


If Europe can do it, America can do it better. In my opinion, I have no faith in America's future for human rights and their defense of old fashioned fascism and the defense of Dixy. I have no faith in its economic future. Climate change will accelerate all of our social problems. And this cult of personality can be revived over and over until it's 2068 and its just fucking turf wars with little opposition to them. You cannot have good faith on the faithlessness of men so forceful on the identity of their stupidity AND GREED.


They're just so invested in this stupid nu-cult bullshit that I never see them stopping their investment because they have nothing left because they've become unemployable. I really fear this shit will get worse, without getting better.

Bjorn Harlson

Goodspaceguy is a shithead lol. "Futurist libertarian" is a good description

Bjorn Harlson

There was also a dude in the WA democratic primary who wants to bomb china with 40,000 tomahawk missiles.


The future is very large and in charge fat chuds who have their one minute of hate and heil Q, a man most likely 5'4 and 240 pounds who can't escape his house without rolling down the stairs convincing everyone he's a CIA agent and/or Kennedy. There is a coming economic recession. Nature itself will reject humanity as we out compete all life, and we corrupt the atmosphere. The oceans will be filled with dead fish. And we are in some kind of nightmarish Jacob's Ladder hell, instead of accepting his demons and going to heaven, we're in a very real world of nightmares that will only get worse as we age. The only hope we have might be the declining average span of life of the average American killing us early to escape this deeply American fate.


The growing consensus I feel of people around me is that in every possible way, we are headed for some kind of social catastrophe only America could create. Then again I could be wrong. But when tens of thousands of people believing this shit, willing to get worked up to possible further and further violence, against the left and minorities; because they've adopted liberal tactics of persecution that might be actual. These people are not, they have power, they have lawyers, they have the police. And the future is one where ecological collapse occurs and agriculture and climate change, just fucks everything up.


I don't want to be right, and I want to feel like some strange street preacher, but all of this feels like its headed towards a future of America's national self expiration.


Come through Austin!

Nate F.

come to the SOUTHEAST. Atlanta? Charleston? Raleigh?


A future where Steven Seagal created a cult of personality around a fake secret agent and brought America to it's knees, socially and politically and tried to help us, but brought upon a Children's of Men World. What else do you have to believe, there is no hope.


The year is 2066. Horse girls who aged into 38 will be put into Q terror cells bent on turning them into porn stars who birth white children, so when the time comes on the front lines they're wearing revealing clothing squatting and above them are an obese chud paramilitary who's fathers were less chuds, and their fathers were less chuds, they're chud juggernaut units. They are exterminating everyone who gets in their way with 3D printed guns, and everyone has because so addicted to big ass and milfs because nobody can afford to have a family, you can't kill milfs. The field of war will be 147 degrees Fahrenheit. Everyone is sweaty. Water wars have begun. Crops are gone, it's all gone. The money is gone. And upon the little horn upon the beast is a flag, and the flag has the letter Q. The beast that comes from the ocean has a goatee. It has sun glasses. It is Steven Seagal with the limbs of a lion, the body of a dragon, and the neck of a snake. Riding atop the Great Beast is the lawyer of Stormy Daniel's, the new perfect American hero who unified men into the sin and darkness of the masses. As the Others and minorities of America long hated are systematically exterminated in a brutal campaign of terrorism, the beast grins, and it is outside your window. You never thought it would come to this, you never thought the world would end this way. "That's what you get motherfucker........you crossed the wrong man........................who's laughing now.................................Look at me....I'm fucking gigantic......." The last image you see is Steven Seagal's grin and his little horn with its flag atop him, he is as a titan, a beast of myth; and he is staring into your soul right outside your window. His head bursts through duel pane glass and dry wall, your screams are made silent by the laughter of Michael Avenatti, President of this False Holy Land of darkness. Steven licks his great maw. His breath is hot, acidic. like stomach acid. You know what's coming next. You've never been more horrified in your life. The beast roars "It doesn't work.....if the bad guys kill his mother's uncle's......friend's neighbor's......pet dog........You've got to make the stakes high bitch............"

Chanel Bell

Nah fuck y'all for that outro

Will Burley

Any plans for Midwest tour this fall?

James Proulx

How can this be real? Do these Q people really believe any of this shit or is this some kind thing where they just like to trigger people?

Matt lawlor

Chapo got no love for the South either...


I think Will's right in comparing them to 19th century cults; you will have to treat them like the Czar treated the Doukhobours and in 100 years they can sell their quaint artisanal posts to tourists

Jason Lee

Is it just me or does the podcast only play on the left channel?

Cody perez

damn that closing song is so firrrrrrreee

Alex Stone

What is the name of the outro...shit is fire


that ending song is cancer


are you really going to go through this whole episode pretending that antifa isn't the same exact thing as the proud boys?

Chuck Thunder

I like how you guys just did a whole episode making fun of people for ozy fest and going to see the news live, then announce a Live Podcast Tour a month later

Luke Thompson

I need more of Will’s Lee Stranahan voice


They are, and they're right, and you're being a small bitch


"fuck they're going to bars, better cancel my $5 I use to pack my mouth to the brim with Wendys until I unhinge my jaw to let the gullet gulp down the slop. Fucking five dollars...and they want to tour? After making fun of the queen of snakes? Unreal, fucking unreal. You guys sold out, enjoy being human, I'm going to listen to Tom Perez instead, he's a beast of burden just like me. Anyways, can't wait for the new ep"


Matt brings up a point about QAnon & detective work. Growing up between Jerry Falwell's Lynchburg and Pat Robertson's Va Beach, my friends and I spent countless hours searching for numerological clues in the Bible about current events and the end of the world. Often among and guided by adults, inc pastors, teachers, doctors, business owners. Even after we knew it was stupid, even after all the prophecies fell apart... it was like Dungeons and Dragons for people who weren't going to hell.


lmao that seagull put the damn FEMA "white boxcars with shackles" conspiracy in the book


Welcome to the next big fad in white sound cloud rap. Terrible political education about a man who may be Robert Kennedy's ghost or body double. They tattoo The Truth is Out There onto their foreheads, and Molab Labe onto their chin, obscured by neck hair. They all get angry they're not doing Q justice and start shooting one another but they survive due to their sheer unit size, and die of heart attacks and blood clots instead. I can't wait for more.


Incidentally the chans have had a long infatuation with child porn. That's where the "cheese pizza" thing originated, along with "delicious flatchest", beatdown brigade and large segments of 7chan...

John Wilson

Q is literally a Psyop. I’m not sure why it’s so hard to believe.

Justin Buell

That song at the end is FIRE!

Ivan Ivanovich

💕💖 Thought Gum 💖💕

Cody Roach

how do you manage to listen to this show and hold this opinion?

Michael Kelly

I think I would enjoy the bleakness from the whole group (save Virgil and Amber) and booze-infused despair from Matt dressed up as defensive snark more if these guys weren't clearing 100+ K a month from this. Listening to Chapo a lot these days when they venture into current events & political analysis seems like a wittier and less insane version of the very things they are critiquing in this episode and the others they do on the alt-right, many of whom are also profiting handsomely off the despair of their listeners. I compare this to some of the other lefty podcasts I listen to these days (Struggle Session, Michael Brooks, Delete Your Account) that somehow combine lots o' snark with attention to on-the-ground activism and organizing without the increasingly apocalyptic view of the original dry boys.


I’m super smart and insightful because chapo being too successful reeks of what I think is hypocrisy. I am also very beautiful and ladies should date me.

Mitch Byrd

Any information as to how the money is used? I'm okay with the take as long as they're not just banking fat stacks.


mr chapo send me your money

Marcin Baran

So your problem is they are making money now, yet continue to do a kind of show they are good at and which brought them listeners?

Michael Kelly

no the despair wasn't there the same before, there was more whimsy more righteous anger, now it's just a lot of we're all fucked, nothing can really change it, but buy our book or see us on tour. It's not everybody on the show (and not all the time), but it is palpable from the original 3, esp. Matt and it would be more compelling if they weren't profiting so much off the simulation now.


How much money they make does not effect the material reality of the situations they're discussing. If you're offended by this, you shouldn't be on the internet. Who honestly gives a fuck, the people they're criticizing make Chapo look like they're making chump change anyways. You have disconnect on the severity of the topics they're discussing


This whole contest on inauthenticity is hinged on the idea you know the creative process better than most people here. Which is condescending. Everyone knows the stakes, you don't need them to be repeated ad nauseum

Michael Kelly

appreciate your fire JB: my point isn't to critique their creativity but to argue that as the show has gone on, they are reverting back to playing their hits, which unfortunately for Will and Matt is just depressing and overly apocalyptic. And I do argue that they can get there now to that space unlike maybe some of their wage slavin' fans because they are making real $$, just like the asshats that they savage on the right who peddle despair to their peeps. And no they aren't often discussing "material realities" like some of the other lefty podcasts they helped inspire. Most of the time when they talk current events or political analysis these days, they're just up their own ass more than anything. And hey, I'm still here, so what do I know? I've just been around almost 50 years and I know that this kind of despair doesn't move us anywhere, it just paralyzes people.

George Probert

Cool to hear Felix rapping at the end. Does he have a soundcloud page now?


That closing track fuckin bangs

Garett Miller

If Trump and Seagal meet, Seagal is gonna get offered Director of the CIA by the end of the meeting

Incog Negro

Jigga the Krys sippa, wrist glitta, six dippa could not drop a hotter 16 bars son!!!!

John Krumm

Hey, I stumbled across this guy this morning. Looks just wacky enough for you guys... <a href="http://kevincraig.us/red-dead.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://kevincraig.us/red-dead.htm</a>


Elon Musk's brother really needs to enter the Chapoverse... <a href="https://twitter.com/kimbal" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/kimbal</a>


Sometimes some of us want that, and it certainly comes the most from Amber and Matt, Michael, but what I'm saying is I'm paying here to have my fate vaguely described to me so I can laugh about it. Not glimpse it firsthand all the time. Most of us should read actual sources instead of podcasts, to see the truths of our ugly fates. Chapo, while branding itself partly that, isn't that. It's for beginners, and people who do know, well at least this is all pathetic enough to be funny.

Jeff Grey

I don't know if it's significant or not, but "black hat" and "white hat" in addition to the obvious cowboy movie allusion, is a term from hacker culture. Black hat's are the people breaking into systems, and the white hats are sysadmins or security consultants that are supposed to stop it from happening. The term applies whatever the point of the hack is, whether one is an activist trying to expose information or whatever or just someone trying to steal credit card numbers. The idea being that the person trying to break security is the "outlaw" and the one trying to bolster it or catch intruders is the "sheriff." I guess it kind of makes sense in the Seagal novel, since the villains are doing weird stuff with their deep state powers and the "white hats" are people who didn't get the memo that they're supposed to be cartoonishly evil. I guess it might apply to Q theories since they're obsessed with their ideas as to how national security works and influenced by 'chan culture which was in turn influenced by online prankster culture.

Jeff Grey

Also, is "34th degree Bubba" supposed to mean that the bad guys are in some super-secret bonus level of Masonry? Like famously the Freemasons have 33 ranks, or "degrees," and there's various conspiracy theories about how you get let in on all the super-secret information when you reach the 33rd degree or that this top rank is where the Illuminati or whatever recruit their people from. I guess Seagal putting that in is an interesting bit of old-school paranoia to toss in with all his Obama-era right wing paranoia.


felix has really upped his rap game

Christian Martinez

bro where on Facebook can I find the music video of the guy rapping at the end?

Nathanial Miller

This one hits different in 2021 lol


McGinnis Has always been a pussy.